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Unit 1 Im Liu Tao一、小鱼吐的泡泡中,有一个不是同类的,你能找出来吗?请你圈出下面的序号。1.amm are you A B C2. ImyyourA B C3. heredrink eatA B C二、读句子,看图补全单词。( )1. Helen,dont sl_ _ _ in the classroom. ( )2. Is this your _ _ _? ( )3. Its my English _ _ _ _. 三、单项选择。 ( )1. _ Mr Wang. Hes _ teacher. A. She; I B. Hes; my C. Shes; my ( )2. -Please come in. -_. A. Im sorry. B. Thank you. C. No, thank you.( )3. -This is my father. -_ A. Nice to meet you.B. Yes, he is. C. Thank you.( )4. -Open it, please. -_ A.Thank you. B. Goodbye. C. Yes, Mr Green. 四、从方框中选择合适的词,用其正确形式完成对话。 Good Hello sorry1._. Helen! 2. _ morning!3. Im _. 五、情景选择 ( )1.你在图书馆看书,有同学大声叫你,你会说: A. Dont run here. B. Dont shout here. C. Dont talk here.( )2.上学迟到了,你对老师说: A. Come in, please. B. Im sorry, Miss Li. C. Open the door, please.( )3.同学在课堂上吃东西,你提醒他: A. Dont talk. B. Dont drink. C. Dont eat.参考答案一、 BCC二、 1.eep 2.cap 3.book三、 CBAA四、 1.Hello 2.Good 3.sorry五、 BBC3
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