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. . . .高一英语知识点总结重点句型1. Cell phones, or mobile phones make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere. it 作形式宾语的用法2. I dont dare to use the phone in school. dare 的用法3. The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing.no matter + 疑问词引导的让步状语从句4. The cell phone helps her do whatever she wants to do.whatever 引导的名词从句5. We human beings could not survive without all plants and animals around us. 表双重否定6. We may be able to take measures before it is too late.before 的译法7. Steve Jones tries to keep animals and plants from becom- ing endangered. 表示“阻止某人做某事”重点词汇1. agreement n. 一致,协定2. absolutely adv. 绝对地,完全地3. press vt. & vi. 按,压,逼迫4. teenager n. (13-19岁的)青少年5. throughout prep. 遍及,贯穿6. add vt. 增加,添加,补充说7. 1atest adj. 最近的,最新的8. calendar n. 日历9. appointment n. 约会,指定10. behaviour n. 行为,举止11. obey v. 服从12. emergency n. 紧急情况13. dial vt. 拨号14. unexpected adj. 想不到的15. particular adj. 特别的,个别的16. succeed v. 成功17. force n. & vt. 力量,强制18. wonder n. 奇迹19. defeat vt. & n. 击败,失败20. department n. 部,局,系21. interview vt. & n. 接见,会见22. environmental adj. 环境的23. common adj. 共同的,普遍的24. valuable adj. 有价值的25. reduce vt. 减少26. respond vi. 回答,响应27. material n. 材料,原料28. attractive adj. 吸引人的29. organize vt. & vi. 组织30. amount n. 数量重点短语1. keep / stay in touch with 与保持联络2. call for 要求,需要3. in case of 假设,万一4. according to 根据,据所说5. take over 接收,接管6. break down 毁掉,坏掉7. in danger 在危险中8. die out 灭绝,逐渐消失9. as a result of 作为(的)结果10. lead to 导致某种结果11. take measures 采取措施12. adapt to 适应13. make a difference 有关系,有影响14. devote.to 献身于,专心于15. at present 现在,目前16. set free 释放17. in the wild 在自然环境下18. throw away 扔掉19. on the go 忙个不停,四处奔走20. remind.of. 使人想起21. dream of 梦想22. come up with 提出23. first of all 首先24. make money 赚钱25. depend on 依靠短语闯关下列短语都是这两个单元学过的重要短语,请你根据汉语在横线上填入一个正确的词,每个词5分,80分才能过关,你一定能过关,做好了闯关的准备吗?那么我们就开始吧?1. stay in _ with 与保持联络2. call _ 要求,需要3. _ case(of) 假设;万一4. according _ 按照;根据所说5. take _ 接收;接管6. break _ 毁掉,坏掉;中止7. _ danger 在危险中;垂危8. die _ 灭绝;逐渐消失9. _ a result of作为(的)结果;由于10. lead _ 导致某种结果11. _ measures 采取措施12. adapt _ 适应(新环境等)13. make a _ 有关系;有影响14. devote _ 献身于;专心于15. present _ 现在;目前16. _ free 释放17. _ the wild 在自然环境下18. throw _ 扔掉;浪费19. _ the go 忙个不停;四处奔走;跑来跑去20. turn.inside _ 把翻过来交际用语1. I cant agree with you on this point.2. Thats the point.3. Well, it depends.4. Does anyone share Davids opinion?5. I absolutely agree.6. Thats how I see it.7. Why cant we drink the water in our rivers and lakes? Because the water is polluted.8. Cars and factories cause air pollution. As a result of air pollution, many people get sick.9. People get sick because of air pollution. It follows that we must do something about it.单词聚焦1. adapt vt. 使适应;使配合(1) adapt + n. + to + n. 使适应,使适合He could not adapt his way of life to the school. 他的生活方式无法适应学校的要求。(2) adapt (oneself) to 适应She quickly adapted to new circumstances. 她能够很快地适应新环境。/ I suggested he should adapt himself to his new conditions. 我建议他应该调整自己,以适应新的环境。2. add vt. & vi. 增加,加入,补充说If the tea is too strong, add some more water. 如果茶太浓,再加些水。/ Many words have been added to this edition of the dictionary。这一版字典增加了很多词。/ The bad weather only added to our difficulties. 恶劣的天气只会增添我们的困难。/ And I hope you will realize it one day. he added. 他接着说:“我希耀你总有一天会明白这一点。” / I should like to add that we are pleased with the result. 我想补充一句,我们对这个成果感到高兴。短语add.to. 在中加上 add to 增加,增添add up 加起来 add up to 总计,总共有Your carelessness added to our difficulty. 你的粗心增加了我们的困难。/ The money he spent added up to no more than 1,000. 他花的钱总计1000英镑。3. add 的用法 构词: addition n. 加,加起来,增加物,增加,加法 additional adj. 外加的,附加的,另加的 搭配: add sth in 算人;包括 add A to B 把A加到B上,往A里添加B add to 增加,加到 in addition 加上,又,另外 in addition to 加上,除外,又 add sth up 把加起来,总计 add up (to)总计共达;表示,等于说。意味着;总而言之【考例】The president talked with the official for a longtime, _ that he still trusted him.A. added B. adding C. adding up D. adding up to考查目标 本题考查add及其构成短语的意思。答案与解析B adding的意思是“补充(说)”。add up to意思是“加起来等于”。4. amount n. 量,常与不可数名词连用“the amount of + 不可数名词”表示“的量”。提醒“a large amount of + 不可数名词”后跟单数谓语“large amounts of + 不可数名词”后跟复数谓语There is a large amount of / are large amounts of coal to be sent there. 大量的煤要运往那儿。比较 number 也意为“量”,但它指可数的事物的“数目,数量”。the number of 的数目 / numbers of / a number of 大量的 后跟复数名词5. case的用法 搭配: as is often the case 这是常有的事 as the case stands 在目前的情况下,就现有的情况而论 in this / that case 如果是这样那样的话 in any case 无论如何,总之 in case (that)-clause 假使。如果,万一 in case of 万一,如果发生 (just)in case
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