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COFFEECOFFEE STARBUCKS American cultureAmerican culture COFFEE History in the 15th century. Arabias Yemen :only source. The demand was very high, beans highly guarded. No fertile plants were allowed to leave the country. Muslim pilgrims(朝圣者) to Mecca smuggled coffee plants back to their homelands, and coffee crops soon took root in India. Coffee also made its way to Europe through Venice, where fleets traded perfumes, teas, dyes and fabrics with Arabic merchants. Be popular when street vendors began selling it. Growth Growth Growth ProcessProcess of BakingBaking Green coffee beans are heated in a large rotating drum, then their transformation begins. After about 5 to 7 minutes, much of their moisture evaporates. The beans turn a yellow color and smell a little like popcorn. After about 8 minutes in the roaster, the “first pop“ occurs. The beans double in size. They are now light brown. ProcessProcess of BakingBaking After 10-11 minutes, the beans reach an even brown color, and oil starts to appear on the surface of the bean. At this roasting time (between 11 and 15 minutes), the full flavor potential begins to develop in the beans, bringing all of their attributes into balance. The “second pop“ signals that the coffee is almost ready. The smell of freshly roasted coffee fills the air. Baked Coffee Beans Starbucks CorporationStarbucks Corporation, doing business as Starbucks CoffeeStarbucks Coffee, is an American coffee company and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Seattle, WashingtonWashington Founded in 1971in 1971, Starbucks is now the largestlargest coffeehouse company in the world, with 22,766 stores in 65 countries and territories65 countries and territories。 ? Original brown logo, used from 1971 1987. Green logo used from 19922011, still being used as a secondary logo. Redesigned logo used from 2011 present. EVOLUTIONS OF TRADEMARK A twin-tailed mermaid DUBAI KOREA CHINA 那么何为“Espresso” ?以7-8公克深度烘焙的综合 咖啡豆,研磨成极细的咖啡粉,经过9个大气压与摄氏92度 左右的高温热水,在15秒的短时间内急速萃取30毫升的浓 烈咖啡液体称之为“Espresso”。一杯成功的 “Espresso” 最重要的是看表面是否漂浮着一层厚厚的呈 棕红色的油脂沫:“Crema克丽玛”。 espresso Espresso is coffee brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans. This is the very essence of coffee, in its most concentrated form. it is a perfect foundation for lattes, cappuccinos and all our espresso-based beverages. But you can also enjoy it all by itself indeed, that might be the best way to discover its nuances. Espresso Despite the name, this is actually a European way to enjoy coffee: espresso with hot water. Caff Americano Espresso topped with foamed milk. Espresso Macchiato What is Latte? Latte is milk in Italian. The latte here means milk coffeeThe latte here means milk coffee, with the base of Italian espresso, the middle of milk that is heated between 65 - 75 and the top layer of cold milk foam that is no more than half centimeter. Try it with syrupsyrup of your choice (like vanilla, caramel or almond) for a special treat. Caff Latte With less milk than a latte, cappuccino cappuccino offers a stronger flavor and a luxurious texture. cappuccino 卡布奇诺和拿铁的配料是完全一致的:牛奶和Espresso,所不同的就在于卡 布奇诺的奶沫至少占到总杯量的一半,而拿铁的奶沫则不应超过总杯量的10% 。换而言之,卡布奇诺是以奶沫为主的,拿铁则是以牛奶为主。外形的异同卡 布奇诺的奶泡应该如图高于杯口,且显得饱满、光洁,左右晃动杯子也不会有 咖啡溢出来;拿铁只是薄薄的一层奶沫,一般与杯口平齐就可以了。卡布奇诺 会有很厚实绵密的口感,咖啡味道会较重,而拿铁的奶味较重,咖啡味相对要 淡了很多。 Caff Mocha Like a caff latte, it is based on espresso and hot milk, but with added chocolate, typically in the form of sweet cocoa powder, although many varieties use chocolate syrup. Mochas can contain dark or milk chocolate. FrappuccinoFrappuccino is a trademark for a line of frozen coffee beverages sold by Starbucks. It consists of coffee or other base ingredient (e.g., strawberries and cream), blended with ice and other various ingredients, usually topped with whipped cream. Frappuccinos are also sold as bottled coffee beverages in stores Subsidiaries a teatea & & herbal teaherbal tea manufacturer and distributor founded in Portland, Oregon(俄勒 冈州), now a division of Starbucks based in Kent, Washington. 让蒸汽或开水通过磨碎的咖啡豆制成的浓咖啡 espresso THANK YOU
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