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中考英语试题情态动词和系动词考点试题(1 .河北省卷,31. 1) Do we have to finish our homework this afternoon?Yes, you _.A. must B. can C. may D. need【答案】A(1湖南省娄底市5. 1) Must I be in hospital for a week, Doctor? No, you . You can go back home tomorrow. A.mustnt B.neednt C. must 【答案】B(1湖南省娄底市7. 1) What do you think of the cake? I like it very much. It tastes . A.good B.terrible C. well 【答案】A(1.江苏省盐城市3.1)The desk is not dirty.You_clean it.A.mustntB.shouldntC.neednt C.cant【答案】C(1.四川省内江市23. 1)What is your mother going to do this Saturday? -Im not sure.She_go to see my grandmother.A.canB.mustC.may【答案】C(1.四川省自贡市31. 1)May we leave the classroom now? -No,you _.You_to leave until the bell rings.A.must;are allowedB.cant ,arent supposedC.neednt ;arent allowed【答案】C(1山东省潍坊市20. 1)The cookies_good .Could I have some more?A.tasteB.smellC.feelD.sound【答案】A(1山东省潍坊市23. 1)Is Jessica giving us a speech this evening? -No,it_be her.She_to Japan.A.mustnt ;has gone B.mustnt ;has beenC.cant ;has goneD.cant ;has been【答案】C(1江苏省南京市6. 1)Its the library!So you_know shouting is not allowed here.A.canB.mustC.needD.may【答案】B(1.浙江省衢州市18. 1) Shall we go for a picnic in the park this Saturday? Oh, that _ good.A. feels B. looks C. tastesD. Sounds【答案】D(1.浙江省衢州市24. 1) Boys and girls . dont forget your report . It _ today . A. cant finishB. cant be finishedC. should finishD. should be finished【答案】D(1.江苏省无锡市.8. 1)Mr Smith must have been to your home this morning. -No,he_,because he didnt know my address.A.couldntB.cantC.mustntD.may not【答案】A(1.江苏省无锡市.9. 1)Though his grandmother lives _,she never feels_.A.alone;aloneB.lonely;lonelyC.alone;lonelyD.lonely;alone【答案】C(1江苏省宿迁市9. 1)This piece of music _ beautiful.A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. smells 【答案】B(1年上海市36. 1)Is this a photo of your danguter?She looks _in the pink dress!A.lovelyB.quietlyC.politelyD.happily【答案】A(1年上海市45. 1)Everyone_go through the security check(安检)whe nentering the World Expo Park.A.canB.mayC.mustD.ought【答案】C(1湖北省黄冈市,33,1)Which T-shirt do you prefer? -The red one .It_more comfortable.A.tastesB.smellsC.feelsD.sounds【答案】C (1.湖南长沙25. 1)Must I finish my homework at school? -_.You can do it at home and hand it in next week. A.Yes,you mustB.No,you needntC.Yes,I can【答案】B(1江苏省扬州市,11,1)Must I mop up the follr now? -No,you_.A.needntB.cantC.shouldntD.mustnt【答案】A(1四川省成都市33. 1)The lake is said to be dry.Is that ture? -It _.Look ,some kids are swimming in it.A.must be trueB.cant be trueC.may not be true【答案】B(1浙江省湖州市,19,1)Is the man over there Mr. Brown? -It_be him.Hes much shorter.A.mustB.cantC.needntD.may【答案】B(1山西省,26,1)_your American friend eat with chopsticks? -Yes, but he cant use them well. A. Can B.Should C. Must【答案】A(1湖北省武汉市,31,1)Look at that girl! Is it Susan? -No, it _ be her. She has gone back to her hometown. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. wouldnt 【答案】B(1河南省,34,1)( )Its such a long way! What shall I do?一Youtake my car if you want A will B must C may D shall【答案】C(1陕西省,26,1)Must I finish my homework at school? -No,you_.You can do it at home.A.cantB.mustntC.needntD.wont【答案】C(1广西省梧州市,43,1)This is a secret between you and me.You_tell it to others.A.should B.mustntC.canD.may【答案】B(1山东省聊城市,28,1)Dean,I hear youve got a set of Canadian stamps._I have a look? -Of course .Ill fetch them for you.A.MayB.MustC.ShouldD.Need【答案】A(1湖北省十堰市,29,1)Wheres Jeff? -Im not sure. He _be playing football on the playground.A.needB.mightC.mustD.can【答案】B(1广西省梧州市,39,1)Song Zuyings voice is very sweet and her songs_very beautiful.A.tasteB.soundC.smellD.feel【答案】B(1新疆省阜康市,25,1)()The winner of the race is a tall and thin boy with glasses. -Then it_be my friend,Mike,who looks like very fat.A.mightB.cantC.dontD.should【答案】B全品中考网 (1山东省莱芜市,30,1)-Listen! Is it Linda singing in the next room? -No, it _ be her. She is still in Shanghai.Acant Bcouldnt Cmay not Dmight not【答案】A(1贵州省铜仁市,24,1)_This pair of shoes _ belong to Jack. He likes this kind very much. It _ be his. Its too large for him.A. can; cant B. may; neednt C. must; mustnt D. must; cant【答案】A(1福建省福州市,34,1)Dad,must I do my homework now?-No.You_pl
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