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剑桥少儿英语过级考试试题(一级) 第一部分:听力一 Draw a line (10) camera二 Listen and write (1 birthd _ 三 Listen and choose the best answer.( 10)Eg :My names Tom . Whats yours ? ( A )A . Peter . B. Yes, it is . C. Fine , thanks . 1. Whats in your bedroom ? ( )A . Bookcase B . Wardrobe C . Armchair 2 . Where is the cat ? ( )A . Its in the box . B . Its behind the box .C . Its on the box . D . Its next to the box .3 .Whats she doing ? ( )A . She is flying a kite . B . Shes drawing pictures .C . Shes riding a kite . D . Shes learning English .4 . Whats your favourite sport ? ( )A . I like playing soccer . B . I like running .C . I like playing hockey . D . I like playing baseball .5 . What colour do you like ? ( )A . I like red . B . I like blue .C . I like purple . D . I like yellow . 二. Read and answer ( 20 ) This is a beautiful picture . There is a big tree in the picture . Its green . Some flowers are under the tree. A bird is singing in the tree . Under the tree ,there are some boys and girls . The boys are playing badminton . The girls are playing games .Questions:1 . What color is the tree?2 . Where are the flowers ?_3 .Where are the children ?_4 . Who is playing badminton ?_5 . What are the girls doing ?_一、小朋友们,给下面的字母找妈妈: a e d g h b f D G H F E B A 二、填上所缺的字母: 例如:A C D E 应该填 B 1.c d e f 2.D E F H 3.h i k l 4. N O P Q 5.r s t u 6.H I K L 三、用上边的字母组成能使下边句子完整的单词。 m a n e 1.Whats your _? m a S 2.My name is _. d l o 3.How _ are you? i n e n 4.Im _. t i 5.Whats _? s k e d 6.Its a _. h s u r b 7.Its a _. g a b a n d n 8.Is this a _? r o u o c l 9.What _ do you like? e l p r u p 10.I like _. y e t n 11.What colour are _? a r g y 12.They are _. y n a m 13.How _ducks are there? e t h r e 14._ are tow. e e v n s 15.There are _.剑桥少儿英语音标与发音 七大规则1. 英语中派生词的重音和词根重音一致。 派生词就是一些有同样词根的词。比如: act, active, actively compare comparison2. 带有下列后缀的词:-ary, -ery, -ory, -ism, -ist, -mony, -ment, -ary等,重音通常在第一个音节上。例如: customary scientist slavery factory realism3. 带下列前缀的词:a-, ab-, ac-, ad-, al-, be-, con-, de-, dis-, em-, en-, in-, mis-, re-, tans-, un-重音通常在第二音节上。例如: about abduce accede admire belong consult detect dislike4. 带下列后缀的词:-aim, -ain, -cur, -eem, -duce, -ere, -firm, -gn, -oin, -oke, -ose, -pt, -rce, -self, -ume重音通常在第二音节。 contain occur sincere design confirm5. 带下列后缀的词:-ade, -ain, -ee, -eer, -esque, -ette, -ique, -ine, -oon重音通常在最后一个音节。这些词一般都是从法语中借来的词。例如: employee antique magazine cigar volunteer gasoline6. 带下列后缀的词:-eous, -ial, -ian, -ic, -ics, -ient, -ion, -ious, -ish, -it, -liar, -sive, -tal, -uous重音通常在倒数第二音节上。例如: occasion relation astonish deposit musician7. 但是有些派生词,比如从名词派生出来的形容词,它的重音就得发生变化,通常是后移。 例如: science scientific accident accidental democrat democratic politics political剑桥少儿英语一级各单元句型集锦Unit 1His name is Bill. Linda is my friend.Your name , please ? Who is this girl ?This is my new bag . Show me your pen .My friend is Pat . Our friends are their friends. Unit 2What is it ? Its a tail.Nice to see you.He had a cow. Let me try. Unit 3What would you like ? I want some peaches.How about you ? Here you are.Id like one , please . I dont like mangoes.Would you like an orange ? Yes, please.I like to eat lemons and apples . Unit 4Whats in my hat? An eraser .This is my friend.Let me try .You can see many toys in it.You can find a toy car in this big hat. Unit 5Touch your leg . Who wants to try?He has got two big eyes.What can you hear? I can hear a bird.I can smell with my noses.We can hear with our ears.Unit 6Lets play games. He must be in the house.The colour of it is red. Do you understand ?Catch the beanbag . Kick the shuttlecock.Turn off the light . Show me your shoes.Wash your hair.Which one do you want to play first?Unit 7Which is Mr li? Where is my sock? Here I am.Which one do you like ?Do you like bananas or apples?Unit 8Please wait. What colou
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