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中级邮轮听力1讲稿2 任课教师: 授课班级: 授课学时: 使用教材: Unit 2 Sports Fans (2)Aim of PracticeIn this unit, we will focus on Paralympics and Special Olympics. We can also feel the good sportsmanship from the athletes. To be a volunteer for Olympics is a dream for a lot of college students. Would you also want to be a volunteer.Test your memoryTo help you study the history of Paralympics in the world with your help of your memory. Part I Statements and Mini-talksSection A StatementsFocal points:-learn to respond to the numbers in the airport announcement.-Get familiar with popular airlines and cities.-Pay attention to departure time and fight numbers.Section B Mini-talksFocal points:-Make a comparison between Paralympics and Special Olympics.-Get to know animal volunteers “guide dogs”.-Introduce the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Ambassdasor.accessible toilet 无障碍厕所emergency response 应急响应The Frontier Inspection Station 边防检查站 The China Disabled Persons Federation 中国残疾人联合会The Customs Office 海关办事处The Quarantine Inspection Unit 检疫单位Section C Difficult StatementsFocal points:-Introduce Special Olympics World Summer Games and Winter Games.-Catch the key words in long sentences.Part II Interviews and DiscussionSection A InterviewsFocal points:-Make a clear overview of 2007 Shanghai Special Olympics.-Discuss the roles sports fans play in the Olympic Games.-Introduce the ways of being good sports fans.Interview 1 2007 Shanghai Special OlympicsGlobal Policy Summit 全球政策峰会Interview 2 Good Fans Make Great GamesSection B DiscussionVolunteer, the Cornerstone of the Olympic GamesFocal Points:-Explain the necessity of being an Olympic volunteer.-Discuss both challenges and opportunities an Olympic volunteer may take.Olympism 奥林匹克主义scoring computation 计算得分doping test 药检,兴奋剂检查Engagement: the act of sharing in the activities of a groupPart III News Broadcast and Passage DictationSection A News BroadcastFocal points:-Help students familiar with some organizations for Olympic Games.-Review the words and phrases related to Olympic Games.News Item 1Be briefed on: 简要介绍News Item 2V. 呈现Section B Passage DictationFocal points: Pay attention to the proper names in the dictation.annual observance 一年一度的仪式mobilize 动员dignity 尊严awareness 认知度derive 得到integration 集合decent 体面的marginalized 边缘化的talent 人才库
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