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. . . .高一英语翻译题及答案2012-09-17 14:21 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 标签: 英语练习试题 高一英语 小编寄语:下面是巨人网为你提供的高一英语翻译答案,供大家参考,希望对大家学习有帮助。翻译参考答案1. 她宁愿花许多时间独自思考这道难题而不愿向物理老师求助。(prefer)She prefers to spend a lot of time working on the difficult problem on her own/alone rather than turn to her physics teacher for assistance/help.2. 他走路的样子使我想起了他已过世三年的父亲。(remind)The way he walks reminds me of his father, who has been dead for three years/who passed away three years ago.3. 他避免对女同事们的外貌品头论足,因为那样会给人留下坏印象。(impression)He avoids remarking/commenting on his female colleagues appearances, as it will leave a bad impression on others.4. 她的演讲传递给听众一个主旨:世上没有什么是可以地久天长的,除了爱、和平和信仰。(last)Her speech communicated to her audience a message that nothing can last long/forever in the world except love, peace and faith.5. 他被认为是擅长与人沟通的员工之一。(expert)He is considered as one of the employees who are expert at communicating with others.6. 他们正在考虑成立一个读书俱乐部,以帮助大家减轻工作压力。(consider)They are considering setting up a reading club to help its members relieve work stress.7. 由于食物和干净饮用水的匮乏,那些山区的孩子们面黄肌瘦。(lack n.)Because of lack of food and clean drinking water, the children in mountain areas look pale and thin.8. 干燥的冬季,护肤专家建议我们每日洗脸后一定要涂抹一些面霜并多喝水。(apply)In dry winter, skincare experts suggest that we should apply some cream to our face after washing it and drink plenty of water every day.9. 一定要密切关注世界各地正在发生的事,以便更好地和同事们交流。(attention)Closer attention must be paid to whats going on around the world so that we can communicate with our colleagues better.We must pay closer attention to whats going on around the world so as to communicate with our colleagues better.10. 鸡汤据说是治愈感冒的民间良方。(remedy)Chicken soup is said to be a folk remedy for a cold.Its said that chicken soup is a fold remedy for a cold.11. 下一次来借书时,务必携带借书卡。(sure)Be sure to bring along your library card next time you come to borrow books.Make sure that you bring along your library card next time you want to borrow books.12. 只要专心学习,你一定能顺利通过考试。(concentrate)As long as you concentrate on your studies, you are sure to pass the exam successfully/succeed in passing the exam.13. 毫无疑问,环境对孩子们的成长有很大的影响。(effect)There is no doubt that the environment has a great effect on the growth of children.14. 因为缺乏实践,所以他没有通过驾驶考试。(lack v.)He lacked practice, so he didnt pass the driving test.15. 岁月悄悄夺去了她如丝般光滑的黑发和白皙的肌肤,却阻止不了她实现梦想的决心。(rob)Time robbed her of her silky black hair and fair skin but couldnt stop her from realizing her dream/change her mind to make her dream come true.16. 少吃糖,多刷牙是有效保护牙齿的关键。(the key to)Eating few sweets and brushing teeth regularly is the key to effective care for your teeth.17. 这种治疗方法不会对人体造成损害,但我不能保证这它一定有效。(guarantee)The remedy wont do damage to human bodies, but I cant guarantee it will work/be effective.18. 身体健康是平衡膳食、经常锻炼和心情愉快的结果。(result)Good health is the result of a balanced diet, regular exercise and a good mood.19. 我们必须采取有效措施,确保校园安全。(ensure)We must take effective measures to ensure campus safety/ ensure that the campus is a safe place.20. 一些女孩认为她们宁愿在豪华轿车里哭泣而不愿坐在自行车后笑,而另一些女孩觉得物质财富并非爱情幸福的保证。(while)Some girls think that they would rather seat themselves in a luxury car, crying/sobbing than park themselves in/at the rear of a bicycle, laughing along the way while others believe that material wealth cant ensure/guarantee happiness in love.21. 令我们感到骄傲的是,中国于2010年成功发射了嫦娥二号。(launch)We are proud that Change 2 was successfully launched by China in 2010.22. 小道在森林中蜿蜒曲折。(twist and turn)The path twists and turns in the forest.23. 医生已经告知病人们均衡膳食的重要性。(inform)The doctor has informed the patients of the importance of a balanced diet.24. 新的铁路仍在建造中。(construction)The new railway is still under construction.25. 在炎热的夏天,保护食物的最有效的方法就是将食物放在冰箱里。(preserve)One of the best ways to preserve food on hot summer days is to keep the food in the fridge.26. 推倒柏林墙被看成是二十世纪末重大历史事件之一。(historic)Pulling down the Berlin Wall was regarded / remembered as one of the historic events of the late 20th century.27. 他的理论听起来很合理,因为他的理论是建立在事实基础上的。(base)His theory sounds reasonable, for he has based it on facts.28. 去年我们被市三女中录取了。(admit)We were admitted to Shanghai No.3 Girls High School last year.29. 那个人为自己在金融上取得的成功而洋洋得意。(pride)The man took pride in his financial success.30. 我们学校的学生上网很容易。(access)Students in our school have easy access to the Internet.31. 请在车停稳后下车。(until)Please do not get off the bus until it has stopped.32. 几次尝试后,船员们别无选择只能丢弃燃烧着的船只。(abandon)After (making) several attempts, the sailors had no choice but to abandon the burning ship.33. 山上的这座房子俯瞰着山谷。(overlook)The house on the hill overlooks the valley.34. 对于像他这样的天才能够在一分钟内作出四道题是不足为奇的。(wonder)It is no wonder that a genius like him can work ou
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