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Period Using Language.语境填词1The robber who killed a shop owner will be on _(审判) next week.2Can you show me any _(证据) for your statement?3He _(证明) himself innocent by providing a lot of evidence.4There is a place called Sleeping Beauty _(城堡) in Disneyland.5Some terrorists _(炸毁) a bus and all the passengers were killed.6Im a stranger here.Could you tell me where the _(入口) to the Palace Museum is?7The leaders of the two countries had an _(非正式的) talk after the conference.8At the meeting we _(争论) on the plan for the holiday.9The _(下落) sun looks like a burning ball.10When I was a child,I dreamed of becoming a _(海员).完成句子1The defendant has a right to _(得到公正的审判)2By the time the case _(提交审判),he has spent a year behind bars.3Are you considering _(买台新电脑)?4The parents should be blamed _(而不是) the children.5Scientists are trying _(发现证据) of life on other planets.6My parents and I _(认为是) John _ honest.7Please pronounce the word in _(的方式) she does.8_(据报道) in newspapers _ talks between the two countries are making progress.9The teacher and the students _(高度评价) the student Wu Dong.10It was the way he said _(而不是) what he said that made the man angry.单项填空1Jack promised to come on time.What do you imagine _ to him?Ahappening Bwas happeningChas happened Dhappened2The island is two kilometers off the coast,and you cant get there _ by boat.Arather than Bother thanCmore than Dless than3Why was Professor Li unhappy recently?Because the theory he stuck to _ wrong.Aproved BprovingCbeing proved Dwas proved4Tom often surfs on the Internet late into night,playing computer games.No _ he fell far behind the others in his class.Adoubt BideaCwonder Dproblem5Hong Kong _ the arms of our motherland in 1997.Areturned Breturned toChad returned Dhas returned6Jack _ about the secret from his expression.Amustnt have heard Bcouldnt hearCcouldnt have heard Dmust hear7Im sorry to have you _ so long.Awaited Bto waitCwaiting Dto be waiting8Ten of the people agreed to this plan,but the _ of them didnt.Aremaining BleftCrest Dremained9The princesss hat was really fancy,which _ with gold and jewels.Adecorated BdecoratesCwas decorated with Dwas decorating10The police are _ the lost boy in the forest.Asearching Bhunting forCfinding Dlooking up.阅读理解Only one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World still survives,which is the Pyramid of Giza in Cairo.The other six Ancient Wonders of the World are the Hanging Gardens of Babylon,the Statue of Zeus at Olympia,the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus,the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus,the Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.Now a new list of seven has been chosen from 21 locations shortlist for the worldwide vote by history lovers.An original list of nearly 200 sites pocked out by the public was narrowed to 21 by the organizers and experts,including the former director general of Uneseco Professor Federico Mayor.Among the 21 locations were the Stonehenge(巨石阵) in Britain,Acropolis in Athens,the Statue of Liberty in New York,Taj Mahal in India and the Great Wall in China.The only standard for the new list was that the landmarks were built or discovered before 2000.The vote was organized by a nonprofit Swiss foundation called New & Wonders specializing in the protection,rebuilding and mending of historical relics.The result was announced in Lisbon,on July 7,2007.Here is the complete list of he new seven wonders:the Great Wall of China,Petra,Chichen Itza,the Statue of Christ Redeemer,the Colessem,Machu Picchu and the Taj Mahal.For more information,please click www.new.7 wonders.com.1Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?AVoting for the New Seven WondersBDisappearance of the Ancient Seven WondersCStonehenge in BritainDThe New Seven Wonders of the World2Which of the following doesnt belong to the Ancient Seven Wonders?AThe Statue of Zeus at Olympia.BThe Statue of Liberty.CThe Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.DThe Lighthouse of Alexandria.3According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?AAll of the ancient seven wonders disappeared.BThe Great Wall is one of the new seven wonders.CThe new seven wonders were chosen by voting.DThe Taj Mahal is also one of the new seven wonders.4Whats the main task of New & Wonders?ATo build up new wonders.BTo announce the voting results.CTo protect and rest
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