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Unit5 Our Clothes单词掌握a coat, a dress, a shirt, a T-shirt, a sweater, a cap, shorts, shoes复习句型1 Whose blue pen is this?复习句型2 Whose blue socks are these?复习句型3 Is this your blue dress?复习句型4 Are these Moms shoes?句型1 Whose blue pen is this? 回答:Its mine. Thanks.句型2 Whose blue socks are these?回答1:Theyre Tonys.回答2:I dont know.句型3 Is this your blue dress?肯定回答:Yes, it is.否定回答:No, it isnt. Its Lisas.句型4 Are these Moms shose?肯定回答:Yes, they are.否定回答:No, they arent.一、 看图写单词。 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6. _ 7. _ 8._二选出不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. zoo B. park C. boy( ) 2. A. me B. he C. she( ) 3. A. eighty B. old C. eleven( ) 4. A. cap B. dress C. peach( ) 5. A. yours B. my C. hers三、问答配对。( ) 1. Are these your shoes? A. Its a T-shirt.( ) 2. What are these? B. They are keys.( ) 3. What is this? C. Yes, they are.( ) 4. Is this your blue shirt? D. Its Jennys.( ) 5. Whose sweater is this? E. Theyre Bens.( ) 6. Whose shirts are these? F. No, its not.四、单项选择( )1. Is this dress yours? A. Yes, its mine. B. Yes, its yours. C. Yes, its hers.( )2. Whose shoes are these?A. They are he. B. Theyre his. C. Yes, it is.( )3. Whose cap is this?A. Its hers. B. They are hers. C. Yes, they are.( )4. Are these Bens socks?A. No, its Bens. B. No, theyre Ben. C. No, theyre Tonys.( )5. Where are they going?A. I like shopping. B. Shes going to the shopping mall. C. They are going to the shopping mall.( )6. A:Are these blue _? B:Yes, they are.A. sock B. sockes. C. socks.( )7. A:_ red shirt is this? B:Its Jennys.A. Whose B. Where C. What( )8. A:Is this _? B:Its Jennys.A. her B. hers C. my( )9. A:Is this shirt_? B:No, its not.A. yours B. your C. you( )10. This is _ sweater.A. Mom B. Moms C. Moms( )11. A:Whose shoes _ these? A. are B. is C. am( )12. A:Are these blue_ yours? B:Yes, they are.A. dress B. dresss C. dresses( )13. Are _ shoes green?A. she B. her C. hers( )14. Its four oclock _ the morning.A. in B. on C. at( )15. Tony _ a blue shirt.A. have B. there is C. has( )16. There _ a dining room near the door.A. are B. is C. am五、选词填空。1. This _(is; are) her T-shirt. Its _(hers; her)2. Whose _ (shoes; shirt) are these? Theyre _(mine; my)3. Are these socks _(yours; your)? Yes, they are.4. _(Are; Is) this coat your sisters? Sorry, I _(dont; am) know.5. _Whose red and blue _(pant; pants) are these?六、按要求改写句子。1. These are Dads shoes. (改为一般疑问句)_2. Is this shirt yours?(作出否定回答)_3. This is Jennys cap. (就画线部分提问)_七、根据图片或上下文提示完成对话。1、_Its Jennys. 2、_Yes, theyre mothers.3、_Yes, its mine.
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