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上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 笔输入式交互网站的设计与研究 姓名:徐轶均 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:软件工程 指导教师:杨旭波;唐幼纯 20090601 笔输入式交互网站的设计与研究 I 笔输入式交互网站的设计与研究 摘 要 本文阐述了一款基于 Flash 平台开发的、利用笔输入的手写式的博客网站,研究如 何更好的实现 UCD,倡导一种更加自然,符合人体机能的人机输入方式。 在 web2.0 环境下的互联网,网络用户从信息的接受者逐渐转变为信息的制造者和 传播者,因此,表达用户个人观点,由用户自我创建内容并且传播内容、分享内容的博 客已经成为了标志性的互联网应用进步之一。博客如果能达到图文并茂、并伴有多媒体 介质的整合,那必将显得更加完善。 手写式输入对于计算机人机交流方式角度来说一直是一项令人称道的技术,它完 美的模拟了人类用手握笔在纸上或其他平面介质上的书写方式。实现了所画即所见,所 见即所得的效果。本文所介绍的手写笔输入的博客网站借助新型交互设备-数位板强大 的硬件技术, 开发出一套手写笔输入的博客网站, 使用者可以直接的用笔在博客上绘图、 描符号、写文字、划标记等等。让用户可以更加自然的,更加直接的,更加个性化的表 达自己的思想。让 web2.0 时代的代表之一博客,可以进一步的展现魅力。 在用户界面设计上,基于 Flash 可以有丰富的表现力,我们在网站的流程设计和交 互方式上的选择也更加多样化,整站的设计风格采用手绘式的全图形构成,既充分表明 了此网站是 2.0 时代的社区性质网站,也符合我们对于手绘表达的追求。在网站的核心 功能在线涂鸦的开发中充分运用 Flash Action Script 编制出易用的菜单按钮和功能多样 的涂鸦工具等。利用 LZW 压缩算法和将网站的数据保存最优化,方便用户的读取;利 用动态布局的设置,使 Flash 网站窗口也能放大缩小和移动,让 Flash 网站更像一个桌 面软件;利用 SWFAddress 动态地址功能解决 IE 对 Flash 支持度不够的问题,可以在地 址栏中直接输入地址进行访问。 本项目的开发,创新之处在于开发出的笔输入式手写博客取代常规的键盘输入博 客,通过在线涂鸦和笔式游戏等让用户体验手绘输入的乐趣,并且实现了在线 Flash 网 站的压力感应功能,提高用户在线体验度。其宗旨也就是 web2.0 时代博客开发中如何 更好的实现以用户为中心的设计,并且倡导一种更加自然,符合人体机能的人机输入方 式。在项目的研究开发中,将无不从用户可用性的角度出发,对项目的意义、开发平台、 用户界面、用户输入方式等等角度阐述可用性的应用,即在产品开发的过程中始终要围 笔输入式交互网站的设计与研究 II 绕着以用户为中心的这个出发点。 关键词 Flash 网站,在线涂鸦,手写输入,LZW 算法 笔输入式交互网站的设计与研究 III RESEARCHES ON HOW TO DESIGN THE PEN-INPUT INTERACTIVE WEBSITE ABSTRACT This article is focusing on the handwriting blog based on the platform of flash and using pen-input technique. The goal is to find a way to achieve a user-centered design in a better way, and to promote a more natural and more comfortable input way for human being. Under Web 2.0, internet users changed from information accepters to information producers and disseminators. Therefore, the blog which can be created, published and shared with others by internet users, can be regarded as one of the great symbolic progress of internet. It will be even more perfect if blog can be developed through the integration of pictures and words as well as the using of multimedia tools. Handwriting input is always supposed to be an amazing technique in terms of man-machine interaction, which can perfectly simulate the handwriting process on paper using pen in hand, and achieves the result of seeing is painting, and gaining is seeing. The blog website using handwriting pen introduced here takes the aid of the powerful hardware technology of interactive installment of digital board to develop a blog website suitable for handwriting input, therefore helps the users paint pictures, mark symbols, write articles etc to show their personal ideas more freely and directly, which will totally makes blog of web 2.0 more attractive to internet users. With regard to the design of user interface, we now appreciate a better diversified choice about the process design and interactive mode of website, thanks to the excellent expressiveness of flash. The design style of website is constructed by hand painting figures, which is not only completely showing the community character of the website under web 2.0, but also in accordance with our pursuit of expression way of hand painting. During our research and development of the core function of online doodle, easy using menu button and multi-functional doodle tools programmed by flash action script are applied enough. The LZW compaction algorithm is also utilized to optimize data storage to facilitate users file reading. Dynamic layout is installed to enlarge or reduce windows of flash website to make 笔输入式交互网站的设计与研究 IV the website more like desktop software. In addition, SWF address function is taken to solve the problem that the supports of IE to Flash are not enough, and let the users input internet address directly in address column to visit whatever website they want to reach. The research and development of this project innovates in that handwriting input blog takes place of traditional keyboard input blog, which lets users enjoy the fun of hand painting by online doodle and game playing by pens, as well as advances users online experiences on bases of the accomplishment of press sensor function. The principle is to better achieve user-orientation in the process of the development of blog website under web 2.0, as well as promote a more natural human input way suitable for the body labor study. During the development process, all things are designed from the point of user availability to cover fields including project meaning, development platform, users interface and input way. That is to say, users will always be fixed as the centers and bases during the whole product development process. Keywords Flash site, online handwriting, pen-input, LZW Algorithm 笔输入式交互网站的设计与研究 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立 进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不 包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究 做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意 识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 日期:2009 年 6 月 5 日 笔输入式交互网站的设计与研究 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同 意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许 论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权上海交通大学可以将本学位论文的全部或 部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、
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