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. . . . 英语必修五 Unit 1一put forward提出(计划、建议等);将提前;把钟表拨快e.g. He put forward a good plan for this project. 他为这项工程提出了一个好的方案。 The match has been put forward to 1:30. 比赛已经提前到一点半举行联想 put away: 收起来;贮存,储蓄 put off: 推迟;延期 put down: 放下;写下,记住 put on: 穿上;增加;上演(戏剧) put up: 张贴;撑开(帐篷) put up a tent: 搭起帐篷 二。conclude: v. 作结论,断定(conclusion: n. 结论) e.g. The jury concluded that he was guilty. 陪审团认定他有罪conclude 结束,终止:They concluded the meeting at 6 oclock in the afternoon.他们于下午六点结束了会议。作结论,得出结论:What can be concluded from these observations?从这些观察中能够得出什么样的结论呢?推断,判断:The judge concluded that the prisoner was guilty.法官判定这个囚犯有罪。决定,决心:She concluded she would pay back the exact amount on Saturday.她决定在星期六如数偿还。近义词:close 变形: concluded . concludingconclude with 以结束 conclude a contract 订立合同 conclude an agreement 达成协议 .推断;决定,劳经作结论;结束understand , condition vi. 推断;断定;决定deduce from , draw the conclusionconclusive 决定性的;最后的;确实的;确定性的 concluded 推论的concluding 结束的;最后的 adv. conclusively 最后地;决定性地n.conclusion 结论;结局;推论 conclusiveness 结论性;决定性v. concluded 结束;推断;作结论(conclude的过去分词)三defeat打败,击败,战胜;使(希望,计划等)失败,挫败;阻挠,使无效 e.g.Hefinallyconcededdefeat.他最终承认了失败。defeat指“赢得胜利”,尤其指“军事上的胜利”,e.g.defeattheenemy打败敌人。conquer指“征服”、”战胜”,特别指“获得对人、物或感情的控制”,e.g.conquernatureovercome指“战胜”、“压倒”、“克服”尤指“感情”而言,e.g.overcomedifficultiessuffer defeat 遭受失败 击败,战胜;挫败defeat adj. defeatist 失败主义(者)的 n defeatist 失败主义者 defeatism 失败主义四。attend: v. 出席;参加 照顾;看护 伴随1) to be present at; go to (meeting, conference, lecture.) e.g. He decided to attend the meeting himself. 他决定亲自赴会。2) to look after, care for, serve e.g. Which doctor is attending to (on) you? 哪位医生护理你?3)to go with 伴随 e.g. The work was attended with much difficulty. 这项工作带来许多困难。attend a meeting 参加会议 attend school 上学;去上学 attend class 上课attend on 照料;侍候 attend a lecture 听关于的讲座;上课vt. 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴 present oneself , invite , serve , board , mindvi. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾 present oneself , nurseadj. attendant 伴随的;侍候的 attendant 服务员,侍者;随员,attendance 出席;到场;出席人数n. attendant 服务员,侍者;随员,陪从 attendee 出席者;在场者 attender 出席者;按规定常到的人;常客五expose.to.暴露于;使处于的影响之下 expose oneself to使暴露在(空气、寒冷、风雨、阳光等)中;使无遮蔽,使无保护:Do not expose it to the sun. 此物谨防日晒。使暴露,使显露;使遭受(攻击、批评、伤害、嘲讽等):He is exposed to the ridicule of the public.他受到公众的嘲弄。to expose soldiers to gunfire使士兵们遭受炮火攻击使处于的影响(或作用)之下;接接触到;使知悉,使了解:a student who has been exposed to English for some five years接触英语达5年左右的学生使曝光:The film has been exposed to light.这胶卷曝了光。向揭露,揭发,揭穿,披露:to expose the shameful activity to the newspapers向报界揭露这个可耻行径六blame sb. for sth. 因为某事责备某e.g. He blamed the boy for his mistake. be to blame: 受责备,应负责 Who is to blame for the mistake? 这个错误应归咎于谁?七in addition: 除此之外,另外意思相当于besides, whats more 除之外except as , over and abovee.g. I paid 100 Yuan in addition. In addition to English, he has to study a second language.除之外,还有,表示递进关系 The company provided the workers with free lunch in addition to paid holidays.except: 除之外,表示在整体中排除,e.g. Everyone except me got an invitation.除了我以外, 所有人都收到了请柬besides 表示“除以外,还有”,与in addition to 同义, Besides Mr Wang, we also went to see the film.王先生也去了。beside : 旁边。表示方位。e.g. Lily sits beside me in class. 莉莉在班上做我旁边。八 announce:公布;宣告announce:公布;宣告 e.g. He announce his decision. 他宣布了他的决定。词根: announce n. announcement 公告;宣告;发表;通告 announcer 广播 广播员;宣告者宣布,宣告;The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced the news to the reporters.外交部发言人向记者发布新闻。说,述说,:The president of the company announced that there would be a bonus.公司总经理对雇员说将要发奖金。通报(或宣布)的出席(或到达),报告的来到,通知客到,报到:to announce guests通知客到(不通过语言) 使被知道,作为的迹象,显示:Footsteps announced her return.听见脚步声,知道她回来了。预示;预告;预兆:Gathering clouds announced the oncoming storm.,聚云预示了即将来临的风暴。当(电台或电视台)的播音员(或广播员);当(报幕员等):She announces six programs a week.她每周广播6个节目。vi.当电台(或电视台)的播音员(或广播员);当报幕员:She announces for CCTV.她是中国中央电视台的播音员。宣布某人的候选人身份宣布参加竞选(for);(在竞选中)宣布某人对另一人在政治上的赞同,(在竞选中)宣布支持别人竞选(for):九absorbv.吸收A sponge absorbs water. 海绵吸水。 be absorbed in sth: 专心的,全神贯注的absorb in 集中精力做某事;全神贯注于 vt. 吸收;吸引;承受;理解;使全神贯注attract , engage , see , read , seize Adj. absorbed 被吸收的;一心一意的 absorbent 能吸收的 absorbing 吸引人的;极有趣的 absorptive 吸收性的;有吸收力的 absorbable 可吸收的;容易被吸收的 absorbefacient 吸收性的N. absorption 吸收;全神贯注,专心致志 absorbent 化工核化学 吸收剂 absorber 减震器;吸收器;吸收体 absorbency 吸收能力;吸收性;吸墨性;物化 吸光率 absorbefacient 吸收剂 absorptance 物 吸收率;吸收比V. absorbed 吸收;使全神贯注(absorb的过去分词形式) absorbing 吸收(absorb的ing形式)十Challenge n. 挑战; 挑战书; 邀请比赛; 要求决 vt.向.挑战, 要求, 怀疑 ; vi. 挑战, 对(证据等)表示异meet the challenge 迎接挑战;满足要求 rise to the challenge 接受挑战,奋起应付挑战take up the challenge 应战 challenge cup 挑战杯;优胜杯;奖杯Adj. challenging
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