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课时作业(一)必修1Unit 1 Friendship限时:30分钟.语音知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1wander A. blankB. zebra C. quality D. package2shook A. tooth B. shoot C. should D. group3realize A. theatre B. weather C. break D. breath4exact A. expert B. example C. excuse D. extra5washed A. filled B. recognized C. whispered D. promised.单项填空6That ebook is no longer an ordinary book with a screen _ you can read novels.Ain which Bof whichCthat Dwhere7The story of Li Tianyi, the son of _ famous military singer, driving a BMW without a license and attacking a couple on the road has drawn the attention of _ public.Athe; the B/; the Ca; an Da; the8You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _ you, I suppose.Aagree with Bagree toCagree on Dagree about9_ you write so well?By reading and keeping diaries every day.AHow is it that BIs it how thatCHow it is that DWhat is it that10You _ a child. You can take care of yourself.Really? But I am only 15 years old.Ano longer are Bnot any more areCare no longer Dno more are11Have you seen the film before?No.This is the first time that I_ it.Asee BsawChave seen Dhad seen12_crime in this area has increased so much over the last 20 years?AWhy is it that BWhy it is thatCWhy was it that DWhy it was that13Did you hear_ John?Yes,he rang me this morning and we agreed_ a date to meet.Aof; to Babout; withCfrom; with Dfrom; on14Wow, isnt this handsome device the most popular iPad 2? Can I have a look at it?_.ANo, you cant BSorry, it is expensiveCYes, go ahead DOf course, it looks good15With a lot of difficult problems _, the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.Asettled BsettlingCbeing settled Dto settle16Wow! It snowed last night. What a nice world!Youre right. But its more difficult to find my missing keys with snow_ the ground.Acovered BcoverCto cover Dcovering17“Could we put off the meeting?” she asked.“_.” He answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.”ANot likely BNot exactlyCNot nearly DNot really18People should stop using their cars and start using public transport._. The roads are too crowded as it is.AAll right BExactlyCGo ahead DFine19Please tell me _ you are getting on with your new classmates.Awhether BwhatCwhere Dhow20Why did you talk to the teacher after class?I dont understand _ during the lecture.Athe problem did she tell usBhow did she sayCthat she was talking aboutDwhat she was teaching.完形填空What would I do for Carols 50th birthday? It was _21_ that she didnt want a party, certainly not a surprise party(that was an agreement at our marriage)“How about a small dinner with _22_?” I asked.“No,” she said, “I hate being the center of _23_.”Still, the milestone had to be marked. _24_ wasnt going to let her get away with a Stouffers frozen dinner and a movie video, _25_ was all she said she wanted.I thought and thought, and _26_ making my decision, I sent a letter to her friends, asking them for photos, poems, and letters. “Carol doesnt _27_ a party in personbut Im hoping to _28_ her a party in a book.” I bought a(n)_29_ with a friends advice, and what I wanted _30_. For a few minutes at the end of every workday, I _31_ pull out the marking pens and make up the _32_, Carols.Photos of her in junior high, pictures of us _33_ the boys, original songs, notes, cards, and poems. It made me _34_ for all the years we had had together. The _35_ was more than the album. It was the friendship and love she had given to me, to our kids and to all her friends and family. You could _36_ it on every page.I wrapped it up and _37_ it home. “Happy birthday, sweetie,” I said. “Its not a frozen dinner or a video, but its _38_ you deserve.” She cried. She doesnt _39_ like to cry, but I think she likes the book. Shes said so many times. And every time I remind her _40_ putting it together was a gift to me. 21A.amazing BclearCunusual Dimportant22A.neighbours BchildrenCfriends Dclassmates23A.attention BcommentCview Dinterest24A.She BIt CHe DI25A.for Bthat Cwhich Dwhen26A.before Bafter Cwhen Donce27A.want Bhave Chold Dattend28A.make Bchoose Cfind Dgive29A.album BnovelCmirror Dovercoat30A.went on Bpoured inCturned back Dgot away31A.could Bshould Cwould Dmight32A.decision Bstory Cmind Dbook33A.for Baround Cwith Dexcept34A.grateful Bworried Cnervous Dspecial35A.meaning
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