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锅炉各转动机械轴承冷却水系统,Boiler rotary mechanical bearing Cooling water system,1.2 一次风机的调试与运行 1.2 Commissioning and operation of primary air fan 1.2.1 一次风机调试前的准备工作 1.2.1 Preparation before commissioning of primary air fan 1) 详细检查所有螺栓是否紧固。 1) Detailedly inspect whether all bolts are tightened or not. 2) 检查叶轮、进口导叶调节门与电动机的旋转方向是否正确。 2) Inspect whether the rotation directions of impeller, adjustable valve of inlet impeller and motor are correct or not. 3) 检查机壳、进气箱和进出口管道是否遗留下杂物。 3) Inspect whether foreign matters are left at the shell, air intake box and inlet /outlet pipe or not. 4) 检查仪表连接是否正确。 4) Inspect whether the connection of instrument is correct or not.,5) 在调节门处于关闭位置的情况下,检查调节杆的位置是否正确,调节门的相邻叶片必须接触,如果检查下来相邻叶片不互相接触,必须加以调整和固定。 5) Under the condition that the adjustable valve is closed, inspect whether the position of adjustable rod is correct or not. The adjacent blades of adjustable valve must contact each other. If the adjacent blades do not contact each other after inspection, they must be adjusted and fixed. 6) 调节门的设计方向与叶轮的旋转方向相同,即在调节门关闭的情况 下,介质的预流动方向与叶轮的旋转方向相同。 6) The design direction of adjustable valve is the same as rotary direction of impeller, that is to say, under the condition that the adjustable valve is closed, the preflowing direction of medium is the same as rotation direction of impeller. 7) 必须对传动机构联杆长度进行调节,保证电动执行机构的行程要满足调节门全开和全闭的需要。 7) It must adjust the length of link rod of actuator to ensure the stroking of electric motor actuator should tally with the demands of full opening or full closing of adjustable valve. 8) 在风机启动之前,调节门必须关闭。 8) The adjustable valve must be closed before the fan is started up.,1.2.2 一次风机导叶调节门传动机构的调试 1.2.2 Commissioning of driving mechanism of guide vane adjustable valve of primary air fan 1) 在调节门处于关闭位置的情况下,检查调节杆的位置是否正确, 规定调节门的相邻叶片必须接触,如果检查下来相邻叶片不互相接触,必须加以调整和固定。 1) Under the condition that the adjustable valve is closed, inspect whether the position of adjustable rod is correct or not. Prescribe that the adjacent blades of adjustable valve must contact each other. If the adjacent blades do not contact each other after inspection, they must be adjusted and fixed. 2) 调节门的设计方向与叶轮的旋转方向相同,即在调节门关闭的情况下,介质的预流动方向与叶轮的旋转方向相同。 2) The design direction of adjustable valve is the same as rotary direction of impeller, that is to say, under the condition that the adjustable valve is closed, the preflowing direction of medium is the same as the rotation direction of impeller. 3) 必须对传动机构联杆长度进行调节,保证电动执行机构的行程要满足调节门全开和全闭的需要。 3) It must adjust the length of link rod of actuator to ensure the stroking of electric motor actuator should tally with the demands of full opening and full closing of adjustable valve. 4) 在风机启动之前,调节门必须关闭。 4) The adjustable valve must be closed before start up the fan.,1.2.3 一次风机的联动试车 1.2.3 Interlock commissioning of primary air fan 1) 风机应在无载荷的情况下启动,即关闭风机的进口调节门,并将风机出口管道中的阀门开启,以防止电机过载。风机在调节门关闭的情况下,运行时间不得过长。如情况良好,在风机达到额定转速后,再将调节门逐渐开启,以达到风机的设计额定工况点。 1) The fan should be started under the condition of no load, that is to say, close the inlet adjustable valve of fan and open the valve in outlet pipe of fan in order to prevent overload of motor. Under the condition that the adjustable valve of fan is closed, the operation time can not be too long. If the condition is good, gradually open the adjustable valve after the fan reaches rated rotation speed so as to attain design rated working condition point of fan. 2) 在风机运行过程中,注意监控轴承的温度。轴承的温度在达到稳定之前的最初几个小时之内,温度值会直线上升,但随后会稳定在一个温度值。运行过程中,轴承温升不得超过40 。注意监控轴承部的均方根振速测定值,其值不得超过4.0m m / s 。 2) During the operating process of fan, pay attention to monitoring the bearing temperature. Within the initial several hours before the temperature attains stable level, the temperature value will rise fast as a straight line, but later it will stay at one value. During operation, bearing temperature should not exceed 80 . Pay attention to monitoring the root-mean-square vibration speed determined value of bearing and its value should not exceed 4.0mm / s.,3) 风机的联动试车时间不得低于72小时。 3) The time of interlock commissioning of fan should not be less than 72 hours. 4) 一次风机启动前应关闭出口挡板,空载启动。 4) The outlet damper should be closed before start up the primary air fan, and it is started with no-load. 5) 投入一次风机动力电源,软启动。 5) Put in dynamic power supply of primary air fan, soft start-up. 6) 开启一次风机出口挡板。 6) Open the outlet damper of primary air fan. 7) 正常停炉时可反相操作。 7) During normal shutdown, it can be operated in a inverse order.,1.2.4 立即停车事件 1.2.4 Emergency shutdown 1) 风机或电动机启动时有明显的异常现象或摩擦声响。 1) The motor or fan has obvious and abnormal conditions or grating during the start-up. 2) 风机轴承温度、轴承的振动超过规定值。 2) The bearing temperature and vibration of fan exceed specified value. 3) 调节门的调节失灵。 3) The adjustment of adjustable valve has fault. 4) 电动机突然过载。 4) Motor overloads suddenly. 5) 涉及人身和机组安全的其它意外情况。 5) Other suddenness related to personnel safety and unit safety,1.3 一次风机的主要故障及原因 1.3 Main faults of primary air fan and causes 在风机运转过程中,可能发生某些故障, 对发生的故障必须迅速查明原 因,及时解决,以防止事故的发生。 In the r
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