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英语语法练习题(名词性从句部分)名词性从句部分1._ I want to know is _ it is worth doing.A. What; that B. What; whetherC. That; why D. That; what2._ visits the Great Wall will be struck by it.A. Anyone B. EachC. Whoever D. Everybody3._ the workers insisted on was that they _ more pay.A. That; must be given B. What; should giveC. Whether; would be given D. What; be given4.She asked _.A.what I was doing when she rang me upB.What was I doing when she rang me upC.When she rang me up what was I doingD.When did she ring me up what I was doing5.Writing stories and articles _ I enjoy most.A. is that B. are thatC. is what D. have been what6.He asked the tailor _.A.how long would the coat be readyB.how soon would the coat be readyC.how long the coat would be readyD.how soon the coat would be ready7.The policeman came up to see _.A. what the matter is B. what the matter wasC. what was the matter D. what is the matter8._ he told us is a _. A. That; lay B. Which; trueC. What; lie D. Whose; truth9.It was not until the headmaster came _.A.and so the students got down to workB.did the students get down to workC.that the students got down to workD.then the students got down to work10.I wonder _ this kind of metal can be used in the construction industry.A. how B. whatC. about D. which11.- _ you did?- No, as a matter of fact I didnt need to.A. Is that what B. Is what thatC. What is that D. Is that which12.She is pleased with _ you have given her and all _ you have told.A. that; that B. what; whichC. what; that D. all; what13.They expressed the hope _ they would come over to visit China again.A. which B. thatC. whether D. for which14._ I wanted to say.A. Such was what B. What was suchC. Such was that D. That was such15.They have no idea at all _.A. where he has gone B. where did he goC. which place he has gone D. where he has gone by16.No word came _ he joined them in playing football.A. that B. whetherC. which D. what17.Word came _ she died of old age.A. that B. whichC. in which D. how18.Cant you find out _ wrong with the TV set?A. which B. thatsC. whats D. where is19._ they will have a gook harvest this year is still unknown.A. Whether B. IfC. Which D. That20.All the books are here. You may borrow _ you like.A. which B. thatC. what D. whichever21.The news _ to Shanghai delighted all of them.A. they would go B. which they would goC. that they would go D. would go22._ is that I have promised to make friends with the dishonest girl.A. The only thing what I regret B. What I regret mostC. All what I really regret most D. What that I regret most23._ she is living now is not known to anybody.A. Whether B. WhenC. Where D. Why24.This is _ the river has been polluted.A. what B. whyC. that D. whether25.That is _ he was born.A. what B. thatC. where D. whether26._ a good thing they didnt catch you.A. Thats B. ItsC. Theres D. Whats27._ a pity I didnt see you.A. Thats B. WhatsC. Its D. Theres28._ surprised me most _ to see some of the village people seated on the benches at the end of the room.A. What; was B. What; wereC. That; was D. That; were29.He asked me _ I was sure my mother _.A. if; will come B. if; would comeC. that; will come D. that; would come30.It is said _ Mr. Tom has arrived in New York.A. that B. whichC. what D. why31.John dashed back into the room, and saw _.A. what wrong was B. what was wrongC. if
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