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词语同现、词语复现和逻辑推理是解答完形填空的三大策略,领会和掌握这三大策略对提高完形填空的解题速度和准确率都大有裨益。 1.词语同现 词语同现是指意义上相关的词汇出现在同一语篇中,构成了以某一话题为中心的词汇链,也有人称之为语义场。,2. 词语复现 词语复现指某一个词以原词、同根词、同义词、反义词(如wrong,not correct)、上义词、下义词等方式重复出现在语篇中,语篇中的句子正是通过这种复现关系以达到相互衔接。,3. 逻辑推理 在做完形填空时许多考生都会有这样的经历,即使他们对选项当中的每个词的意思都非常清楚,但得分却不高。因为完形填空考查的是一种综合能力,不但有对词汇的考查,而且对句子间和上下文之间逻辑关系的推断也是完形填空考查的重点。其中逻辑关系主要包括因果关系、转折关系、对比关系、并列关系等。,例1 (2015全国I卷)Then my 17 year-old suggested giving him a _ . I thought about it When I handed him the gift card, he burst into tears. A. dollar B. job C. hot meal D. gift card 解析:据下文的the gift card(礼品卡)可知选D项(gift card)。原词复现。,D,例2 (2014全国I卷)As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine(常规) basis. As a matter of fact, we can see this _at work in people of all ages. A. principle B. habit C. way D. power 解析:由As a general rule(一般说来,作为一个一般的规则)可知, 选A。principle与上文的rule近义词复现。,A,例3 (2015全国I卷)In the store, I asked each of my kids to _ something they thought our “friend” there would appreciate. A. draw B. say C. arrange D. pick 解析:在商店,是“画东西?”“说一些事情?”“安排东西?”“挑选东西?”,只有“挑选东西”才讲得通,即store, pick, something三个词同时出现的可能性最大,即词语同现,故选D。,D,例4 (2015全国I卷)My 10-year-old noticed him and made a comment on how bad it must be to have to stand _in the cold wind. A. outside B. proudly C. by D. angrily 解析:由in the cold wind可推测这个乞讨者应是站在外面(stand outside)。根据常识推理可知选A。,A,一、完形填空,I was driving to town on a beautiful summer day. The sky was full 1 white clouds. All kinds of wild flowers were 2 on the hillsides.,1. A. on B. in C. with D. of 2. A. growing B. flashing C. planting D. gardening,The sun was 3 through the green trees with its golden light and I was smiling at the 4 of it all. 5 a truck rounded a curve(弧线) at high speed. I pulled my wheel quickly to the right 6 I could just miss the truck.,3. A. singing B. jumping C. dancing D. playing 4. A. light B. wonder C. sun D. power 5. A. Suddenly B. Fortunately C. Unluckily D. Immediately 6. A. because B. just like C. such that D. so that,As I 7 up I noticed the other driver gazing at his 8 totally unaware of the near miss. Later in town I was coming out of the store 9 a yellow butterfly that I thought was 10 by my mom in Heaven started to circle around my head.,7. A. glared B. glanced C. stared D. gazed 8. A. glasses B. road C. cellphone D. tire 9. A. when B. while C. as D. since 10. A. loved B. changed C. caught D. sent,I smiled peacefully and 11 my open palm. To my 12 , the butterfly landed on it briefly before flying away.,11. A. held on B. held out C. held back D. held off 12. A. surprise B. sorrow C. satisfaction D. regret,I looked around to 13 if anyone else had noticed this minor miracle(奇迹), 14 the only two people near me had their heads bent down 15 their cellphones screens, just did the same as the driver.,13. A. inform B. expect C. see D. search 14. A. and B. but C. or D. however 15. A. wondering at B. sticking to C. holding to D. looking at,I am beginning to think that life is what happens while people are 16 staring at their smartphones. Now I know that social 17 , computers, and smartphones are here to stay but doesnt mean they have to 18 our lives.,16. A. worth B. comfortable C. busy D. nervous 17. A. media B. tools C. websites D. communications 18. A. take over B. take in C. take up D. take on,Dont let your smartphones take away your smart 19 . Dont let technology control your soul. 20 it when you need it but turn it off when you dont. Love each other. Share your kindness, your joy and your life. 19. A. attention B. body C. finger D. mind 20. A. Click B. Use C. Buy D. Update,作者在公路上险些发生车祸,后发现路上的一个司机忙于看手机而没注意到刚才的一幕;当一只美丽的蝴蝶停留在作者手上时,周围的人忙于看手机而没注意到这神奇的一幕。最后,作者呼吁人们:不要让手机控制了我们的生活。 1. D 由语境可推知,此处表示“天空布满白色的云朵”be full of意为“充满”。故选D。 2. A 山坡上生长着各种各样的野花。grow“生长”。故选A。 3. C 此处说金色的阳光在绿树间舞蹈。dance“跳舞”。故选C。,4. B 作者微笑地看着太阳所带来的奇迹。wonder“奇迹,奇观”,这里指作者所描述的景色。故选B。 5. A 由语境可推知,此处表示“突然”,故选A。 6. D 作者迅速向右打方向盘,因此(so that)避免了和卡车相撞。故选D。 7. B 作者正在开车,应该是瞥了一眼(glance),发现了情况。故选B。 8. C 下段句末中的“ 15 their cellphone screens, just did the same as the driver”由提示词,另一个司机盯着他的手机完全没有注意到这惊险的一幕。故选C。,9. A 表示“正在做这时候发生了”用be doing when 句型。故选A。 10. D 由空后的“in Heaven”可知,作者认为这是天堂里的妈妈派来的蝴蝶。故选D。 11. B 由后面的“my open palm. To my 12 , the butterfly landed on it briefly before flying away”可知,此处指作者伸出了(hold out)手掌。故选B。 12. A 蝴蝶在作者手掌上停留了一下然后飞走了,这令作者很吃惊。故选A。 13. C 由空格后的内容可知,作者环视了一下,看(see)是否有人注意到这小小的奇迹。故选C。 14. B 作者欣喜的心情和周围人的无视形成了转折。故选B。,15. D 此处表示低着头看(look at)手机屏幕。故选D。 16. C 由上段内容可推断,人们忙于(be busy doing sth.)盯着他们的智能手机。故选C。 17. A 由后面的“computers, and smartphones”可知是媒介。 18. A 由下段第二句“Dont let technology control your soul.”可知,电脑、手机将会存在于我们的生活中,但并不意味着它们必须控制我们的生活。故选A。 19. D 下句中的“soul”为提示词,不要让手机带走你聪慧的心智。故选D。 20. B 由“turn it off when you dont”可推知,当你需要手机的时候就可以使用它。,二、七选五阅读,A. It also helps our eyes see things clearly in the dark by improvin
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