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hand,hands,foot,feet,Listen and chant,Module 6 Unit 1 Here are his hands,computer,What are they going to do?,Lets draw a monster,Listen point and find 听读并划出,Here is / Here are,monster,head,Here is his head,body,Here is his body,Here are his arms,arms,Here are his leg and his foot,leg,Here are his hands,Homework,1, 听并熟读课文 2,作业本抄写单词和句子: 单词-P67页第五模块单词表单词3+1(单词三遍意思一遍) stamp computer shall arm 下面句子(P34页活动3句子)抄写一遍: Here is his leg Here is his foot Here are his hands Here are his arms,Look and say: 看一看,说一说,Here is / Here are,Here are his heads,Here are his arms,Here are his hands,Here are his legs and feet,
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