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学校编码:学校编码:10173 分类号分类号 密级密级 学学 号:号:3460513170 UDC 法法 律律 硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 消费者个人信息的法律保护研究消费者个人信息的法律保护研究 A Research on Legal Protection of Consumers Personal Information 杜丽诗杜丽诗 指导教师姓名:指导教师姓名: 王岩王岩 作作 者者 年年 级级: 20122012 级级 论文答辩时间:论文答辩时间: 20152015 年年 1010 月月 摘 要 当前,消费者个人信息的安全一直受到社会关注。消费者个人信息作为 新兴的社会资源,极大地帮助了经营者降低经营成本,制定正确决策和扩展 市场。而随着社会通信科技的发展,消费者个人信息产业化带给每个人若干 种通信交流方式,这些方式在为人们带来便利的同时,也导致了许多困扰。 如今,泄露或不正当使用消费者的个人信息现象比较多见,经常有人抱怨说 自己的手机垃圾短信不断,垃圾邮件众多,甚至还有些消费者的个人信息因 为泄露而引发了许多犯罪案件。个人信息被非法泄露和使用不仅给人们的生 活带来诸多不便的同时也对人们的人身财产与个人隐私安全构成严重的威胁。 我国 2015 年的消费者权益保护法已经正式实施,这是消费者个人信息 保护立法的重要里程碑。但由于司法、行政、立法、执法等方面的缺位,构 建完善的消费者个人信息保护机制还言之尚早。 2009 年,中华人民共和国刑法修正案(七)中就严格规定了国家机 关单位工作人员牵涉到出售公民个人信息并且情节严重的,处三年以下有期 徒刑或拘役并处罚金”。这一规定虽然有助于保护公民的个人信息,但是该 规定过于笼统,只规定了“违反国家规定”的情形,所以该规定的实施还离 不开具体法律制度的协助。随着这些年个人信息泄露频繁发生,消费者权 益保护法的最新修订中便规定经营者需承担相应的法律责任。不过比较国 外而言,我国对公民个人信息的保护依然存在很多不足。国际上,美日加拿 大以及阿根廷、澳大利亚、韩国等国家都寻求保证信息正常流通基础上保障 个人信息的安全。公平信用报告法、录像隐私保护法、关于消费 者财务信息的数据隐私规定等都是很有力的监控手段。欧盟自 1995 年颁 布关于自动处理个人数据信息的保护以及此类数据信息自由流动的指令 以来也逐渐形成了较为完整的个人信息保护体系,这些法律为欧盟成员国相 关法律规范奠定了坚实基础。由此可见,消费者个人信息的保护在全球各国 都受到了重视,许多国家都通过立法体系来保护消费者个人信息。 本文主要通过我国消费者个人信息法律保护的研究来提升我国国民个人 I 信息的安全。首先,本文解释我国消费者个人信息的概念、特征以及侵权的 主要表现形式,同时提及到保护的必要性,接着本文深入了解我国现行立法 是如何保护消费者个人信息并系统分析目前我国消费者个人信息保护所面临 的困难和尴尬。通过考察其它国家及地区对个人信息的保护经验和现状,最 终剖析我国立法不足之处后而提出相关的完善建议,希望对我国个人信息方 面的立法和相关体系完善有借鉴和指导作用。 关键词:消费者个人信息;法律保护;立法体系 ABSTRACT The security problem of consumers personal information has always been a focus of social concern. As a new social agency resource, it greatly helps the operators reducing the operating costs, making right decisions and expanding markets. Nevertheless, with the development of social communication technology and the industrialization of consumers personal information, people have several kinds of pattern of communications, which bring convenience, but also triggers many problems. Resulting in a large number of consumers information leakage and improper use. Frequently, people complain that their mobile phones spam messages, junk emails constantly, and even the leakage of information that caused crimes. This illegally leaks and uses in crime cases becoming a major problem in citizens lives. It not only brings inconvenience, but also poses a serious threat to personal, property and privacy. The formal implementation of the new Consumer Protection Act has been concerned by the community; this is the milestone of the consumers personal information protection legislation. However, due to the lack of judicial, administrative, relief and law-abiding, it is still early to build the perfect mechanism. Early in 2009, Criminal Law Amendment of the Peoples Republic of China(7) in the prescribed state agency or the financial, telecommunications, transportation, education, health care and other units of staff, in violation of the provision of the state, the unit in the performance of their duties or provide services in the process of the personal information of citizens, sold or provided to others illegally, if the circumstances are serious, with a penalize of imprisonment or criminal detention of less than three years, and a fine or single fine to forfeit. This provision while helping to protect citizen personal information, but it way too general, only the situation of in violation of the relevant provision of the state, so the implementation of the provisions is also inseparable from the specific legal I assistance. With the increasing of the personal information leakage, the effective of the protection is more and more needed. In the latest revision of Consumer Protection Law Act, includes the protection and provides the obligations and corresponding legal responsibility of the operators. Yet take a serious look at the new Consumer Protection Law Act, it still in a lower level in our country, the relevant legislation still has many problems. The United States, Japan, Canada, Argentina, Australia, South Korea and other countries have relevant legislation to safeguard the softy of consumer personal information. For example, The US is seeking to ensure balance between information circulation and protection of the security of personal information legislation though under the guidance of the formulation of multiple laws, mainly include the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Video Privacy Protection Act, Consumer finance information data privacy rules, etc. The European Union as the earliest attention to regional organization for the protection of personal data, since 1995 promulgated the automatic processing of personal data protection directive of free flow of information and the data, after more than ten years of development formatted a complete legal system, not only unified the member nations substantive law, also developed relevant domestic laws and regulations for EU member states laid the foundation. Thus, in many countries, the PPI of consumers gets mo
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