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XXXXX (XXX) Ltd.解除劳动合同协议企业名称(甲方):职工姓名(乙方):甲乙双方于 年 月 日订立了为期 年的劳动合同,现经乙方提出,并双方协商一致,同意解除劳动合同,并达成如下协议:1、 甲乙双方从签订本协议起,原劳动合同即行解除,甲乙双方根据规定办理相关手续;2、 乙方同意在_年_月_日前按公司的要求办理好工作及离职交接手续,退还所有公司财产;3、 甲乙双方同意原劳动合同解除后不再提出或威胁提出针对对方的任何劳动仲裁、诉讼或索赔请求;4、 乙方不经甲方书面同意,不得向任何第三方泄露甲方定为机密级的商业情报。如乙方泄漏未经甲方允许私自保留或泄露甲方的机密资料造成甲方经济损失的,乙方将承担因此而产生的所有经济及法律责任;5、 本协议自双方签字之日起生效;6、 本协议一式二份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力;7、 本协议以中英文书就,如中英文版本之间存在任何差异,以中文版本为准;8、 本协议按中国法律解释, 受中国法律管辖;甲方代表(签字): 日期:乙方(签字):护照号码:日期:Agreement to Terminate the Labor ContractName of Employer(Party A):Name of Employee(Party B): Party A and Party B entered into a -year Labor Contract on .Upon Party Bs request, after mutual negotiations, both parties have agreed to terminate the Labor Contract and therefore reached the following agreement: 1、 Upon signing of this agreement, the previous labor contract is immediately terminated. Both parties shall proceed with work hand-over accordingly in line with companys policies; 2、 Party B agree to complete the work handover and separation procedures and return all the Companys properties according to the Companys requests on_ ;3、 Upon terminating the labor contract, either of the parties shall not make or threaten to make any claims or take labor arbitration or litigation against the other party; 4、 Party B without the written consent of Party A shall not disclose to any third party Party A class for confidential business information. If Party B keep or leak any confidential information without permission from Party A, Party B shall bear all the economic losses and legal responsibilities;5、 This agreement shall come into effect upon signing by both parties;6、 This agreement is made in two originals, and each party holds one of these. The two originals have the same legal effect;7、 This agreement is made in both Chinese and English. If there is any discrepancy between the English and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail;8、 This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the Chinese law and governed by Chinese law;Party A Representative (Signature): Date:Party B (Signature): Passport number:Date: Add: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Tel: XX-XXXX Fax: XXX-XXXXX.
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