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Section Reading()( Lesson 2 & Lesson 3).匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思()1.privilegedAn.极相似之处;平行线()2.caterBvt.预见()3.ampleCn.停顿;暂停()4.storageDvt.重建()5.postponeEn.症状()6.rebuildFadj.荣幸的()7.pauseGvi.满足;迎合()8.symptomHn.储存()9.parallelIadj.充足的,充裕的()10.foreseeJvt.推迟,延期答案15FGIHJ610DCEAB.选择下列句中词组的汉语意思()1.Theres not much time left,lets get down to repairing the machine.()2.Hes not to blame.After all, it was the first time hed done it.()3.The spy attempted to escape to a neighbouring country.()4.The more confidence you build up in yourself, the greater are your chances of success.()5.Youve made a mistakeyouve left out the letter “e”()6.Ive been trying to ring up all day and I couldnt get through.答案16DEBFACEpidemics(流行病) throughout historyWith recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past,Jim Smith looks through the history of epidemics for clues about what the future might hold.Since Bird Flu first appeared in 1997, it has taken more than a hundred lives.Many people fear it could be the next global epidemic, especially as scientists who studies tissue(组织) from the bodies of people who died of the 1918 Spanish Flu proved that Bird Flu is a modern adaptation(变化;变种) of the same virus.Bacteria and viruses have been around since the beginning of life on Earth and many of todays diseases have existed as long as humans have.It is important to look at the spread of diseases throughout history to discover the causes and effects of epidemics, and hopefully, foresee and prevent them in the future.历史上的流行性传染病当近来媒体报道将禽流感与过去的流行性传染病杀手相提并论时,为寻找未来将会发生的线索,吉姆史密斯查询了一下传染病的历史。自禽流感在1997年第一次出现以来,它已夺去了一百多人的生命。许多人担心它会成为下一个全球性的传染病,特别是在一些科学家研究了死于1918年西班牙流感的人的尸体组织后,证明了禽流感是同一种病毒的现代变异体。自从地球上出现生命以来,细菌和病毒与人类存在一样长久。研究历史上疾病的传播很重要,它能发现传染病的因和果,而且可望在将来能预见并预防它们。助读讲解此处是“with宾语宾补结构”,因为press reports和draw之间是主谓关系,因此用现在分词形式。what引导宾语从句,what在从句中作宾语。as引导时间状语从句,从句中含有两个who引导的定语从句。One of the earliest epidemics on record happened about 500550 AD when the Roman emperor at the time was attempting to rebuild the Roman Empire.This epidemic swept through North Africa, the Middle East and Europe.Scientists now guess that up to 50% of the areas population died from this epidemic making it one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire.In the 1330s, the epidemic returned, this time in Asia.It spread rapidly and became known as “The Black Death” as one symptom was black spots on the body.The conditions in much of Asia and Europewar, crowded cities and a lack of basic health routinesprovided the perfect conditions for the disease to spread worldwide.In urban areas all over Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, up to one half of the population was lost to the Black Death.历史上记载最早的传染病之一爆发在大约公元500550年,当时罗马帝王正试图重建罗马帝国。这次传染病席卷了北非、中东和欧洲。现在科学家猜测当时那一地区多达50%的人死于这次传染病,这也是罗马帝国衰落的主要原因。在14世纪30年代,这次传染病在亚洲卷土重来。它传播快,被称为“黑死病”,其症状为患者身上出现黑斑。当时亚洲和欧洲的大部分地区都陷入这样的状况战争频发、城市拥挤不堪和缺乏基本的健康体系,这种状况促进了疾病在全球范围内的蔓延。在整个欧洲、亚洲、非洲和中东地区的城市里,多达一半的人口死于黑死病。助读讲解making it one of the main causes.是现在分词短语在句中作结果状语。此处是as引导的原因状语从句。Another epidemic that spread in similar conditions was the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918, also called the Spanish Flu.It struck near the end of the First World War and left families mourning worldwide.Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months,with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old,the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acute(严重的;剧烈的) epidemic in history.More people died of the flu than died in the war.Yet, somehow, it was forgotten by history until very recently when SARS became a cause for concern.The SARS epidemic began in 2002 with a lung disease in Guangdong Province and spread quickly after Dr Liu Jianjun, the carrier, came to Hong Kong and passed the virus to people who carried it to Canada, Vietnam and Singapore.Over nine months, the number of global cases passed 8,000 and 774 people died.Although these statistics are much less impressive than those for the Spanish Flu, SARS was still very alarming for a few key reasons.另一种以相似条件传播的传染病是1918年大流感,也被称为“西班牙流感”。它爆发于一战即将结束之时,使世界各地的许多家庭饱受丧亲之痛。因为西班牙流感在18个月内杀死了高达五千万人,而且它易感染年轻和健康人群而不是老年人群,所以它被认为是有史以来最急性的传染病。死于流感的人多过战争中丧生的人。然而,直到最近“非典”成为人们关注的焦点时,人们才想起它。随着广东省出现一例肺病,“非典”传染病就于2002年开始了,并在刘剑军医生,一位病毒携带者,来到香港把病毒传给其他人,其他人又把病毒传到加拿大、越南和新加坡后迅速传播开来。在九个月中,全球的病例超过8 000而且有774人死亡。虽然与西班牙流感的数据相比,这些数据不那么引人瞩目,但由于一些重要原因,“非典”仍令人警惕。助读讲解left families mourning是“leave宾语宾补”表结果。现在分词短语作原因状语;kill这一动作先于is believed因此用现在分词的完成式。sb./sth.be believed to.It is believed that.。No one really knew much about SARS as it was completely new.This meant that there were no prescription drugs or tablets (药片)to treat it and doctors were not sure how to prevent it either.Since most people had no natural defences against the disease, it was also harmful to the doctors and nurses treating SARS patients
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