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George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),The Dramatist,Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesman, and a leading figure in the 20th century theater. Shaw was a freethinker, defender of womens rights, and advocate of equality of income. In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Shaw accepted the honor but refused the money.,Life Story,George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin. Young Shaw and his two sisters were brought up mostly by servants. Shaws mother eventually left the family home to teach music, singing, in London. In 1876 he went to London, joining his sister and mother. Shaw did not return to Ireland for nearly thirty years. Most of the next two years Shaw educated himself at the British Museum. He began his literary career by writing music and drama criticism, and novels, without much success. After the turn of the century, Shaws plays gradually began to achieve production and, eventually, acceptance in England,Shaw received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925 In 1950, Shaw fell off a ladder while trimming a tree on his property outside of London, and died a few days later of complications from the injury, at age 94 萧伯纳毕生创造幽默,他的墓志铭虽只有一句话,但恰巧体现了他幽默的风格:“我早就知道无论我活多久,这种事情迟早总会发生的。”,可悲的是,萧伯纳曾在媒体上公开支持希特勒。他是一个赞同大规模屠杀的人,但是是按类别,而不是种族。“有些人是活在世上的无用的动物。哪些人是在这个世界上有用的人?哪些人是这个世界上的垃圾?我们就让你们,各位先生们、女士们,来计算出你们存在这个世界上所创造的价值与消费的物资。如果你不能证明你的存在,如果你不能在推动社会这艘船时贡献你的力量,如果你的生产不能超过你的价值,或者不能再生产了,显而易见的,你就不能成为我们社会的一个成员。进一步地讲,你的生命就变得没有价值了,因为你的存在是社会的负担。当然这些人的生存权就可以被剥夺。”,他在伦敦的报纸上发表文章,要求化学家发明一种“人道气体”。“我呼吁化学家去发明一种人道气体。这种气体将迅速地、无痛苦地杀死人。这样死亡将变得人道而非残忍。”二战时,这种气体不幸被发明出来,人们称之为“旋风B”。从此,纳粹有了更有效的杀人方法,这就是臭名昭著的毒气室。 应该说,萧伯纳有一点左倾,他本质上是反对纳粹主义的。因为希特勒歪曲马克思主义,使其面目全非,使萧伯纳对其产生了错觉。这是他一生最大的污点。,萧伯纳说过:“此时此刻在地球上,约有两万个人适合当你的人生伴侣,就看你先遇到哪一个,如果在第二个理想伴侣出现之前,你已经跟前一个人发展出相知相惜、互相信赖的深层关系,那后者就会变成你的好朋友,但是若你跟前一个人没有培养出深层关系,感情就容易动摇、变心,直到你与这些理想伴侣候选人的其中一位拥有稳固的深情,才是幸福的开始,漂泊的结束。 爱上一个人不需要靠努力,只需要靠“际遇”,是上天的安排,但是“持续地爱一个人”就要靠“努力”,在爱情的经营中,顺畅运转的要素就是沟通、体谅、包容与自制 (面临诱惑有所自制)。有许多人总是被“际遇”所迷惑与苦恼,意念不停、欲念不断、争逐不散,而忘了培养经营感情的能力才是幸福的关键。所以不要去追问到底谁才是我的Mr.Right,而是问在眼前的伴侣关系中,我能努力到什么程度、成长到什么程度,若没有培养出经营幸福的能力,就算真的Mr.Right出现在你身边,幸福依然会错过的,而活在犹豫与遗憾当中,这不就是许多“爱情虚无症”的遭遇与心态吗?,爱情观,International Influence,Engels spoke of Shaw in 1992, as “a paradoxical belletrist纯文学家” (pure man of letter) Lenin列宁 judged him as “a good man fallen among the Fabians” Creator of a publicist drama. He was against art for arts sake. In 1933, he visited China, meeting Luxun and other revolutionary people.,1933, Luxun, Shaw, Cai yuanpei,The Ibsen Influence,The Norwegian挪威的 playwright Henrik Ibsen had a great influence on Shaws thinking. His “unpleasant plays”, ideological attacks on the evils of capitalism and explorations of moral and social problems, were followed with more entertaining but as principled productions.,Apple theory of Shaw,Apple theory,If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas - George Bernard Shaw,Works,During his long career, Shaw wrote over 50 plays. He continued to write them even in his 90s: Plays Unpleasant 1892-1893 Widowers Houses鳏夫的房产 Mrs. Warrens Profession华伦夫人的职业 Plays Pleasant 1894-1897 Arms and the Man Candida (1894) The Man of Destiny (1895) You Never Can Tell (1897) Plays for Puritans 1897-1899 The Devils Disciple魔鬼的门徒 (1897): derides 嘲笑 the much lauded Puritan piety. Background: set in 1777 American independence war. Caesar and Cleopatra凯撒和克娄巴特拉 (1898): assailing the bourgeois morality,Later important plays Major Babara巴巴拉少校 (1905) Pygmalion卖花女 (1912) Heartbreak House伤心之家 (1917) Saint Joan圣女贞德 (1924) The Apple Cart苹果车 (1930) Too Good to be True (1932),George Bernard Shaw and Pygmalion,PYGMALION THE MYTH,Pygmalion was a sculptor. He concentrated on his art until one day he ran across a large, flawless完美的piece of ivory and decided to carve a beautiful woman from it. When he had finished the statue, Pygmalion found it so lovely and the image of his ideal woman that he clothed the figure and adorned her in jewels. He gave the statue a name: Galatea, sleeping love. He found himself obsessed with his ideal woman so he went to the temple of Aphrodite(爱与美之神) to beg for a wife as perfect as his statue. Aphrodite brought the statue to life. When Pygmalion returned, he found Galatea alive, and humbled himself at her feet. Pygmalion and Galatea were wed.,HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE PLAY,World War I Queen Victoria characterized the times with a set of values called Victorianism which revolved around: “social high-mindedness, domesticity, and a confidence in the expansion of knowledge and the power of reasoned argument to change society.”,During the 19th century, many more Englishmen could vote. This also brought the introduction of womens suffragette妇女参政权论者 organizations. Increased political participation further prompted a shift in gender roles. The new woman - increasing numbers of women in the work force,
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