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暗影之拳 - 阿卡丽 As balance dictates 奉均衡之命。 Without question 毫无疑问 Whatevers necessary 绝不手软 Mark acquired. 标记已做好。 Another unworthy opponent. 哼,又是一个不自量力的。 For the last time, Im a Kama master, I dont know this sutra you keep mentioning 我强调最后一遍,您一直念叨的经文,我这个忍镰大师根本听不懂哎 So many noobs will matchmaking ever find true balance? 菜鸟真多匹配系统找得到真正的平衡么? Deftly, I travel. 我随影而来,随影而去。 Didnt we just run by this same tower? Are you sure you dont want to want to ask for directions? 刚才我们路过的不就是这座炮塔么?你真的不想问问路么?确定一定以及肯定么? Understood 明白了 Through twilights veil 在暮光的帷幕下穿行? Tread lightly. 动作要轻 Agreed 赞成 Remain focused 保持警惕 Hesitation is the seed of defeat. 不要错失良机。 Symmetry in all things 对称存乎万物之间。 We travel the same path 我们是一条道儿上的。 I suggest you run, I want to savor this. 你们还是逃命吧,我想体验下追杀的快感了。牛头酋长 - 阿利斯塔 Stampede! 将他们冲散! You must follow 你必须跟着俺 I know the way 俺知道该怎么做。 To greener pastures 俺好像看见了更绿的牧场 You cant milk those! 战士的最高境界,就是不拿盾牌也能够开盾墙! You must follow 你必须跟着俺 Now Im angry! 俺很生气,后果很严重! Nothing can hold me back! 没有什么可以击退我! Mess with the bull, and you get the horns! 和公牛角力?你会尝到牛角的滋味的 。殇之木乃伊 - 阿木木 I thought youd never pick me 我还以为你从来都不会选我呢 Okey. 好吧 Aaaargh 啊!(愤怒地) Where are we going? 我们这是要去哪? Hey! Come back! 嘿!快回来! Lets find some friends! 我们去找点儿朋友吧! Come play with me 来和我玩吧 Mummy? Daddy? 妈妈?爸爸? Daddy? Mummy? 爸爸?妈妈? Lets be friends forever! 嘿,我知道一个能让我在走路的时候不被绷带绊倒的办法,你们想听么? Where are we going? 我们这是要去哪? Come play with me 来和我玩吧 Let me give you a hug 真可怜,让我抱抱你 。冰晶凤凰 - 艾尼维亚 On my wings 冰凤展翅 Keep cool 保持冷静 I bring the storm 风暴与我同在 In a flash 机会转瞬即逝 Only for you 全听你的 Understood 明白了 As you wish 如你所愿 Lets soar 让我们展翅翱翔! Laying an egg isnt as easy as it looks 我自己也很奇怪,为什么一团冰块能在天上飞呢? So young, so naive! 很傻很天真吖 。黑暗之女 安妮 You wanna play too? Itll be fun! 你也要来玩儿么?很好玩的哟! Take that! 尝尝这个! You wanna play too? Itll be fun! 你也要来玩儿么?很好玩的哟! Dont make me hurt you! 再烦我就打你哟! You smell like. Burning! 你闻起来像烧焦了一样! This way! 这边儿 Try to keep up! 别掉队吖! Have you seen my bear Tibbers? 那个你看见过我的小熊吗? Beaten by a little girl! 你们好犀利,败给小萝莉,羞羞脸 。寒冰射手 - 艾希 Smart choice 明智之选 Freeze! 结冰吧! Right between the eyes! 正对眉心! My aim is steady 我瞄得很稳。 You want some of this? 你要来几发么? We must press on! 我们必须向前推进! Agreed 同意 Swiftly now! 速度! My time has come 该死 No, really. Put that apple on your head. 别怕,不就是把苹果放在你头上么?我又不会射偏! Take a good look. Its the last youre going to get. 好好看着,可别到时不知道自己是怎么死的。 。蒸汽机器人 - 布里兹Fired up and ready to serve.发动机已启动,随时可以出发!Metal is harder than flesh.金属比血肉更硬。Bone is a poor alternative.骨头,只是可怜的替代品。Look, youre leaking.看,你正在漏油。Your steam is escaping.你的蒸汽正在泄漏。Quake in fear, fleshling.在恐惧中颤抖吧,肉人。Does that hurt?刚才那一下疼吗?Exterminate! Exterminate!消灭!统统消灭!Malfunction systems powering down发生故障系统供电正在减弱(渐弱地)I put the go in golem.? That was humor.? Other golems find that to be appropriately funny.召唤师,我想变形Precisely.要精确。I remain focused.我还在听。The magic calls to me.魔法在呼唤着我。A rolling golem gathers no rust.多多活动,就不会生锈。As long as it takes.顺其自然。Magic and steam, guide me!魔法和蒸汽指引着我!Im squeaking. Anybody got oil?我在嘎吱作响。有谁带润滑油了么?The time of man has come to an end.人类的时代该结束了!虚空恐惧 - 科加斯 Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom! (嚼东西的声音)诺姆诺姆诺姆 Ah, the tangled webs we weave! 啊,我们织的那张大网! Summoner, your darkness beckons! 召唤师,你的心魔正在蠢蠢欲动! Afraid of the dark? Wise! 怕黑么?英明! Your voices are scourge upon the world 你的嗓音就是世界的祸害! I shall bring them terror! 我该给他们带点儿恐惧! You are a scourge upon the world 你就是世界的祸害之一! The daylight! It burns! 日光!好烫! For the darkness 黑暗万岁! Death is not the end for you. Ive seen to it: for eternity you are mine! 对你而言,死亡并不是终结。因为你将永远成为我的一部分! 。英勇投弹手 - 库奇 Im up to snuff and gots me an ace machine 王牌飞行员申请出战! Delta Sierra at twelve oclock! 12点钟方向发现敌人! Incoming! 就来就来! Its a Charlie Foxtrot! 都乱套了! I got a bogey on my tail! 我的尾部有一名敌军!
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