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,土 建 英 语,新职业英语,Unit 2 Signing Contracts,English for Civil Engineering,Warming-up,Reading A,Listening,Speaking,4,1,2,3,Reading B,5,Writing,6,Vocabulary and Structure,8,Self-evaluation,7,Grammar,9,The Greatest Building,10,Task 1,Task 2,Warming-up,Task 1,Complete the terms according to their Chinese meanings. The first letters are already given.,arties,onstruction,ayment,upply,odification,ompletion,laims,Task 2,Match the phrases with their Chinese equivalents.,legal representative loans 3. credit record 4. authorized person 5. main supplier 6. subcontractor 7. remedial works 8. labor cost,A. 贷款 B. 信用记录 C. 主要供应商 D. 法人代表 E. 修补工作 F. 全权代理人 G. 人工成本 H. 次承包商,Reading A,Task 1,Text,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,What is the purpose of a companys logo? 2. What makes a logo design company different from others?,Reading A,Task 1,Before reading the passage, see how much you know about pre-qualification and bidding by answering the following questions.,Pre-qualification and Bidding,翻译,声音,Before making a bid, a contractor will complete all pre-qualification procedures.,Reading A,Reading A,The contractor will have to be able to raise loans and this will require him to have a good credit rating with the banks. He will have to be able to guarantee the provision of electrical and mechanical plant for the construction process. He will also have to identify and guarantee suitable employees such as technicians, management staff and skilled workers. Documentation will have to be developed to record activity and effect relevant correspondence. All legal documentation will have to be approved by regulators.,翻译,声音,翻译,声音,Reading A,After the pre-qualification documents have been examined, the contractor can enter the next stagethe bidding for the project. The bidding documents usually comprise four parts: Letter of agreement Construction method statement Quality and safety programs Bill of quantities,翻译,声音,Reading A,Letter of agreement is a promise made by the contractor to the local authority and regulators. In it, there are clauses about the total initial price, the commencement and completion dates, and the maintenance period. It must be signed by the legal representative of the contractor.,翻译,声音,Reading A,Construction method statement may consist of: a description of how the construction will be done, the schedule, site organization charts, information about key personnel, charts showing how the site will be used during the construction process, utility charts, lists of main suppliers and subcontractors.,翻译,声音,Reading A,Quality and safety programs contain the measures to be taken to ensure health and safety on the site as well as all test reports. A contractor will be expected to develop rules to ensure health and safety of all his employees during the construction process according to the government and agency regulations.,翻译,声音,Reading A,Bill of quantities. Each unit price includes both direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs refer to the cost of materials, labor and machinery, while the indirect costs include office fees, camp costs, transportation expenses for workers, insurance.,翻译,声音,Reading A,The bidding procedure is expected to be carried out under principles of openness, fairness, justice, honesty and credit worthiness.,Reading A,资格预审和投标 在投标前,承包商应该先通过所有的资格预审程序。,Reading A,承包商应有能力融资,这就要求他在在银行中有良好的信用等级。他必须能够保证在项目进行过程中提供电力和机械设备,也能确保由合适的人员担任技术专家、管理人员和技术工人。开发文件资料用以记录活动和促进通信联系。所有的法律文件需经过审批。,Reading A,经过对资格预审文件的审查,承包商可以进入下一阶段,即项目投标。投标文件通常包括四个部分: 协议书 施工方法说明书 质量和安全保证计划书 工程量清单,Reading A,协议书是由承包商向当地政府和监管机构所作的承诺。其中包括初始总价格、开工和完工日期以及维护期的内容。它必须由承包商的法人代表签署。,Reading A,施工方法说明书通常包括:施工方法说明、施工进度、现场组织结构图,重要人员信息、施工过程中的工地规划表、水电力需求图表、主要供应商和分包商名单等。,Reading A,质量和安全保证计划书主要包括工地的安全保障措施以及所有的测试报告。承包商根据政府机构的相关法规,保障施工过程中工人的健康和安全,从而制定计划。,Reading A,工程量清单。单位价格由直接成本和间接成本两方面组成。直接成本是指原材料成本、劳动力成本和设备成本,而间接成本包括办公费用、场地费用、工人的保险和交通费用等。,Reading A,投标程序应在公开、公平、公正和诚信的原则下进行。,raise,e.g.1. These young students are raising money for charity. 学生们正在为基金会筹集善款。 2. The general raised a vast army. 将军召集起一支庞大的军队。,v.筹款,征集人员,Reading A,Reading A,guarantee,v. 保证,担保,e.g.1. Because it is raining cats and dogs, we cannot guarantee the trains arrive in time. 因为外面正下倾盆大雨,所以我们不能保 证火车准点到达。 2.The authorities can not guarantee the safety of the ambassadors. 当局无法保证大使们的安全。,Reading A,provision,n. 供应,供给,提供,e.g.1. The government is responsible for the provision of health care. 政府有提供健康保障的责任。 2. Women would welcome the provision of children facilities at work places so as to take care of their babies. 妇女们都欢迎在工作场所提供儿童保育设 施来照顾她们的孩子。,Reading A,effect,v. 使发生,产生,e.g.1. The leaders are making efforts to effect a reconciliation between the warring factions. 领导们努力使交战各派达成和解。 2. They hope to effect a reconciliation. 他们希望能达成和解。,Reading A,examine,v. (仔细地)检查,审查,e.g.1. The research examined the effects of alcohol on long-term memory. 这项研究检验了酒精对于长时记忆的影响。 2. After examining the evidence, the police found no truth in these claims. 检查过证据后,警察发现这些说法都不成立。,Reading A,quality,n. 质,质量,品质
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