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Period ThreeGrammar,Speaking & Writing一、动词ing形式作表语1.表示主语具有的特征、性质和状态(动词ing形式相当于一个形容词)。常用来作表语的现在分词有astonishing,amusing,confusing,disappointing,boring,encouraging,inspiring,moving,tiring,interesting,surprising等。The problem is quite puzzling.这个问题很令人困惑。2.表示主语的内容,可以转换到句首作主语。Her job is keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible.Keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible is her job.她的工作是尽量使报告厅保持干净。即时跟踪1用所给动词的正确形式填空1.His hobby is collecting(collect) stamps.2.The problem is quite confusing(confuse).3.Her job is taking(take) care of these little children every day.4.The news from the meeting is very encouraging(encourage).二、动词ing形式作定语1.表示名词的属性或作用及用途(动名词)。We are not allowed to speak aloud in the reading room.阅览室里不准我们大声说话。There is a swimming pool in our school.我们学校有一个游泳池。2.表示所修饰的名词的动作或状态,相当于一个定语从句(现在分词)。当分词单独作定语时,常放在所修饰的名词前;如果是分词短语作定语,则放在该名词后。The boy studying in the classroom is our monitor.在教室里学习的男孩是我们的班长。Well have an exam in the coming week.下周我们将进行一次考试。注意:动词ing形式的完成式一般只用来作状语,不作定语。The temple having been destroyed by the earthquake will be rebuilt soon.()The temple which has been destroyed by the earthquake will be rebuilt soon.()被地震毁坏的庙宇很快就要重建了。即时跟踪2用所给动词的正确形式填空1.He stayed at home in the following(follow) days.2.The waiting room is crowded with passengers waiting for the train.(wait)3.There are some people working(work) in the field in spite of the rain.三、动词ing形式作宾补1.动词ing形式作宾语补足语常放在宾语后面,表示一个正在进行的主动性的动作,强调一个过程或一种状态。When we returned,we found a stranger standing in front of the house.我们回来的时候,发现一个陌生人站在房子前。2.当主句转换为被动结构时,原来作宾语补足语的动词ing形式便转换为主语补足语。They found the film very exciting.The film is found very exciting.他们发现这部电影非常振奋人心。3.能用动词ing形式作宾语补足语的几类动词:(1)表示感觉和心理状态的感官动词(短语)(常见的有see,hear,feel,smell,find,notice,observe,look at,listen to等)sb.doing sth.(作宾补)I felt somebody standing behind me.我感觉有人站在我后面。(2)表示指使意义的使役动词(常见的有have,let,keep,get,leave等)sb./sth.doing sth.(作宾补)We kept the fire burning all night long.我们让火整夜燃烧着。I wont have you running about in the room.我不允许你在房间里跑来跑去。即时跟踪3用所给动词的正确形式填空1.I looked up and noticed a man picking(pick) the womans pocket on the bus.2.Can you hear her singing(sing) the song in the next room?3.He kept the car waiting(wait) at the gate.4.You may find it astonishing(astonish) that Charlie was taught to sing when he was very young.用所给动词的正确形式填空1.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people living(live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.(2015全国)2.Listening to music at home is one thing,going to hear it being performed(perform) live is quite another.(2015浙江)3.While there are amazing(amaze) stories of instant transformation,for most of us the changes are gradual and require a lot of effort and work,like cleaning up a polluted river.(2014新课标全国)4.Theres a note pinned to the door saying(say) when the shop will open again.(2014山东)5.Today there are more airplanes carrying(carry) more people than ever before in the skies.(2014大纲全国)6.Last night,there were millions of people watching (watch) the opening ceremony live on TV.(2014北京)7.The room is empty except for a bookshelf standing(stand) in one corner.(2013山东)8.Laura was away in Paris for over a week.When she got home,there was a pile of mail waiting (wait) for her.(2013辽宁)9.Sophia got an email asking(ask) for her credit card account number.(2013上海)10.I got on the bus and found a seat near the back,and then I noticed a man sitting(sit) at the front.(2011广东).单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误)1.It was both and frightening to be up there!(2016浙江,短文改错)2.Mom was grateful and .(2016四川,短文改错)3.My favorite picture at the party is of my coach and me the biscuits with happy laughter!(2015陕西,短文改错)4.I am awfully ,but I know Ill never fall asleep.(2013浙江,短文改错)5.I also shared with my friends many photos in Beijing.(2012陕西,短文改错)6.Therefore,I told them stories and how I was enjoying Brazil.(2012浙江,短文改错)Emotions1.How wonderful!2.It surprises me that.3.Im pleased we both like.4.I (dont) laugh at that kind of thing because.5.I felt happy because.6.It is (not) very amusing/funny that.7.What fun!8.I (dont) enjoy this very much because.即时跟踪语法填空A:I dislike ads.Shall we 1.change(change) the channel?B:But ads are part of modern life.Everyone must face them.A:Ads are no good.They always try to persuade you 2.to buy (buy) what you actually dont need.B:Well,do you mean some ads even tell 3.lies to cheat consumers?A:Thats what I 4.really(real) mean.B:But I think 5.what you have said is only partly true.6.In fact,some ads are very good.A:Very good? Could you show me 7.some examples?B:Yes,some public service ads try to educate people about safety,health and so 8.on.What do you think?A:I agree,but commercial ads are quite 9.different(differ).The advertisers always suggest their products
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