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赖世雄英语语法 01单句:主语+动词主语:名词,代词the young man is handsome1the table is good.hes my father she is my mother.the table is good.it is good.theyre beautiful.working with him ,its fine.studying english,its interesting.this dream2 can become reality3.to buy sth is one of plans5.to see him is my purpose6.to study abroad7 is my dream.it is my plan4 to study abroad with my friend jonehe loves me is true8.that he lovesme is true.he studies very hardthat he studies hard is true.he doesnt agree9 with me makes me angry.that he doesnt agree with me makes me angry.it makes me angry that he doesnt agree withme.is she beautiful?1 handsome adj.英俊的,大方的,美观的参考例句: He is a handsome man.他是一位美男子。 She lost her heart to the handsome guy.她爱上了这个漂亮的小伙子。2 dream n.梦;梦想;v.做梦;向往参考例句: I remembered my grandfather in my dream last night.昨晚我梦见了我的外祖父。 Its my dream to win a Nobel Prize.我的理想是获得诺贝尔奖。3 reality n.真实,事实,本体,逼真,实在参考例句: I read love stories as an escape from reality.我阅读爱情小说以逃避现实。 We thought he was serious but in reality he was joking.我们以为他是认真的,但实际上他是在开玩笑。4 plan n.计划,策略,方法;v.计划,设计,意欲参考例句: What do you plan to do during the holidays?你打算在假期里做什么? I talked with him about our plan,and he wanted in.我同他谈了我们的计划,他想参加。5 plans n.计划( plan的名词复数 );打算;平面图;示意图v.计划,打算,设计( plan的第三人称单数 )参考例句: We have to discover his plans and act accordingly. 我们得找出他的计划,照着办。 There are plans afoot to increase taxation. 正在拟订增税方案。 6 purpose n.目的,意图;意志,决心;议题;vt.打算,决意参考例句: I purpose going to London.我想去伦敦。 This is the main purpose of my coming here.这就是我到这儿来的主要目的。7 abroad adj.在国外,海外(一般作表语);adv.到国外,在国外参考例句: I just got back from abroad.我刚从国外回来。 He goes abroad every year.他每年都到国外去。8 true a.真实,不假的;忠实,可靠的;正确无误的参考例句: He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。 I will come and see if it is true.我要来了解一下,是否真有其事。9 agree vi.同意,赞成,承认,适合;vt.同意参考例句: I totally agree with you.我完全同意你的看法。 They could not agree about who should do the work.对于谁该做这项工作,他们意见不一致。赖世雄英语语法 02疑问句:Where is he going? 变成Where he is going is still a mystery。疑问词保留,但后面变为正常句式。动词短语作主语:疑问词+不定式,where to go,how to do但注意why不可以做名词主语。Why did you cry? 变成 Why he cried is something we dont know. 不能是 Why to cry表距离from A to B,时间from A to/till B的介词短语也可以作主语,1990-2003 用to或者till都可以。From 1990 to 2003 is a long period of time. 动词:完全不及物,不完全不及物,完全及物,不完全及物,授予动词。我_她,她被我_。如果填进去都说得通,则为及物动词。love,我爱她,她被我爱,可以。happen,我发生车祸,车祸被我发生,不可以。简单说:不及物动词没有被动语态。赖世雄英语语法 03完全及物动词:指动词加了宾语之后,意思很完全,无需加其他词,但可加修饰语。I love her.我爱她。不完全及物动词:指该动词是一个及物动词,但它意思并不完全,即使加了宾语后意思仍然不完全的动词。I made1 a chair.我制造了一把椅子。I made him happy.我使他快乐起来了。及物动词在写作中只有两种形态。1)主语+完全及物动词+宾语(名词、代词)I love him.我爱他。2)主语+be动词+过去分词的形态I was2 hit him.我被他打了。完全不及物动词的两种形态。1)主语+动词2)be动词+不及物动词的现在分词形态She was dancing.他当时正在跳舞。不完全不及物动词(get):指该动词是一个不及物动词,且意思不完全,后面要放补足语。He became3 a doctor.他成为了一个医生。Be动词的概念:1)为“是”的意思时,后面一定放名词作补足语。Im a student.我是一个学生。2)后面加形容词时,中文不可以翻译成“是”。She is beautiful.她很美丽。3)be动词还可以有“在”的意思,后面加地方,表示场所的状语(副词)或介词短语She is dancing.她正在跳舞。1 made v.make的过去式和过去分词参考例句: They were not made in china.它们不是中国制造的。 The monkey made a long arm for the peach.猴子伸臂去摘桃子。2 was v.(is,am的过去式)是,在参考例句: He said he was right.他说他是正确的。 He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。3 became v.(become的过去式)成为参考例句: He became a doctor at the age of 27.他27岁时成了一名医生。 He became a millionaire when he was still young.他还年轻时就成了百万富翁。赖世雄英语语法 04She became beautiful.她变得美丽了。He got angry.他变得生气。“get”表示“被”的意思时,后面用过去分词作补语。She got hurt.她受伤了。Charming1妩媚“turn”表示“变成”为不及物动词。The leaves are turning yellow.树叶正变成黄色。完全及物动词:指加了宾语意思很完全。Dont hit me.不要打我。I made a chair.我制造了一把椅子。出现的形态有三种。1)主语+完全及物动词+宾语I love him.我爱他。2)主语+be动词后面有宾语时,此及物动词用ing的形态。(即:现在分词的形态)I was hitting him.我当时正在打他。“have”表示“有”。(及物动词没有进行时即为瞬间动词)I had dinner an hour ago.一个小时前我吃晚饭了。3)及物动词如果后面没有宾语时,主语+be动词+过去分词的形态不完全及物动词:指动词是一个及物动词,但是意思没有完全。I made him happy.我使他快乐。“make”+宾语+原形动词作宾语的补足语。“bid”吩咐(过去时“bade” )Cause促使、迫使、强迫(此类动词加宾语后,通常放不定式短语作宾语补足语)I will force2 him to do it.我将会迫使他做那件事。1 charming adj.迷人的,可爱的参考例句: She looked small and gentle and altogether charming.她看起来小巧文雅,十分迷人。 She has charming manners.她具有媚人的风姿。2 force n.力量,武力,影响力;v.强迫,强夺,加压力;计算机强制参考例句: I dont hold with the use of force.我不赞成使用武力。 We had to use force to get into the house.我们不得不强行进屋赖世雄英语语法 05授予动词(dative verb):有两个宾语。第一个宾语指人为间接宾语,第二个宾语指物为直接宾语.I give him acar.我给他一部车Ibought him abook.我买了一本书给他I will give him something2.我将会给他些东西。I ask him a question3.我问了他一个问题。当直接宾语在前,间接宾语在后时,通常要加一个介词“to” “for”等。I give a book to him.我给了他一本书。1 lesson n.课,教训;vt.给.上课,教训参考例句: How long is this lesson?这一课讲多长时间? Wish you remember this lesson.愿你记取这次教训。2 something pr
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