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伊通三中 黄艳玲,Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section B(1a-1e),一师一优课 人教版教材九年级英语,List five difficult things for you to learn English.,I cant pronounce some of the words.,I cant always understand spoken English,I dont know how to increase my reading speed.,I cant spell some English words.,I often make mistakes in grammar.,Free talk:,A:What things are difficult for you in learning English? B:I cant . Could you give some advice? A:I think you should.,pronounce some of the words.,understand spoken English,increase my reading speed,spell some English words,make mistakes in grammar,A:What things are difficult for you in learning English? B:I cant . Could you give some advice? A:I think you should.,1b What other things are difficult for you? Make a list. 1. I dont know enough words to write well. 2. _ 3. _,ake up converstations like this. :What other things are difficult for you in learning English ? B:I cant Could you give some advice? A:I think you should ,1c Paul finds it difficult to learn English. Listen and complete the learning challenges he talks about.,Challenges 1. He cant get the _ right. 2. He _ a lot of new words. 3. He cant always _ when people talk to him. 4. He doesnt get much _ practice.,pronunciation,forgets,understand,writing,1d Listen again. Complete the solutions.,Solutions 1. _ can help. 2. He can always _ in his notebook and study them at home. 3. He can _ to practice speaking. 4. He should find a _ to practice writing.,Listening,write the new words,join English club,pen pal,Challenges Solutions 1. pronunciation 2. forget a lot of new words 3. cant understand when people talk to him 4. writing practice,listening can help. write the new words in his notebook and study them at home join an English language club find a pen pal to practice,课前预习,Free talk,A:What trouble does Paul have in learning English? B:He. A:What advice does Ms. Manson give? B:She thinks .,A: I dont have a partner to practice English with. B: Maybe you should join an English club.,1e Role - play conversations using the information in 1c and 1d,Freetalk : A:what trouble do you have in other subjects? B:I cant . What should I do? A:You should .,Exercises :补全对话,Kate: You look worried ,Tom._? Tom: I always cant get the _ right. What should I do? Kate: I think _ can help.Why not listen to tapes? Tom: Thats a good idea. Kate: What other things are difficult for you? Tom: I dont know how to _ my reading speed,either? Kate:I think you should keep_ for twenty minutes every day. Tom: Thanks for your good advice. Kate:,What wrong,increase,You are welcome.,pronunciation,listening,reading,Homework :,1.Remember the new languages. 2.Read the text in 2b,then finish 2c.,Summary:,We have learnt how to solve the troubles in learning English .,We should try our best to solve difficulties in our study in order to succeed in The Senior Entrance Exam in 2017.,Remember:,Thank you!,
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