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重庆市铜梁县2017-2018学年高二英语上学期寒假作业(二)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AItll soon be the birthday of one of my closest friends, Susie. I still cannot decide what to give her. Shes a rare friend because she has been there for me all the time whenever I need a friend to talk to. I can always depend on her to be the first to arrive to give me advice when I have problems. I guess I am so lucky to have her as a friend. Its more than seven years since I first met Susie in our school. I joined the theater group and she was a director then. At first I thought she was intimidating (令人生畏的) but in the end I realized that she needed to keep a strict image in order for her actors and actresses to take her seriously. And then during practice I got a chance to know her better. In fact, she was a friendly and warmhearted person. Soon we become good friends.I dont know exactly what to give my friend on her birthday as I believe she has everything. So its really hard to buy her a gift she will like. This year I want something different and special but I dont know what to give. One day I searched the Internet without any purpose and to my surprise there is a really lovely site where you can buy all kinds of gifts.I scanned(浏览) some of their items and I found cool and exciting gifts. I chose a special personalized bracelet(手镯). Im sure that this will look perfect on her. I put our names as part of the design of the bracelet so that itll remind us that well forever be friends. I cant wait to give her my gift but I wont tell her yet. I dont want to destroy the surprise. 21. Why does the author consider Susie as a rare friend? A. Susie is good at solving problemsB. She and the author have lots of things to talk aboutC. Susie is a friendly and warmhearted personD. She can always offer help when the author is in need22. Finally the author found a nice gift for her friend A. with the help of somebody elseB. while going onlineC. while doing shopping in a storeD. without difficulty23. The author wanted to put her and her friends names in the bracelet in order to .A. give her friend a big surpriseB. make the present more specialC. remind her friend of their difference between themD. make her friend remember their friendship foreverBCar companies are developing vehicles that will plug into electric sockets, just like many laptops, digital cameras, cell phones and Mp4 do. Called “plugin vehicles”, these cars will get most of their power from electricity. Their drivers wont have to stop at gas stations as often as usual.The technology is more than just cool. In our carfilled world, plugin vehicles could reduce the amount of gas we use, which keeps rising in cost now and then. Besides, driving around in these vehicles may even help the environment. Gasburning cars produce a lot of greenhouse gas, which causes global warming. The first companyproduced plugin vehicles could hit the roads by 2020. But engineers still have a lot of work to do to make the technology practical and inexpensive.Batteries are the biggest challenge. In the pluginvehicle world, Liion (锂离子) batteries are getting the most attention. These batteries can store a large amount of energy in a small package, and they last a longer time between charges. Liion batteries can fit laptops, cell phones, heart instruments and other similar pocket ones.But because cars are so big and heavy, it would still require a suitcasesized Liion batteries to power about 12km of driving. Whats more, the batteries are much expensive.“A car filled with batteries could go a long distance,”says Ted Bohn, an electrical engineer in Chicago. “But it couldnt pull any people, and it would cost $100,000.” So researchers need to work out how to make batteries smaller and cheaper, among other questions.“The answers dont exist yet” Bohn says, “As a kid, I thought someone someplace knows the answer to everything. All of these questions havent been decided. Thats what engineering is aboutmaking a guess, running tests and getting fine results.”24. According to the passage, the main problem of the new car is .A. the developing B. the speedC. the appearance D. the batteries25. Which is true according to the passage? A. The “plugin vehicles” will use electricity completely as driving powerB. The new technology will help protect our environmentC. The technology of using electricity as driving is quite practical nowD. The biggest challenge of the new technology is that it will cost us more energy26. How does Bohn feel about the future of the technology according to the last paragraph? A. Confident B. PuzzledC. Worried D. Disappointed27. According to the passage, the new technology is facing the problems except that .A. the new technology cannot come into use at presentB. the cost of the new technology is qui
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