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课时跟踪练(十一) Introduction & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.根据首字母或汉语提示拼写单词1We have booked two tables at our favourite restaurant this afternoon.2He pretended that he was ill so that he could stay at home.3In the Torch Festival, the Yi people danced in their national costumes.4He searched his memory but couldnt recall where hed seen her before.5After breaking out of jail, he hid himself from the police in a deserted farmhouse.6Superstitions (迷信) have recently been revived (使再流行) in some parts of the country.7You could feel the magic (魅力) of Shakespeares poetry.8The guests were deeply impressed with the girls elegant (优雅的) manners.9The main stem will extend (延长) to around 12ft, if left to develop naturally.10His younger sister stopped in confusion (困惑) when we turned to look at her.单句语法填空1Listen carefully, or/otherwise youll miss something important.2She pretended to_be_listening (listen) carefully, but in fact her mind has already wandered away.3Before the performance, the teachers were busy dressing up these children as little white rabbits.4We all know that the Great Wall dates from the third century BC.5As time went by, the boy came to realize his mistakes.6I like coffee with cream while he prefers black coffee.选词填空dress up, on end, date back to, come to an end, put into prison, in secret, wander around, come off1Her stay in the US was coming_to_an_end and she was thinking about going home.2She didnt dress_up and went to the party as she used to.3The two young lovers decided to marry in_secret,_and they did so the very next day.4Corn prices will remain high for months on_end.5During the war, Marco was the captain of a warship but was caught by the enemy and put_into_prison.6The traditional friendship between our two countries dates_back_to ancient days.7When I tried to lift the kettle, the handle came_off in my hand.8When I was wandering_around my campus, someone patted me on the shoulder.课文语法填空Think of carnival, 1.and you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion. “Carnival” comes from two Latin words, 2.meaning (mean) “no more meat”. People saw Carnival as a last chance 3.to_have (have) fun at the end of the winter season.The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice. For weeks 4.on end, people wearing masks did what they wanted without 5.being_recognised (recognise), so that many crimes went unpunished.The government realised this problem and made laws 6.to_solve (solve) it. Masks were banned 7.completely (complete). But in 8.the late 1970s the tradition was revived by students.Today, carnival in Venice 9.is_celebrated (celebrate) for five days in February. As you wander through the streets, you see thousands of masks. However, nobody takes them off. If the masks come 10.off,_the magic is lost.串点成篇微表达晚饭后当朱莉娅(Julia)在家附近的小路上漫步(wander around)时,她想起了两年前的一次聚会。所有人都为这次盛大的聚会乔装打扮(dress up),戴着各式面具。他们装作(pretend)互不相识,尽情享乐(have fun)。聚会直到午夜才结束(come to an end)。When_Julia_was_wandering_around_the_path_near_her_home_after_supper,_she_thought_of_a_party_held_two_years_ago,_for_which_all_people_dressed_up,_wearing_different_masks._They_pretended_not_to_have_met_each_other_before,_having_fun_as_much_as_possible._The_party_didnt_come_to_an_end_until_midnight.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空I met a man yesterday and didnt get his name. Our meeting seemed to be _1_ by something unknown.He was a(n) _2_ man. His hair was totally white and his back was bent. I didnt see him at first. I decided to search for the owner _3_ I found a very worn and old wooden walking stick, which was hanging outside of a shopping cart. I looked around and _4_ out to a man who was walking away. I _5_ it was his. It was. And he returned _6_ to get it. A short distance cost him a long time.I was in a friendly _7_ to start a conversation. That was when the story between us began. I stood outside the supermarket with him for 10 minutes just _8_. And that was all he wanted to be heard and to _9_ his story. I stood there feeling his _10_ over losing his first wife during childbirth to his only son and later his joys of _11_ this son on his own as well as traveling the world. He _12_ found his true love and married a childhood sweetheart, his second wife. He is very _13_ that he has an intact (完整的) family now.At the end of our talk, this man held my hands, looked me in the eye and _14_ thanked me. And then he _15_ and walked away.As he walked away, a strong feeling _16_ me. And I seemed to hear a _17_ in my mind that told me he was peaceful now.Strangers are never strangers _18_ you open your heart to them. Often they dress up like _19_, waiting to bless you or to be blessed.Yesterday I was _20_ An angel to this man, yet at the same time, blessed by him.语篇解读:本文讲述了作者在超市外偶遇一位陌生老人并倾听他的故事,陌生老人对作者心存感激,从而引发作者的一番感慨只要敞开心扉,愿意倾听,陌生人也可以变成朋友。1A.rangedBarrangedCmade Dunite
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