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Unit 1 Main Propulsion Plant,Lesson 2 How Does a Marine Diesel Engine Work,Part I New Words,1. drive draiv vt. 驾驶(马车,汽车等);驱赶;推动,发动(机器等) 2. bottom btm n. 底部;臀部;末端;尽头 3. port p:t, put n. 港口,口岸;左舷;舱门;(计算机的)端口 4. side said n. 方面;侧面;旁边 5. pressurize preraiz vt. 密封;增压;使加压,使压入 6. pressurized prerazd 加压的, 受压的 7. injector indekt n. 喷油嘴 8. reduce ridju:s, -du:s vt. 减少;降低;vi. 减少;缩小 9. operate preit vi. 运转;动手术;起作用 10. require rikwai vt. 要求;需要;命令 11. gear box 齿轮箱,变速箱,变速器,Language points and Notes,The diesel engine is a type of internal combustion engine which ignites the fuel by injecting it into hot, high pressure air in a combustion chamber.(P.7. Para.1) 此句中which引导定语从句,其先行词为internal combustion engine ;“by” 表方式,方法,手段,意思为靠,用,通过;it 代指的是 “the fuel ”。 翻译:柴油机是一种内燃机,通过把燃油喷入高温高压的燃烧室而发火。 2. as follows: adv. 如下 (P.7. Para.1) e.g. 你可以试着利用下面的方法来解决职场矛盾。 You can settle the career conflict in the way as follows. 3. charge: v.n. 装,充;充填物.(P.7. Para.2) a charge of : 一定量的,一次装填的,4. In turn: (P.7. Para.3) 1. 依次, 轮流地 2. 相应地;从而;转而 e.g. 学生们每天轮流打扫教室. Students sweep the classroom in turn everyday. 5. a fixed sequence of events:顺序固定的一连串活动.(P.7. Para.4) 6. Pressurized fresh air charges into cylinder, blowing out any residual exhaust gases from the last stroke through the exhaust ports. (P.7. Para.5) 此句中的谓语为“charges”,现在分词“blowing out”表伴随,意为吹出。 翻译:经压缩的新鲜空气冲入气缸,通过排气口将上一行程的残余废气 吹出。 7. take place: 发生,开始,举行 (P.8. Para.3) e.g. 可能来临的罢工终究没有发生。 The threatening strike did not take place after all. 晚会将在除夕那天举行。 The evening party will take place on New Years Eve.,8. In the two-stroke engine, each revolution of the crankshaft makes one power or working stroke, while in the four-stroke engine, it makes two revolution to make one power stroke. (P.8. Para.5) 此句中makes one power or working stroke等于makes one power stroke or working stroke, 意为:产生一个动力冲程,即做工行程;“while”的意思为“然而”。 e.g. .“他们活着是为了吃饭,而我吃饭是为了活着。” Other men live to eat, while I eat to live 翻译:在二冲程柴油机中,曲轴转一转产生一个动力冲程,即做工行程,而在四冲程柴油机中,曲轴转两转才产生一个动力冲程。 9. That is why a two-stroke cycle engine will theoretically develop twice the power of a four-stroke engine of the same size. (P.8. Para.5) 此句中出现了倍数的表达,其应用的句型为 “A + V. + 倍数 + the + 计量名词 + of + B ” (A是B的几倍)此句中A为a two-stroke cycle engine ,V. 为develop,倍数为twice,计量词为power ,B为a four-stroke engine of the same size。因此,此句话的意思是:这就是为什么从理论上说,二冲程柴油机所产生的功率是相同尺寸四冲程柴油机所产生的功率的二倍。,Working cycles,The four-stroke cycle: New words 1. diagrammatically ,dairmtikli adv. 图表地;用图 表地;概略地 2. diagram dairm n. 图表;图解 3. throughout ru:aut adv. 自始至终,到处;全部prep. 贯穿,遍及 4. explanation ,eksplnein n. 解释,说明 5. initially inili adv. 最初,首先;开头 6. poppet valve ppit 提升阀 7. centrifugal sentrifjul adj. 离心的 8. period pirid n. 周期,期间;时期;课时 9. blade bleid n. 叶片,刀片,刀锋; 10. seat si:t vt. 使坐下,落座,11. slight slait adj. 轻微的,少量的;不重要的 12. effect ifekt n. 效果;作用;影响vt. 产生;达到目的 13. normally n:mli adv. 正常地;通常地,一般地 14. hold huld vt. 持有;保存;拥有;拘留;约束或控制vi. 持续;支 持;有效 过去式held 过去分词held或holden 现在分词holding 15. some sm, 弱 sm, sm adj.大约; 16. admit dmit vt. 承认;准许进入;可容纳 17. rapid rpid adj. 迅速的,急促的;飞快的; 18. practicable prktikbl adj. 可实行的;能实际使用的;能用的; 适用的; 19. minimum minimm n. 最小量;最小值;最小化;最低限度adj. 最小的;最低的 20. outflowing adj. 流出的 21. plus pls prep. 加,加上n. 正号,加号;附加额;好处adj. 正的;附加的 22. difference difrns n. 差异;不同;争执; 差额;差分,Language points and Notes,It is usual to draw such diagrams starting at TDC (firing), but the explanation will start at TDC (scavenge). (P.8. Para.8) 翻译:这样的图通常从上止点(发火)开始绘制,但解释讲从上止点(扫气)开始。 2. refer to as: 把称作,把当作 (P.8. Para.8) e.g.今天在美国,我们之中有近乎一半的人生活在被称之为郊区的地方。 In the United States today, nearly half of us live in areas that we refer to as the suburbs. 3. at this point:这时候,此时此刻 (P.8. Para.10) e.g. 在这个时候,心脏是一根管子。 At this point , the heart is a tube. 4. in this case: 在这种情况下(P.8. Para.10) e.g. 在这种情况下,你可能会去买那种特殊的商品。 In this case you might go and buy that particular product.,5. At about 10-20 BTDC (firing), depending on the type and speed of the engine, the injector admits finely atomized fuel which ignites within 2-7 (depending on the type again) and the fuel burns over a period of 30-50 , while the piston begins to descend on the expansion stroke. (P.9. Para.1) 此句中“depend on”的意思为“取决于,依而定”: e.g. 一切取决于天气。 All depends on the weather. 你的晋升取决于你自己的价值,即你的能力。 Your advancement depends on your worth your ability. 此外,本句中的“while”意为“同时” 翻译:依柴油机的型号和转速而定,大约在10 20 BTDC(上止点 前),喷油器喷入精细雾化的燃油。喷入的燃油在2 7 内着火(也依机型而定),在30 50 的期间内燃烧,同时活塞在膨胀行程下行。,6. The rising piston expels the remaining exhaust gas and at about 70-80BTDC the inlet valve opens (IVO) so that the inertia of the outflowing gas, plus the positive pressure difference, which usually exists across the cylinder by now, produces a through flow of air to the exhaust to “scavenge” the cylinder. (P.9. Para.2) 本句中, across the cylinder指的是从气缸内到气缸外; a through flow of air to the exhaust 中的“through”是形容词,“贯穿的,直通的” 另外,本句中出现了两个“to”,第一
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