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Welcome to our class!,写出下列动词的过去式及过去分词: clean finish enter visit cook travel copy,cleaned,cleaned,finished,finished,entered,entered,cooked,cooked,traveled/travelled,traveled/travelled,copied,copied,课前延伸,visited,visited,pratise water climb wash win see have be find,pratised,pratised,watered,watered,climbed,climbed,washed,washed,won,won,saw,seen,had,was/were,found,had,been,found,do sweep read lose take go ride eat,did,done,swept,swept,read,read,took,taken,lost,lost,went,rode,ate,gone,ridden,eaten,present,past,They _the Pyramids.,Two years ago,now,They saw the Pyramids.,They know Pyramids very well .,have seen,现在完成时,语法课堂,Present Perfect Tense,(1)I have entered lots of speaking competitions. Ive won some prizes. (2) Have you ever won any prizes before? (3) I have never visited the USA.,past,present(now),future,以上句子的谓语动词有一个共同的特点就是“_”, 用于表示_ _如(1); 还可以_,如(2)(3)。我们把这种时态称为“现在完成时”。,have/has+动词的过去分词,在以前的某个时间曾经做过的、发生的事情, 这种行为对目前有某种影响,表示到目前为止曾经经历或没经历的事情,summary,现在完成时的构成,(一)肯定式 I have entered lots of speaking competitions.,has,have,主语助动词have has 过去分词其它,说明:这里的have has是助动词,没有什么具体意义。当主语是第三人称单数时助动词用_,其余人称一律用_。 has,have的缩略式分别为s或ve。,EXERCISES: 1)I_ just _ all the new words 我刚抄写了所有的生词。 (表示不要再抄了) 2)She _her books 她丢失了她的书。 (表示到目前为止还没有找到) 3)We_ just _ the classroom 我们刚好打扫了教室。(表明现在教室是干净的),have,copied,has lost,have,cleaned,(如果用过去时:She lost her books则强调书是过去丢的这一动作,而不知现在有没有找到),Team racing,Activity,Two teams have a race. The team that first gives a correct sentence gets one point.,Speaking Practice I,Ready?,I/ He/She have/has,win some prizes,have a Western meal,enter a singing competition,travel by train,cook dinner for your parents,(二)否定式 I have not visited the USA.,have has,not,havent,hasnt,some,already,any,yet,主语助动词have hasnot过去分词其它,说明:现在完成时构成否定句时,只需在助动词_后面加_就行。have not,has not的缩略式分别为_,_。 另外,肯定句中有_时,改为否定时要分别改成_,_。,EXERCISES:将下列句子改为否定句 1)I have already copied all the new words 2)She has lost her books 3)We have cleaned the classroom ,I _ _ all the new words_ ,havent,copied,yet,She _ _her books.,hasnt,lost,We _ _ the classroom ,havent,cleaned,有时not可以用never代替, 表示“从来没有”的意思 I_him before. 我以前见过他。 I_him before. I _him before 以前我从来没有见过他。,have never seen,have seen,havent seen,Team racing,Activity,Two teams have a race. The team that first gives a correct sentence gets one point.,Speaking Practice ,Ready?,I cant play computer games now, because I havent,finish,sweep,have,practise,read,water,wash,(三)一般疑问式 Have you ever won any prizes before?,句首,any, yet,Yes ,主语havehas,No,主语haventhasnt,有时也可以用“No,not yetNo ,never等。,助动词Have Has 主语过去分词其它 ?,说明:把陈述句中的have或has放到_,句末打问号,同时把句中的some ,already改为_就构成了一般疑问句。 肯定回答用 否定回答用,EXERCISES:将下列句子改为一般疑问句 1)I have already copied all the new words 2)She has lost her books 3)We have cleaned the classroom ,_you _ all the new words_ ?,Have,copied,yet,_she _her books?,Has,lost,_you _ the classroom?,Have,cleaned,No,_ _ /_ _.,I,havent,not,yet,Yes, _ _.,she,has,Team racing,Activity,Two teams have a race. The team that first gives a correct sentence gets one point.,Speaking Practice ,Ready?,根据所给图片和提示词 补充完整句子,Have taken photos of stone animals,_ you ever _? Yes,_,ever, take, photos,stone animals,I have,Has been to the Palace Museum by bus,_ Tom_? No, _.,be, by bus,the Palace Museum,he hasnt. / never./not yet,go; by bike,_they_? No,_.,Have gone to Hong Kong Disneyland by bike,Hong Kong Disneyland,they havent. / not yet,_your uncle _? Yes,_.,ride; before,Has ridden a camel before,a camel,he has,Pair work,A: Have you ? B: Yes, I have./ No, . Ive never A: What else have you ? B: Ive,Complete the postcard. Use the list of Things to do in Beijing to help you.,see the Beijing Opera climb the Great Wall eat Beijing duck visit the Palace Museum,writing,Dear David, Im having a wonderful time in Beijing. Ive done so many things! Ive _ _ Theres only one thing I havent done: _ Bye for now. Rob,seen the Beijing Opera. Ive eaten Beijing Duck. Ive visited the Palace Museum.,I havent climbed the Great Wall.,堂堂清,选择正确答案 1)-When will Tina arrive? -Oh, she _. She is in the meeting room now. A arrives B is arriving C arrived D has arrived 2) Your shoes are so ol
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