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Section Writing 如何写新闻报道文体感知新闻报道是记叙文的一种,其特点是以事实为依据,对人的经历或事实给予明确的、实事求是的报道。写作规范题目要求星光中学(Xingguang High School)近期举行了一次登山活动。假定你是学校英语报记者,请写一篇短文,报道此次活动。内容包括:1时间与地点:4月10日,大青山(Daqing Mountain);2活动的过程;3你对于这次活动的评论。注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。第一步:审题谋篇一、审题1体裁:记叙文;2话题:报道活动;3人称:第三人称;4时态:叙述事件用一般过去时;评论用一般现在时。二、构思第一段:点出活动的时间、地点、人物和目的;第二段:描写活动的过程;第三段:谈谈对活动的认识。第二步:词汇推敲1take_outdoor_exercise参加户外运动2set_off_for 动身去某地3in_high_spirits 情绪高涨4fall_behind 落在后面5be_of_great_benefit_to 对很有益处6organize_a_mountainclimbing_activity 组织爬山活动7enjoy_fresh_air 享受新鲜空气8get_close_to_nature 接近大自然第三步:句式锻造1为了鼓励同学们参加户外运动,我们学校于4月10日组织了登山活动。In_order_to_encourage_the_students_to_take_outdoor_exercise,_our school organized a mountainclimbing activity on April 10.2我们几百个人参加了这项活动。Hundreds of us took_part_in this activity.3有些人落后了。Some fell_behind.4其他的人愿意来提供帮助。Others would come and offer_help.5我们沐浴在阳光下。We were bathed_in sunshine.6我们高兴得欢呼跳跃。We jumped and cheered with_joy.7.这不仅让我们接近了大自然,从沉重的学业中得以放松,也增强了我们的友谊。It not only got us close_to nature and gave us relaxation from heavy school work, it also promoted the friendship among us.第四步:句式升级8用定语从句合并1、2句。In order to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise, our school organized a mountainclimbing activity on April 10, which_hundreds_of_us_took_part_in.9用when合并3、4句。When_some_fell_behind,_others_would_come_and_offer_help.10用非谓语动词合并5、6句。Bathed_in_sunshine,_we jumped and cheered with joy.11用倒装句改写第7句。Not_only_did_it_get us close to nature and give us relaxation from heavy school work, it also promoted the friendship among us.第五步:妙笔成篇_参考答案:In order to encourage students to take outdoor exercise, our school organized a mountainclimbing activity on April 10, which hundreds of us took part in.It was a fine day. At 8 am, we gathered at the foot of Daqing Mountain and set off for the top in high spirits. All the way we were chatting, singing and laughing, enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. When some fell behind, others would come and offer help. About 2 hours later, we all reached the top. Bathed in sunshine, we jumped and cheered with joy.The activity is of great benefit to us. Not only did it get us close to nature and give us relaxation from heavy school work, but also promoted the friendship among us. What a wonderful time!写作提升假设你是李华,是校英文报“环球实事”栏目组的小编辑,日本港口城市熊本发生了连续的地震,请根据下列要点写一篇报道。1地震的基本信息:前震:2017年4月14日晚上21点26分;震源深度11千米。主震:2017年4月16日凌晨1点25分;震源深度10千米。2伤亡情况:至少40人死亡、上千人受伤、大量建筑倒塌起火、许多人搬出他们的家。3祝愿灾区早日重建。注意:1词数:100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。提示词汇:熊本市 Kumamoto前震foreshock主震 main shock答案:The Kumamoto earthquakes are a series of earthquakes, including a main shock which struck at 01:25 am on April 16,2017, at a depth of about 10 km, and a foreshock earthquake at 9:26 pm on April 14, 2017, at a depth of about 11 km. The two earthquakes killed at least 40 people and more than one thousand people got injured. With so many buildings falling down and catching fire, a great number of people have moved out of their homes. We hope that people in the disaster area can lead a normal life and have their beautiful homes rebuilt soon.增分佳句1陈述事实常用的句型:(1)A terrible storm hit/struck Japan.强风暴袭击了日本。(2)It was a cool autumn night when the accident happened.事故发生在一个凉爽的秋夜。(3)With the help of the rescue team, people who were trapped in the flood were saved.在救援队的帮助下,困在洪水中的人们得救了。2陈述观点常用的句型:Clearly/Obviously/In my opinion/It seemed that people were shocked.显然/在我看来/似乎人们震惊了。3揭示原因常用的句型:Because of/As a result of/Thanks to the help of the army, people who got injured were sent to the hospital immediately.因为/幸亏有军队的帮助,受伤的人们被立即送往医院。4总结全文常用的句型:In a word/To draw a conclusion/I believe we will build a new city.总之/我相信我们将重建一个新城。5
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