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Unit 8 Stonehenge - Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There?,-Alyssa,Unit 8 Stonehenge - Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There?,-Alyssa,Learning Objectives,1) Be able to introduce Stonehenge.,2) Be able to describe how to explore a mystery.,1) How old is Stonehenge?,Learn more about Stonehenge,2) On which day do people like to gather Stonehenge?,3) How many tons could a stone weigh?,5000 years old,On the first day of summer, in June,A stone could weigh 35 tons,Para 4,Find the main idea of each paragraph and check it with,Para 1,Para 2&3,During the meeting:,What is Stonehenge?,What was Stonehenge used for?,How and by whom was it built?,1. What is Stonehenge?,Task 1 What is Stonehenge?,Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of historical places , but also one of .mysteries.,2. How popular is Stonehenge?,3. Why do people want to see it in June?,Every year it recieves more than 750,000 visitors.,As they want to see the sun rising on the longest day of the year.,Task 2 What was Stonehegne used for?,Task 2 What was Stonehegne used for?,Celebration,Medical purpose,Temple,Calendar,Burial place,Temple,communicate with,arrived in,Celebration,Medical purpose,Temple,Calendar,Burial place,Calendar,Task 2 What was Stonehegne used for?,shines directly into,center,Stonehenge,Celebration,Medical purpose,Temple,Calendar,Burial place,Medical purpose,Task 2 What was Stonehegne used for?,prevent,healthy,As,the energy,move up,Stonehenge,Celebration,Medical purpose,Temple,Calendar,Burial place,Burial place,Task 2 What was Stonehegne used for?,honor,Celebration,Medical purpose,Temple,Calendar,Burial place,Celebration,Task 2 What was Stonehegne used for?,victory,enemy,Stonehenge,Celebration,Medical purpose,Temple,Calendar,Burial place,Further thinking: What do you think? Why?,Task 3 How and by whom was Stonehenge built?,who built Stonehenge,We do know _ _,Why was Stonehenge so difficult to built?,Because they are so big and heavy.,We dont know _,they must have been hard-working and great planners,During the meeting:,What is Stonehenge?,What was Stonehenge used for?,How and by whom was it built?,After the meeting:,News Conference,After the meeting: News Conference(记者招待会),Linking words:,Historians believed. Some think. Others think . No one is sure that,How to describe different ideas:,Another popular idea is that. He points out We dont know.,but we do know.,so as, because, since but, however, though not only but also or when, while,expressing a difference giving a choice expressing a result expressing two things happening at the same time giving reasons adding information,Stonehegne is a famous historical place. Stonehenge is a great mystery.,Stonehegne is not only a famous historical place, but also a great mystery.,Some people believed Stonehenge was a temple. Historian Paul Stoker thinks this cant be ture. Stonehenge was built so many centuries ago.,But/However,because/since/as,You walk there. you can feel the energy from your feet move up to your body.,As/When/While,Linking words:,News Conference about Stonehenge:,Spokesmen,Reporters,What is Stonehenge? Which day makes it so special? What was Stonehenge used for? Who was it built by?,News Conference about Stonehenge:,Rules: (Full marks:7) 1. You can express your ideas clearly with the linking words;(2) 2. Your body language is just like a spokesman or reporter.(2) 3. Each student in your group has a chance to speak. (2) 4.Your group have props(道具).(1),Further thinking:,How do we explore a mystery?,What should we do to explore?,There are a lot of mysteries waiting for us to explore.,When we watch the sky, how much do we know about it?,Lets explore the beauty of nature; Lets explore the civilization(文明) of humans,To know better about ourselves; To know better about the world.,Lets be patient; Lets be observant; Lets explore the mysteries of the world!,Homework:,Write an article about how to explore a mystery according your exploring experience about Stonehenge.,Thanks for your listening,
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