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Learning to learnquestionnaire n.问卷;调查表 Read the questionnaire and think about your answers.matter vi.要紧,有重大关系 It doesnt matter if I can speak English or not.partner n.合作者,搭档 Work with your partner.Unite 1Warm-uplifestyle n.生活方式They enjoyed an income and lifestyle that many people would envy.shepherd n.牧羊人,羊倌; 牧师; 指导者; vt.带领,引导; 牧(羊),放牧; 照看;This shepherd tended a flock.peaceful adj.和平的;平静的;安静的;爱好和平的;China is a peaceful country.relaxing adj.轻松的Its relaxing to listen to music after a days work.stressful adj.紧张的;压力重的Teaching can be a tiring and stressful job.suppose vt.假设;假定;认为;想;应该;让(虚拟语气);vi.推测Every effect supposes a cause. Lesson 1series n.(单复同)系列;丛书;连续She attended all the lectures in the series. TV series电视系列片; 电视剧She produced a TV series about adopted children.cartoon n.卡通;漫画;草图;vt.为 . 画漫画She is designing cartoons. talk show 脱口秀; 谈话节目He was the host for a TV talk show.complain vi.抱怨;控诉;诉说He is always complaining. couch n.长椅;睡椅;长沙发;兽穴;vt.表达;躺下;vi.埋伏;躺下His black leather couch looks expensive.couch potato My roommate is a couch potato.switch n.转换;开关;鞭子;v.改变;交换;转换;鞭打The train was switching. switch on(用开关)开启Switch on the light at the wall-socket.switch over切换; 转变Switch over to the other side.switch off(用开关)关掉I switch off when he starts talking about cars.play v.玩;比赛;(在运动队中)担当;派.出场;带;踢;击(球);走(棋子);出牌;演奏;播放;扮演;假装;上演;发挥(作用);应付;处理;掠过;浮现;使轻快地活动;(喷泉)喷涌;做游戏n.游戏;戏剧;比赛;发挥作用;玩笑;间隙;闪烁;闪现Once he is free, he will play computer games.portable adj.轻便的;手提式的;计可移植的n.便携的东西Portable telephones are very popular nowadays.remote adj.遥远的;偏僻的;远程的;(感情等)距离很大n.远程操作The thing happened in the remote past. remote control 遥控器The bomb was exploded by remote control.workaholic n.工作狂;闲不下来的人As a workaholic,he has no time to pursue his hobbies.paperwork n.文书工作Paperwork consumed much of the committees time.alarm n.警报;警报器;惊恐;vt.警告;使惊恐;向 . 报警The smoke triggered off the alarm.Alarm clock n.闹钟I set the alarm clock.go off 爆炸;消失;响起;进行;变质;熄灭Hamlet goes off stage left.take up v.拿起;开始;从事;吸收;接纳;占去;继续做;做某事消遣It is necessary for us to take up productive labour.be filled with v.充满The royal palace was filled with intrigue.urgent adj.紧急的;急迫的;坚持要求的We have an urgent thing. document n.公文,文件 when I get home at about ten,I look at some documents that I bring back from the office.midnight n.午夜,半夜 I get to bed around midnight when my wife and children are already asleep.bored adj.厌烦的,不感兴趣的 I get bored if there is nothing to do.Lesson 2stress n.压力 Breathing exercises can help suffer from stress.studio n.演播室,工作室 The interview took place in a studio.expert n.专家 Dr.Smith an expert on losing weight.suffer vi.遭受,感到疼痛 suffer from 忍受 John suffered from backache.pressure n.压力 Pressure can cause headaches and other illness.social adj.社交的,社会的 I am shy and find social situations stressful.reduce vt.减少,降低 Planting trees can help reduce air pollution.organise vt.组织Someone must organize this years Christmas party.diet n.饮食,节食You must have a balanced diet.prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿I prefer meeting people in small group.stand vt.忍耐,忍受I cant stand talking in front of the class.Lesson 3volunteer n.志愿者I am going to work as a volunteer teacher in a small country.graduate vi.毕业I have just graduated from university.minus adj.零下,负It can get as cold as minus 40 or 50 degrees at night.basin n.脸盆Ill only have a small with a bed and a basin.challenge n.挑战I really enjoy meeting new challenge.support vt.&n.支持,支撑Do they support you.dial vt.拨(电话号码)Dial 12345 and shell answer them for you.design n.&vt.设计How do you design a website.advertisement n. 广告There are some advertisement about the phone.presentation n.表演,展示Theyll have a presentation this afternoon.solve vt.解决,解答I can solve the problem.Lesson 4accountant n.会计,会计师 Debbie is an accountant in a large company in the center of London.tube n.(英)地铁 I travel to work on “the tube”.crowded adj.拥挤的 Its so crowed that I cant find anywhere to sit.nearby adj.附近的 adv.在附近 I often get a sandwich in a nearby sandwich shop.otherwise adv.否则,另外 I need to do that because I dont get enough exercise otherwise.forecast n.预报,预测 The weather forecast is good.crowd n.人群,一伙人 There are no shops,crowds or the tube.lung n.肺 That fresh air is so good for my lungs.sickness n. 疾病 I have to make sure they free of sickness.distance n. 距离 distance learning 远程学习 Right now I am studying Chinese by distance learning.cigar n.雪茄烟 I also like to buy a few cigars.Communication Workshopat the moment 此刻,目前 At the moment Im studying medicine at a university.over the years 数年间 I think Ive changed a lot over the years.survey n.调查 Do a survey about lifestyle.classical adj.古典的 I like listening clas
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