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Unit8HaveyoureadTreasureIslandyet?Period4SectionB1a1d【课型】听说课学习目标1.学习并掌握下列单词:pop,rock,band2.学习并掌握下列常用表达:listen to,start doing,be from,full of energy,wake sb.up,make sb.+adj.3.学习并掌握下列句型:1)They only started singing earlier this year.2)There are five people in the band and they are all teenage boys.3)I am listening to a band called “The Toms ”.4)They are from California,in the United States.5)The Toms play pop music.6)Listening to The Toms is a good way to wake up.学习过程【课前预习】翻译下列短语。1.你最喜欢的歌手2.你最喜欢的音乐家3.一定很受欢迎4.演奏流行音乐5.听起来更像摇滚6.一个让人清醒的好方法7.乐队的人数8.音乐类型【课堂探究】探究一:must的用法在此处must表示推断,通常与be连用,意为“”。must这种表示推测的用法只用于句中。There must be something wrong with the computer.那台电脑一定是出了什么毛病。拓展:must情态动词,也可意为“必须”,无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。I must go home.我必须回家。探究二:wake up的用法wake up意为“”,wake sb.up意为“”,代词须放在wake与up之间。I didnt wake up until I heard the alarm clock.直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。Would you please wake me up tomorrow?请你明天叫醒我好吗?【课堂练习】一、根据课文内容及词首字母提示完成单词。1.They only s singing earlier this year.2.There are five people in the band and they are all t boys.3.I am listening to a band c“The Toms”.4.They are f California,in the United States.5.The Toms play pop m.6.L to The Toms is a good way to wake up.二、单项选择。1.The book be Jims because his name is on it.A.canB.mayC.mustD.need2.I think aloud is a good way to improve your speaking skill.A.readB.readsC.readingD.readed3.Have you the piece of music?Yes,I .A.heard;didB.heard;haveC.listened;haveD.listened to;have 4.He seen the film yet.A.didntB.haventC.hasntD.doesnt have5.Where is Tom? We cant find him anywhere.Perhaps he home.A.has comeB.is goingC.wentD.was going6.Difficulties always go with me!Cheer up! If God close a door in front of you,there be a window opened for you.A.wouldB.mustC.couldD.can7.Li Lianjies movies are us.A.popularB.popular withC.popular ofD.popular out 8.Dont you think that is a good way the problem?A.to solveB.solveC.of solveD.of solving 9.He hasnt finished HarryPotter yet.A.readB.to readC.readingD.reads 10.He the dog for a walk an hour ago.A.tookB.takeC.has takenD.have taken 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。1.快点!已经开始上课了。! The class has already begun.2.她的眼里充满了泪水。Her eyes are tears.3.当门铃响的时候,她正在看书。When the door bell rang,she a book.4.她已经写完一篇作文了。She a composition.5.二十年以后,你将会在哪里生活?in 20 years?【自我反思】1.我的收获:2.我的易错点:参考答案课前预习1.your favorite singer2.your favorite musician3.must be popular4.play pop music5.sound more like rock6.a good way to wake up7.the number of people in the band8.kind of music课堂探究探究一:一定是,肯定是;肯定探究二:醒来;把某人唤醒课堂练习一、1.started2.teenage3.called4.from5.music6.Listening二、15.CCDCA610.BBACA 三、1.Hurry up2.full of3.was reading4.has finished writing5.Where will you live3
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