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king n. 国王,queen n. 王后,minister n. 大臣;部长,prime minister 首相;总理,banker n. 银行家,palace n. 王宫;宫殿,wealth n. 财富,power n. 权力,fame n. 名声,声誉,玩转单词,exmine v. 检查,Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.,Section A Period 2 3a-3c,Learning aims,Key words、 phrases and sentenses fame pale examine wealth sleep badly; dont feel like eating for no reason; neithernor have a lot of power/wealth take ones position (知识目标 Important points),Improve Ss reading skills (能力目标 Difficult points ),The meaning of happiness 情感目标(To be a happy person ),Are you happy?,What makes you happy?,Mothers love,Nice gifts,Beautiful flowers,Successful havest,Green life,Bright sunshine,Delicious food,Wonderful music,Harmonious family,Hopeful future,a lot of money,A lot of power,A lot of fame,Happiness is a sense of your own,Happiness is a sense of your own,3. 将生词和不熟悉的短语及有困难的句子用红笔圈点记录在互助本上,4. Try to get: Whats the main idea of the passage?,课内自主学习环节,用5分钟时间泛读短文一次. 勾画短文中重点词组短语句型,教师寄语: 自主培养阅读能力, 注重使用阅读技巧,Skimming,Whats the main idea of the passage?,A. The prime minister and the king B. The meaning of happiness C. A happy king,扫描阅读3a, 判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1. The king slept badly and didnt feel like eating because he was badly ill. ( ) 2. Medcine and rest could help the king. ( ) 3.The prime minister had a lot of power ,but he was unhappy. ( ) 4,Scanning,F,F,T,F,The banker was worried about being followed by others,One day,a doctor was called in to examine the king . What does “examine” mean? A. look after B. look carefully at C. look for,默读课文,培养语感,听读短文,加深理解,Careful reading,师友合作探究交流(6mins) 1. 师友二人根据译文找出红笔标记的重点的词组,互相订正。 2. 师友释疑学友疑难,学友做好记录。如有共性难点,举手询问。 3.师友二人讨论课本右上角的四个问题,师友交流,确定答案。,师友互助交流环节,很久很久以前,在一个富有而美丽的国家,那里住着一位不开心的国王。他睡眠不好,不想吃东西。他的脸总是和粉笔一样的苍白。他经常毫无理由地哭泣。这让女王和他的臣民担心。 有一天,一位医生被召来检查国王的身体。但他发现他的身体没有什么毛病。“一切都在他的思想中。药物和休息都不能帮助他。他需要的是一件快乐的人的衬衫来穿。那样将会让他高兴。” 总理被召进了宫。但当他们给他解释了国王的情况,他说,“尽管我有很多权力,但它却没有使我快乐。我总是担心失去我的权力。许多人试图取代我的位置。” 然后,国王的银行家来到了宫殿。“哦,恐怕我也不高兴,”他说。“我有很多的财富,但我总是担心失去我的钱。每天都有人想偷我的钱。” 接下来,皇宫歌手来到国王的房间。但这是他所说的:“没错,我是著名的,每个人都喜欢我的歌。但我不高兴,因为我总是担心被其他人紧随其后。我不能是空闲的。” 最后,国王的高级将领被告知在三天时间内出去找到一个快乐的人。,1.Neither medicine nor rest can help him. neither.nor.表示_.其含义是_的,既不也不,否定,当neither.nor.连接两个主语时,也应遵循_例如: Neither he nor I _ at home today. Neither I nor he_ at home today.,就近一致原则,am,is,教师点拔环节,2.Sth make(s) sb. + adj,It doesnt make me happy.,make sb. do sth. sb be made sb to do sth,3.feel like doing =want to do sth.,Task 1 Fast reading,1、Can medicine help the king?Why or why not? 2、Why does power not make the prime minister happy?,No. The doctor says there is nothing wrong with his body. The problem is in his mind and no medicine can help him.,He is always worried about losing his power, and many people are trying to take his position.,师友互助探究交流,3、Why does money not make the banker happy? 4、Why doer fame not make the singer happy?,He is always worried about losing his money ,and someone tried to steal his money every day.,He is always worried about being followed by others, so he cant be free.,师友二人交流并展示,再读3a第三、四、五自然段,完成下面表格,a lot of power,was worried about,take his position,banker,a lot of wealth,was worried about,steal his money every day,palace singer,was famous,loved his songs,being followed by others,Discuss in pairs. 师友二人交流并展示,Task 2,Detailed reading,Task 3 Read the text for the fourth time to fill in the blanks.,Long long ago, there was an unhappy king who didnt feel like _. And he often cried for _ _. The doctor _ the king and found _ _. And _ medicine _ rest can help him. As for the prime minister, having a lot of _ didnt make him _ for many people were trying to _ _ _. The kings banker was not happy ,_. Although he had a lot of _, he was always worried about _ his money. The palace singer said that having a lot of fame made him be worried about _ _ _ others.,eating,no reason,examined,nothing wrong,neither,nor,power,happy,his position,either,wealth,losing,being followed by,take,Role-play the story with your group.,3c,King n. 国王,Prime Minister,Queen n. 女王,banker n. 银行家,singer,doctor,Groupwork,1,2,3,4,5,7,当堂检测 师友二人抢答(每人+1分),6,8,Exercises,1.Neither he nor I _at swimming. A. is B. are C. am,单选,c,. 2.I dont feel like _. A. eat B. to eat C. eating,c,3. His sister was made _ by him yesterday. A. cry B. to cry C. crying,4.The _ music makes people_ A. relax, relaxed B. relaxing, relaxed C. relaxed, relaxing,5. The weather was _ too cold _too hot yesterday . A neithernor B. eitheror C. bothand,1.did not want to eat _ 2. was asked to come and help _,didnt feel like eating,was called in,6. Find words or phrases from the story with meanings similar to these phrases.,(3b),4.becoming less important _ 5. get my job _,losing power,take my position
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