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Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars练(一)英语知识运用组块专练练准度(限时:30分钟).完形填空(2016广西桂林一模)The other day I was having a meal in an Italian restaurant when I got a phone call from a long lost friend. In my excitement I talked slightly _1_ than usual and in Spanish, my mother tongue. A few minutes into the _2_ the lady sitting at the table beside mine got up, seemingly _3_, and asked the restaurant staff to find for her another _4_ as far away as possible from me. I _5_ in my seat out of embarrassment, feeling the _6_ to go over and apologize.I looked around and _7_ the lady was alone and staring out the window at the table furthest away from me. I was about to stand up when it hit me that she might prefer not to be _8_. Right then I _9_ my plans for a conventional apology and decided to conduct an experiment. Seeing those _10_ smile cards in my wallet I took one out. On signing my restaurant check I asked my waiter to _11_ charge the ladys meal to my credit card and _12_ her a smile card instead of her bill.When I was _13_ I told the staff I would be back in a few hours to pick up my credit card and close the bill. I returned later as I promised, excited to learn the _14_ of the experiment. To my pleasant surprise, things _15_ the best possible way. The restaurant staff happily approached me, telling me that in the many times she had had dinner there before _16_ had they seen the old lady smile and laugh like she did _17_ receiving the smile card and the D|S0 _18_. She thanked the staff _19_ they explained that someone else did the job.To top it off, the staff asked me about the smile cards so as to conduct their own _20_. It was an interesting, fun experiment which may hopefully result in many more.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者在饭店高声打电话时打扰到了一位女士,感觉过意不去,想过去给那位女士道歉。但意识到这位女士可能不愿被人打扰,于是作者想到了一个别出心裁的道歉方式:替她买单,并让服务员替自己给这位女士送一张微笑卡。没想到这种方式收到了出乎意料的效果。1A.betterBmoreCfaster Dlouder解析:选D根据句中“In my excitement”以及下句中“as far away as possible from me”可知,作者接到一个很久没联系过的朋友打来的电话,感到兴奋,所以说话声音比平时要大,导致邻桌的一位女士厌烦,换到了远离作者的位置。故选D项,意为“更响亮地,更大声地”。2A.call BspeechCquarrel Dsaying解析:选A根据第一句中“when I got a phone call”及空格前“A few minutes into”可知,此处指作者打了几分钟的电话。故选A项,意为“电话联络”。3A.tired BworriedCannoyed Dconfused解析:选C根据空格后“asked the restaurant staff to find for her another _4_ as far away as possible from me”以及第一段最后一句中“go over and apologize”可知,此处应指作者大声打电话让这位女士感到厌烦。故选C项,意为“恼怒的,生气的”。4A.chair BtableCroom Dspace解析:选B根据第一句中“in an Italian restaurant”以及第二段第一句中“staring out the window at the table furthest away from me”可知,这位女士要求换个餐桌。故选B项。5A.hid BlayCsank Dtook解析:选C根据句中“in my seat out of embarrassment”可知,由于感到尴尬,作者应是坐下来了。故选C项,意为“下沉,坐下”。6A.chance BurgeCpity Dmistake解析:选B根据上文内容及空格后“go over and apologize”可知,因为自己大声打电话的不礼貌行为让这位女士感到厌烦,所以作者觉得很有必要走过去向她道歉。故选B项,意为“强烈愿望,冲动”。7A.spotted BtoldCheard Drecognized解析:选A根据句中“looked around”可知,作者环顾四周后发现这位女士独自坐到了离自己最远的一张餐桌旁。故选A项,意为“看见,发现”。8A.attracted BwatchedCnoticed Ddisturbed解析:选D根据第一段最后一句中“go over and apologize”和本段上句中“the lady was alone . from me”可知,作者想去给这位女士道歉,但看到她一个人坐在那里,凝视着窗外,作者突然意识到她可能不愿被别人打扰。因此选D项,意为“扰乱,打扰”。9A.had BmadeCabandoned Drefused解析:选C根据上句以及本句中“decided to conduct an experiment”可知,作者放弃了常规的道歉方式。故选C项,意为“放弃”。10A.funny BuselessCexpensive Dstrange解析:选A根据常识可知,“smile cards”(微笑卡)的特点应是有趣。故选A项,意为“有趣的,滑稽的”。11A.instantly BsecretlyCslightly Dfreely解析:选B根据第三段最后一句的内容,尤其是“She thanked the staff _19_ they explained that someone else did the job.”可知,这位女士不知道作者替她付账的事。由此可知,答案为B项,意为“秘密地”。12A.draw BbuyCdrop Dhand解析:选D根据空格后“her a smile card instead of her bill”和第三段倒数第二句中“receiving the smile card”可知,作者替这位女士结了账,并让服务员给她一张微笑卡而不是给她账单。故选D项,意为“传递,交给”。13A.going BarrivingCleaving Dwalking解析:选C根据空格后“I told the staff I would be back”可知,此处应指作者离开时。故选C项,意为“离开”。14A.outcome BeffectsCrules Dsituations解析:选A根据句中“I returned”“excited to learn the _14_ of the experiment”可知,作者再次回来一方面是结账,另一方面是想知道自己实施的道歉方式的结果如何。故选A项,意为“结果”。15A.worked out Bturned outCwent out Dfigured out解析:选B根据上句中“excited to learn the _14_ of the experiment”可知,本句话强调新颖的道歉方式所产生的结果。故选B项,意为“结果是,证明是”。16A.ever BevenCstill Dnever解析:选D分析句子结构可知,本句话使用了部分倒装形式。并结合句中“in the many times she had had dinner there before”可推知,此处指这位女士多次到这个饭店用餐,但饭店的服务员从未见她笑过。由此可知,答案为D项。表示否定意思的词或短语位于句首时,句子常用部分倒装结构。17A.on BtoCat Dwith解析:选A句意:他们之前从来没见过这位女士像收到微笑卡和0元账单时那样笑过。on doing是固定短语,意为“当时,一就”,符合句意。故选A项。18A.gift BnoteCcheck Dexpense解析:选C根据第二段最后一句中“charge the ladys meal to my credit card”可知,作者替这位女士付了账。结合空格前“the D|S0”可知,此处指0元账单。故选C项,意为“账单,支票”。19A.unless BbecauseCas though Deven though解析:选D根据空格前后两部分“She thanked the staff”和“they explained that someone else did the job”可知,二者之间是让步关系。故选D项,意为“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句。20A.shops BexperimentsCbusinesses Drestaurants解析:选B根据最后一句中“may hopefu
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