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,Lesson 23 Shopping Online,Unit 4 Shopping in the City,课前热身,Greeting:,T: Hello , boys and girls.How are you? S: I am fine. Thank you. T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too.,课前热身,复习回顾,2. Show your shopping list and read it.,1. Review the sentences: Where do you want to go? I want to go to the What do you want to buy?,话题导入,I like going shopping. Where do I want to go? Can you guess?,课文原文,1. We can shop online.,online (副词)在线;联网,shopping online 网上购物,短语,重难点探究,take (动词)购买;带去,We can shop online.我们可以在网上购物。,例句,拓展,take away拿开,短语,take还可以表示“拿走;带走”,对应词是bring“拿来;带来”。,difficult困难的,重难点探究,easy (形容词)容易的,English is easy.英语是容易的。,短语,例句,反义词,so easy 如此轻而易举,1. How much is it? 多少钱? Its 40 yuan.四十元。,重难点探究,这是用来询问某物价格的句型。how much 用来询问某物的价格,可单独使用。 句型结构: How much + be + 名词? 回答: Its + 数字 + yuan/dollars.,详解,注意:回答若是中国的货币单位应采用汉语拼音yu an, fen来表示,几角常采用几十分来表示,字母用小写,且不用复数。但dollar“美元”是有复数形式的。,2. Lets take it. 我们买下它吧。,重难点探究,这是购物时的常用语。当选定商品,建议同伴购买的时候,就可以说“Lets take it.”。,详解,如果选定的商品是复数时,应该说“Lets take them.”。,拓展,课文原文,2. Lets do it!,课文原文,3. Letters and sounds,课堂互动,What do you want to buy?,I want to buy a ,Pair work,一、连词成句。 1. can shop We online (.) 2. want I to a book buy (.),巩固练习,3. take it Lets (.) 4. is How it much (?),二、单项选择。 ( )1. You can it online. A. buy B. to buy C. buying ( )2. I dont like bananas. I like oranges. A. But B. And C. Or ( )3. Danny to buy a story book. A. want B. wants C. to want ( )4. Some are on the table. A. pear B. bread C. apples ( )5. Do you like online? A. shop B. to shops C. shopping,巩固练习,本课时学的重点内容如下: Shopping online We can shop online. Lets take it. t s d s w h w r,回顾小结,16,Homework,写出how many 与how much 的区别,并造两个句子。,课后作业,
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