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补全对话,A Tom:Hi,Paul.I havent seen you for years.1. E Paul:Sorry,I dont know you.Who are you? Tom:Im Tom,your cousin.2. C Paul:Let me see.Oh,you are Tom.I heard you were in Cambridge University. Tom:Yes,but now I have finished the university. Paul:3. A But now you are thin and tall.So I couldnt. Tom:Really?I used to have sweet food.I ate too much.So I was very fat. Paul:4. G Tom:Yes,I still wear glasses. Paul:Where are you working now? Tom:Im in Fudan University.I have been a teacher of the university. Paul:You are great.5. B I can treat you to dinner.,Tom:Thank you,but I have a meeting. Paul:All right.See you next time. Tom:See you.,A.You used to be short and heavy. B.What do you feel like eating? C.Dont you remember me? D.You used to like sports,didnt you? E.What happened to you? F.OK,Id like to. G.Did you use to wear glasses?,B A:Whats your plan for the summer holiday? B:Ill visit my cousin.6. D A:Is the farm big or small? B:Its not big,but its really a nice one.7. E A:Im sure youll enjoy staying there.What does he grow on the farm? B:8. F A:What are you going to do there? B:Ill go there and help him pick fruits. A:9. A B:It really does.And the fruits are very delicious.I enjoy them very much. A:Are they sold here? B:Of course.10. G My cousin will send them to other countries some day too.,A.It sounds fun. B.I like countryside. C.Can you pick fruits? D.He has a farm in the countryside. E.Id like to go there in summer holidays. F.He grows oranges,peaches and grapes. G.And they are also sold in many cities in China.,A A:Time flies so fast! B:Yes,three years has passed since we came to this school. A:1. D B:Ill go to an art school,because I want to be an artist in the future. A:Good for you! 2. A B:Thank you.3. F A:Ive no idea.I want to go to a football school,but I dont know if I can. B:Thats good.Whats the problem? A:The problem is that my parents dont agree.4. C B:Have you talked about your dream with them? A:Of course.5. E Maybe I can play football in my free time.,A.I hope your dream will come true. B.Its not easy to be an artist,you know. C.They want me to be an engineer. D.Whats your plan after middle school? E.But it doesnt work. F.What about you? G.Why not tell them about your dream?,B ( Li Lei is a Chinese exchange student in America.He is chatting with Jason in his host family. ) Jason:Hi,Li Lei! Here is your juice. Li Lei:Thanks,Jason. Jason:Not at all.6. D Li Lei:Thats right.How time flies! Jason:7. G Li Lei:Yes,I do.The teachers are very helpful,and the students are active and confident. Jason:Its very kind of you to say so.And I hear you Chinese students are very hard-working. Li Lei:We sure are.8. E Jason:By the way,do you have any plans for this weekend?,Li Lei:9. A How about you? Jason:I want to do some volunteer work.Shall we go to visit the old peoples home? Li Lei:Sounds great! 10. C Jason:I believe you will like it.,A.Nothing much! B.Do you miss your parents? C.Itll be a new experience to me. D.You have been here for months,right? E.We are strict in our schoolwork. F.How long have you been here? G.Do you get used to the school life here?,A A:1. B Could you tell me where the supermarket is? B:Yes,its on the second floor. A:Hmm.And I need to buy a book about history.2. G B:Yes.You can find one on the fourth floor. A:Oh,I also need to change some money. B:3. E Its just behind you. A:Good.I think thats everything.Oh,no,theres one more place I need to go. B:Yes? A:4. C B:Yes,theres a cafe on the fifth floor.You can enjoy coffee there. A:5. D B:Youre welcome.,A.How far is it from here? B.Excuse me. C.Do you know if theres a place to drink coffee around here? D.Thank you so much. E.Well,theres a bank on the first floor. F.Can I help you? G.Is there a bookstore near here?,B Ann:Thank you for the birthday gift,Dad.Its the best gift I have ever had. Dad:6. C Ann:Ive always wanted a computer.7. E Dad:And you need it to chat( 聊天 ) with your friends too. Ann:I guess you are right.8. G Dad:Send an email?Er,just do like this.9. A Ann:Yes,Dad.I think its easy. Dad:10. F Ann:I wont,I promise.,A.Have you got it? B.Do you need help? C.Im glad you like it. D.How can I turn it on? E.I need it to do my homework. F.Just dont spend too much time on it. G.Could you show me how to send an email?,A A:Do you know what is shopping online? B:Yes.I bought a lot of things from the Internet. A:Really?1. C B:Of course.Firstly,it is very convenient.You can buy anything you want and it will be sent to your home or any place you want. A:2. A B:Yes.Whats more,it is much cheaper than the goods in big shops. A:3. E What are its disadvantages do you think? B:Well,the biggest one is that I cannot see the true goods.You can not try it on if you buy some clothes or shoes.,A:I agree with you.How to deal with this? B:4. G A:Thanks a lot for your introduction.5. D B:You are welcome.,A.That is great! B.How do you like it? C.Could yo
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