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Lesson8,Unit2 Feelings,Sing a song “If youre happy”.,导出并感受happysad。,跟随歌曲做动作,拍拍手,跺跺脚等。,Warm up,The duck is sad The duck is sad Why are you so sad,Little Duck? I have no friends to play with I have no friends to play with,Revision,What shape is this?,Its aan .,square,triangle,star,rectangle,oval,circle,Presentation 想象一下,形状家族的成员为什么伤心, 为什么高兴? Look and say. The square is happy. Why is it so happy?,It has many friends.,happy,sad,happy,sad,happy,sad,1. Listen,look and say.,happy,sad,The duck is sad.,Group work,2. Work in pairs.,Why are you so sad,Little Duck? I have no friends.,Why are you so sad, Little Duck,I have no friends,3. Ask and answer.,a new dress,many friends,fly in the sky,Why are you so happy?,I have a new dress.,Why are you so happy?,I have many friends.,Why are you so happy?,I fly in the sky .,no friends,no bananas,slow,Why are you so sad?,I have no friends.,Why are you so sad?,I have no bananas.,Why are you so sad?,I am slow.,4. Lets sing!,The duck is sad. The duck is sad. Why are you so sad,Little Duck? I have no friends to play with. I have no friends to play with.,The girl is happy. The girl is happy. Why are you so happy,girl? I have a new dress. I have a new dress.,你还能改变歌词,试唱一。,The bird is happy. The bird is happy. Why are you so happy,bird? I fly in the sky. I fly in the sky.,你还能改变歌词,试唱二。,Summary,同学们今天你们学到了什么?(词汇、句型) 你们能用今天学到东西,说几句话,谈谈你最高兴的事情或者最伤心的事情。 例如:I am so happy. Why am I so happy? I have a new dress.What about you?,Homework 请写下几句话,表达你高兴或者伤心感受。,
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