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82000DWT巴拿马型散货船82000DWT PANAMAX BULK CARRIAR航 行 试 验 大 纲SEA TRIAL PROCEDUREHULL NO. : L0025Date: 2012-07目录一 概况General Description54二 试航项目-总体性能Sea Trail Items-Performance51 测速试验Speed Trail52 操纵性试验 Maneuvering Test8三 试航项目-机电设备Sea Trail Items-Machine & Electric Equipment121 航速测量Speed Measurement122 柴油/燃油转换试验D.O. F.O. Change Over Test133 耐航试验及燃油消耗量试验Endurance and Fuel Oil Consumption Test144 最低稳定转速及应急停车试验Minimum Stable Revolution and Emergency Stop M/E Test205 中间轴承间隙测量,轴系热态称重及主机开档Intermediate Bearing Clearance, Shaft (Hot) Weight and M/E Crankshaft Deflection Measurement216 扭振及纵振测量Torsional and Axial Vibration Measurement217 操舵试验Steering Test228 组合锅炉试验Comp. Boiler Test249 造水机制淡量试验Fresh Water Generator Capacity Test2610 接地装置试验Shaft Grounding Device Test2611 无人机舱试验Unmanned Space Test2612 主机拆检 Overhauling for M/E2913 磁罗经电罗经试验Magnetic Compass and Gyro Compass Test2914 气雾笛效用试验Function Test of Air Fog Horn2915 无线电/通导/内通设备效用Test of Radio Comm.&Nav. & Inter Comm.3016 雷达试验Radar Test3017 测深仪效用Teat Procedure of Echo Sounder3118 计程仪Test Procedure of Speed Log3119 防海生物装置效用Function Test of Anti Fouling System3220 主机遥控Auto Chief C20 Bridge Manoeuvring System-Sat3321 自动舵试验Test Procedure of Auto Pilot3622 航行信号灯试验Navigation Lights Test3723 失电试验 Test of Blackout3724 瘫船试验Dead Ship4025火警报警试验Test of Fire Alarm4226电压降Voltage Drop4227主发电机及电站Main Generator and Power Station4228 主机磨合调整Running In of M/E42四 试航项目-船体Sea Trail Items-Hull431 深水抛锚试验Deepwater Anchoring Test432 5节航速释放救助艇试验Release Test of Rescue Boat at Speed Up 5Kn463 噪音测试Noise Measurement474 振动测试大纲 Vibration Test Procedure53一 概况General Description为方便试航期间各单位的协调,确保该船能够顺利完成试航,特编制本试航计划。该试航计划以生产管理部相关试航文件为基础,以系泊与航行试验大纲及各试验试验册为编写依据。该试航计划作为L0025试航时的纲领性文件和依据。The intention of making this sea trial plan is to make every department work in harmony during the sea trial and finish the sea trial successfully. This plan is based on correlative document of production management department, according toMooring and sea trial test scheduleand correlative test procedure. This plan is used as programmatic document and basis during the sea trial of L0025. 当船舶基本完工,以及所有试航所需的系统的试验和调试完成后,进行正式的海上试航。所有的设备包括锚、舵、救生、消防、污水、压载和航行通信系统等都要满足航行的需要。本次试航的计划要提供给船东和船级社的驻厂办公室。试航的试验项目要按照本大纲执行。船厂QC 部门应作好试验记录。试验完成后船厂整理出的试验报告将作为交船资料的完工文件。When the ship is substantially completed, official sea trials should be carried out with all systems tested and adjusted and ready for such trials.All the equipments condition including anchor, rudder and life saving, fire fighting, bilge, ballast, navigational communication system etc. are to be compliance with the requirement of seaworthiness. The schedule of sea trial to be supplied to Owner and Societys site offices. And the tests in sea trial to be carried out according with this Procedure.During tests the record will be made by QC Department of the Yard. After trial finished, the tests reports to be prepared by Yard and submitted as items as the finished document of delivery of the vessel. 二 试航项目-总体性能Sea Trail Items-Performance1 测速试验Speed Trail测速试验是利用四次往返航行测定主机在四个分别为50%、75%、85%及100% SMCR的功率下的主机转速、轴功率以及相对应的航速,试验速度用DGPS记录。1.1 测试条件1.1.1 天气状况及海况测速试验的天气条件要求风力尽可能不大于蒲氏4级,并考虑船厂的建造进度。要求水深大于8倍船舶平均吃水。1.1.2 船舶状况测速试验在试航压载吃水下进行,允许小尾倾,主机功率分别设为约50%、75%、85%及100%SMCR。1.1.3 试验准备测速试验之前,船舶的首吃水/平均吃水/尾吃水,海水比重和水温,气温,风向角要经过船厂和船东代表的测量和记录。测速航程包括助航距离和测量距离,测速航向根据记录风向设定为逆风和顺风。为了得到一个稳定的测量速度,助航距离和测量距离分别不能小于2.0海里。1.2 测速试验测速试验在试验条件被确认后进行。总共进行四次往返测量,每个主机功率包括一次往返,主机四个功率点见表1 表1序号主机负荷输出功率(KW)转速(r/min)试航压载吃水(首吃水约5.5米,尾吃水约7米)150%SMCR abt.5130 abt.87.3275%SMCR abt.7695 abt.100.4385%SMCR abt.8721 abt.104.44100%SMCR abt.10260 abt.110.2注:如果在主机已经达到100%SMCR而螺旋桨未达到110.2RPM,以主机功率达到100%SMCR为准。在测速过程中,船舶航向偏离不超过2度,操舵舵角不大于5度。1.3测量在每个往返中,用DGPS测量船舶速度,用轴马力测试工具测量轴马力及其转速。1.4 试验结果测速结果要进行修正,根据由Taniguchi and Tamura发表的“ 关于船舶测速结果的风阻修正的一种新方法”修正至没有风和潮流时的航速。压载吃水下测出的速度和轴功率应与船模试验结果比较,以此作为检验设计吃水下的速度和功率的基础。其换算方法如下:Vfa=Vft(Vba/Vbt) Vfa实船计算所得设计吃水下的服务速度 Vft 船模试验所得设计吃水下的服务速度 Vba试航所得的压载吃水下的速度 Vbt.船模试验所得压载吃水下的速度修正结果要提供给船东签署。The speed trial to be carried out to determine corresponding values of speed, RPM and BHP by four double runs, namely at 50%, 75%, 85% and 100% of SMCR of the main engine. The trial speed shall be measured by DGPS.1.1 Test condition1.1.1 Weather and sea conditionThe speed trial to be carried out in weather condition with wind not over 4 Beaufort scale as far as practicable and possible for the Yards building schedule. The depth of water is no less than eight (8) times of the ships mean draft.1.1.2 Ship conditionThe speed trial to be carried out on the trial ballast draft, a small deflection of
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