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Unit 3总分:50分 时间:30分钟单项选择(本题包括10小题,每题2分,共20分)1I forgot to _ the movie _ the computerAtake;awayBtake;outCtake;up Dtake;off2How many people will come to our party?_300AAt first BAt lastCAt least DAt home3We are all surprised at her English_,she is only 8 years oldAAt all BAfter allCNot at all DAt least4If you _ the work on time,you will get 500 yuan as awardAfinish BfinishedCwill finish Dfinishes5Pinocho isnt _ honest boy,so we dont like himAa BanCone D/6Miss Gao warned him _ his EnglishAfor BaboutCwith Dat7My parents warned me _too much sweet before going to bedAto eat Bto not eatCnot to eat Deat8Im sorryI didnt do a good jobThats OKYou tried your best _Aafter all Bin allCfirst of all Dall together9He thinks if I play games on it,itll go wrong画线处近义词短语为_。Awork well Bisnt rightCnot work Dhave a virus10The famous movie star didnt refuse _ the poor childrenAhelp BhelpsCto help Dhelping句型转换(本题包括8小题,每题2.5分,共20分)1My watch didnt work(改为同义句)My watch _ _2“Dont play in the street!” he warned me(合并为一句)He warned me _ _ _ in the street3He wont be busyHe will take a walk(用if合并成一句)_ he _ busy,he _ _ a walk4He didnt give me a giftBut he gave me a card(改为同义句)He _ me a card _ _ a gift5I will go home after I finish the work(改为同义句)I _ go home _ I finish the work6It took him about 30 minutes to mend the computer(改为同义句)He _ about 30 minutes _ the computer7If you dont put on some warm clothes,you will catch a cold(改为同义句)Put on some warm clothes,_ you will catch a cold8Hell be angry with me,_ _?(完成反意疑问句)补全对话(有两项多余)(本题包括5小题,每题2分,共10分)A:MrFred,you often help children1_B:Yes,of courseChildren often write to me and ask me how to solve their problemsA:2_B:Many cant decide when to study and when to playI think they should learn to achieve a balance(平衡) between study and playA:I agreeSometimes I get too much homework and 3_B:You must feel stressed(压力) from time to time,right?A:YesCan you give me some advice?B:OK4_A:I seeAny more?B:YesYou can also get help from youth workers at your own schoolA:Thanks for your adviceB:5_AI dont know which to do firstBWhat problems do most students have?CWhats your job?DYou can talk to your teachers,parents or friendsECan you tell me something about your job?FIts so kind of you to tell me thisGYou are welcomeUnit 3参考答案1D2C3B4A5B6B7C8A9C10C1went wrong2not to play3If;isnt;will take4gave;instead of5wont;until6spent;mending7or8wont he1E2B3A4D5G4
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