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刘毅词汇3000详解Lesson 1abroad 在国外地;oversea He lived abroad for many years;he knows several foreign languages.他在国外住了许多年,知道几种外国语言。abroad / brd; brd/ adv in or to a foreign country or countries; away from ones own country 在国外; 到国外; 出国: be, go, live, travel abroad 在外国出国/旅居外国/到外国 * visitors (who have come) from abroad, ie from another country 外国(来的)游客. being circulated widely 广泛流传: Theres a rumour abroad that., ie People are saying that. 谣言盛传, 说是. (arch or rhet 古或修辞) out of doors 户外; 室外: Have you ventured abroad yet today? 你今天敢出门了吗?affect 影响The small amount of rain last year affected the growth of crops.去年雨水量少,影响谷物生长。affect 1 / fekt; fkt/ v Tn have an influence on (sb/sth); produce an effect on 影响: The tax increases have affected us all. 加税已经影响了我们大家. * The change in climate may affect your health, ie be bad for you. 气候的变化可能影响你的健康. * Their opinion will not affect my decision. 他们的意见不会影响我的决定. (of disease) attack (sb/sth); infect (指疾病)侵袭(某人某物); 感染: Cancer had affected his lungs. 癌已侵及他的肺脏. cause (sb) to have feelings of sadness or sympathy; touch 使(某人)有悲伤或同情的感觉; 感动: We were deeply affected by the news of her death. 她死亡的噩耗使我们深为感伤.affecting moving or touching 动人的; 感人的: an affecting appeal for help 感人的求助. affectingly adv.NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Affect is a verb meaning have an influence on *affect是动词, 意为影响: Alcohol affects drivers concentration. 酒精能影响司机的注意力. Effect is a noun meaning result or influence*effect是名词, 意为效果或影响: Alcohol has a very bad effect on drivers. 酒精对司机的影响很大. It is also a (formal) verb meaning accomplish *effect这个词还是个(文雅的)动词, 意为完成: They effected their escape in the middle of the night. 他们半夜逃脱了.affect 2 / fekt; fkt/ v Tn (often derog 常作贬义) make an obvious show of using, wearing or liking (sth) 炫耀(所使用 穿戴或爱好的事物): affect bright colours, bow ties 炫耀鲜艳的颜色 蝶形领结 * He affects a pretentious use of language, ie tries to impress people by using obscure words, etc. 他爱卖弄词藻. (a) Tn, Tt pretend to have or feel (sth) 装作; 假装: affect not to know sth/affect ignorance of sth 装作不知道某事装作对某事物一无所知 * She affected a foreign accent. 她装出外国腔调. (b) Ln (fml 文) pretend to be (sth); pose as 装成; 扮成: She affects the helpless female. 她装成柔弱女性.affected / fektd; fktd/ adj not natural or genuine; pretended; artificial 不自然的; 不真实的; 装扮的; 做作的: an affected politeness, cheerfulness, etc 虚伪的礼貌 强作欢颜 * a highly affected style of writing 极为矫揉造作的写作风格 * Do try not to be so affected. 千万别这麽装模作样的.attend v.上学;参加 n.attendanceAll children over seven must attend school. 七岁以上的小孩都得上学。attend / tend; tnd/ v I, Ipr (to sb/sth) apply ones mind steadily; give careful thought 专心; 仔细考虑: Why werent you attending when I explained before? 我以前解释的时候, 你怎麽不注意听呢? * Attend to your work and stop talking. 专心工作, 不要说话. Ipr to sb/sth give practical consideration to sb/sth 照顾 关照某人某事物: A nurse attends to his needs. 有个护士照顾他. * Are you being attended to (eg said by an assistant to a customer in a shop)? 有人接待您吗(如店员问顾客)? * Could you attend to (ie deal with) this matter immediately? 你能不能立刻处理这件事? Tn take care of (sb); look after 照看(某人); 照料; 看护: Dr Smith attended her in hospital. 史密斯医生在医院中给她治病. Tn go regularly to (a place); be present at 照例去(某处); 出席: attend school, church, etc 上学 上教堂等 * They had a quiet wedding only a few friends attended (it). 他们的婚礼静悄悄的-只有几个朋友参加. * The meeting was well attended, ie Many people were there. 有很多人出席会议. Tn (fml 文) be with (sb/sth); accompany 伴随(某人某事物); 陪伴: The Queen was attended by her ladies-in-waiting. 女王由宫廷女侍陪伴. * (fig 比喻) May good fortune attend you! 祝你红运当头!attender n person who attends 参加者; 出席者: Shes a regular attender at evening classes. 她上夜校一贯按时出席.blame n.责难 反:complimentI have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now.我已尽最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我。blame / blem; blem/ v Tn, Tn.pr sb (for sth)/ sth on sb consider or say that sb is responsible for sth done (badly or wrongly) or not done 责备; 责怪; 指责; 埋怨; 归咎於: I dont blame you, ie I think your action was justified. 我不怪你(我认为你做得有道理). * (saying 谚) A bad workman blames his tools, ie refuses to accept the responsibility for his own mistakes. 拙匠埋怨工具差(不承认错在自己). * If you fail the exam youll only have yourself to blame, ie it will be your own fault. 你若考试不及格, 只能怪自己. * She blamed him for the failure of their marriage/blamed the failure of their marriage on him. 她把婚姻的触礁归咎於他. (idm 习语) be to blame (for sth) be responsible for sth bad; deserve to be blamed 对某坏事应负责任; 应受责备: Which driver was to blame for the accident? 这事故是哪个司机的责任? * She was in no way to blame. 决不应该责备她.blame n U (for sth) 1 responsibility for sth done badly or wrongly (对做坏的或做错的事所负的)责任: bear/take/accept/get the blame (for sth) (对某事)承担责任 * Where does the blame for our failure lie? ie Who or what is responsible? 我们失败的症结在哪里? criticism for doing sth wrong 对做错某事的批评: He incurred much blame for his stubborn attitude. 他态度顽固而招致许多责难. (idm 习语) lay/put the blame (for sth) on sb
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