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ruin 重要程度: 难易程度:If you go on stealing, you will your bright future, young man!said the judge.A. injureB. damageC. ruinD. prevent【参考答案】C【易混辨析】damage/destroy/hurt/injure单词用法damage可作动词和名词,指因自然灾害或人为因素对物的损害。do/cause damage to对造成伤害。destroy 只能用作动词,指彻底破坏,以致不可能修复。hurt 可作动词和名词,指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;指精神上的创伤时,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。injure作动词,指损害健康、成就、容貌等,强调功能的损失。【拓展延伸】ruin n. 废墟;毁灭 vt. 毁灭;使破产 in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪go to ruin 衰落,败落 fall into ruin 衰落,败落 bring sth. to ruin 使某物毁灭 ruin oneself 自我毁灭1. Two days later, the fighting between the two countries left the area _.A. in fear B. in silenceC. in ruins D. in peace2. 用damage/destroy/ruin的正确形式填空The earthquake _ almost the whole town.Youll _ your health if you go on like this.The car was only slightly _ in the accident.The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historical Interest Area was severely in the earthquake.That one mistake his chance of getting the job.The building was completely by floods.3. All his hope for the future lay in ruin.(单句改错)_4. (2017新课标全国卷II改编) These chemicals come from the _ (injure) parts of the plant and seem to be an alarm.2. destroyed ruin damageddamaged ruined destroyed3. ruinruins4. injured你知道怎么表达毁掉吗?_ - 3 -
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