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1阳江-初中英语知识第四第五章:形容词,副词. 课标考点解析1. 形容词,副词的要求掌握A. 形容词的基本用法B. 形容词的比较级C. 形容词的位置。D. 部分形容词的用法比较。E. 副词的基本用法F. 副词的分类。G. 副词的比较级H. 副词的位置。I. 常用副词的用法比较J. 在同一范围内比较。2. 中考命题方向A. 试题的热点:从最近几年的中考试题中,我们可以看出,对于形容词和副词,在中考中的重点和难点主要是放在比较级和最高级的用法,形容词的位置,意思相近或相同的形容词和副词之间的辨别和使用。B. 试题的特点:对于形容词和副词的考查,在中考试题中所占的分数较大,一般都在 10%左右。一般的题型是:用所给词的正确行使填空,单项选择题,完形填空,和作文题等。C.试题的走向:对于形容词和副词,从历年的中考试题中可以看出,主要是集中在比较级和最高级的用法以及由它们所构成的常见句型中。3. 考试策略点拨A. 形容词和副词的基本用法是中考的考点之一。B. 意思相近或相同的形容词和饿副词之间的辨析和使用是中考试题中的难点、C. 形容词和副词都是历年各地中考试题中必定考查的知识点。D. 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法也需要考生在备考时特别注意。(二)中考试题考形容词,副词知识点演练1. The old man lives_ in a small house, but he never feels _.A. alone, lonelyB. lonely, aloneC. lonely, lonelyD. alone, alone2. - _ plastic bags we use, _it will be to the environment.2- I agree _you.A. The less; the better;withbetter; withB. The fewer; the better; withC. The less; the worse; toD. The fewer; the worse; to3. The door is not _ for the elephant to pass.A. wide enoughB. widely enoughC. enough wideD. enough widely4. -The cake looks _.-Yes, and it tastes even _.A. well; goodB. nice; betterC. good; worstD. better; best5. Wu Dong is one of the _ students in the class.A. cleverB. clevererC. more cleverD. cleverest.6. It takes more time to go there by ship than by bus. It is _by train of the three.A. faster B. the fastest C. fast D. much fast7. Jack is a careless boy. He doesnt write as _ as Mary.A. careful B. more carefully C. carefully D. more careful8. -_do you go to watch the movies?- Twice a month.A. How oftenB. How oldC. How farD. How soon(三) 考点解析和习题检测二:考点解析I:形容词的基本用法A. 做定语。 用来修饰名词。说明人或事物的性质或特征。Eg: He is a handsome boy.B做表语。 放在 Be 动词之后。Eg: My younger sister was so sad.3典型例题1 The food on the plate smells _. You can not eat it.A. delicious B. badly C. well D. bad解析:D。 从下文 you cant eat it,可知“盘子里的食物闻起来臭了。 ”smell 是个系动词。作用相当于 be 动词。后面必须用形容词来进行修饰。2- The teacher looked at her students _when they were saved.-We also felt _ for them.A. happily; happyB. happy; happyC. happy; happilyD. happily; happily解析:A。 句意:当学生获救时, 老师开心地看着他们。用副词来修饰动词 look。Feel 是个感官动词。后面常用形容词来修饰,表示一种状态。习题操练1 我有一些有趣的事情要告诉你。_2 不要感到难过。一切都会再好的。_3 我们必须保持教室干净。_4 我们要尊老爱幼。_5 当老师叫他起来回答问题时,他的脸变红了。_6 悲伤的电影总是使我不开心。_II: 形容词的位置A 一般情况下,形容词修饰名词。 放在名词前。形容词修饰合成不定代词时,放在它的后面。Eg: a handsome boy. Something interestingB. 多个形容词修饰一个名词时, 顺序为:现代词(冠词,物主代词,指示代词,不定代词等)数词描绘形容词(短词在前,长词在后) 表示特征的形容词(包括大小,长度,形状,新旧,年龄等)表示颜色的形容词表示类属的形容词(包括国籍,专有形容词和表示材料质地的形容词)名词性的定语(包括动名词)被修饰的名词Eg: This is a beautiful tall building.4c. else 做形容词时, 通常用于疑问代词或不定代词后,翻译为:另外的 ,其他的。Eg: Do you have anything else to say?典型例题1 Chinese is a language _(困难的)to master.解析:difficult。 2 She did _to make him happy.A. everything possibleB. possible everythingC. something possibleD. possible something解析:A。 形容词修饰合成不定代词时位于其后,根据句意,应选 A。3. Do you have _ to say?A. something elseB. anything elseC. else somethingD. else anything解析:B。else 做形容词时,通常用于疑问代词或不定代词时,此句式一般疑问句。故用B。习题操练1 这是我舒适,干净的,小的新房间。_2 她笑了,露出一口洁白的牙齿。She smiled, showing _ teeth.3. 在大厅里四张大的,棕色的圆桌子。There are _ tables in the hall.4. 这是小红的两本新的化学书。These are _books.5. 在我家附近有一栋新的红色楼房。_6这座城市有一条两千米长的林荫道。_III: 副词的基本用法A 副词用来修饰动词,形容词或其他副词。Eg: drive the car quickly.B too to 结构。 (太以至于不能.)5Eg: The boy is too young to go to school.C so/suchthat (如此.以致于.) Eg: The girl is so interested in English that she always takes part in various activities.D enough 做形容词,修饰名词时,一般放在名词前。做副词,修饰形容词和副词时,位于被修饰词之后。Eg: This Hall is big enough to hold 200 people.E “动词+副词”构成的短语动词,如果相当于一个及物动词,人称代词,只能放在动词,副词之前。如果名词做宾语,既可以放在动词于副词之间,也可以放在副词之后。Eg: This pair of shoes is very beautiful, and she wants to put it on immediately.典型例题1. As we know, Bill Gates is _(true) rich.解析:truly. Rich 是个形容词,通常用副词来进行修饰。2. Peter was _tired that he couldnt continue running.A. very B. too C. so D. such解析:C。 考查固定结构.so that3. Dont worry, sir. I am sure that I can run _ to catch up with them soon.A. slowly enoughB. enough slowlyC. fast enoughD. enough fast解析:C。enough 修饰名词时,可以放在前后。Enough 修饰形容词和副词时,只能放在形容词前。4. I c
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