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. . . .Unit 5 Choosing a new flat(七年级上册牛津版)核心词汇1. choose tu:z v. 选择;挑选 【词性转换】 choice tis n. 选择;选项 You can choose three books from the library each time.你们每次可以从图书馆里挑选三本书。2. bedroom bedru:m n. 卧室 She was ill and stayed in the bedroom for a whole day. 她病了,在卧室里呆了一整天。3. untidy ntaidi adj. 不整洁的;不整齐的 【反义词】 tidy taidi adj. 整洁的;整齐的 Your room is quite untidy. 你的房间真乱。4. tidy up 使整齐 Eddie, you should tidy your room now and make it a tidy one. 埃迪,你应该整理一下你的房间,使它变成一个整洁的房间。5. wardrobe w:drub n. 衣柜;衣橱 He put all his clothes in the big wardrobe. 他把所有的衣服都放在大衣柜里。6. living room n. 客厅;起居室 We sat on the chairs chatting in his living room. 我们坐在他起居室的椅子上聊天。7. bathroom b:ru:m n. 浴室 I need to go to the bathroom. 我要上厕所。8. balcony blkni n. 阳台 I bought a new flat with four large balconies. 我买了一套带有四个阳台的公寓。9. estate isteit n. 地产;住宅区 He owns a large estate in Scotland. 他在苏格兰有大量的地产。10. agency eidnsi n. 代理机构【词性转换】 agent eidnt n. 代理人I work in a tourist agency. 我在一家旅行社工作。11. matter mt n. 问题 It was a matter of life and death for them. 对他们来说,这是生死攸关的问题。12. suburb sb:b n. 郊区;城外 【近义词】 countryside kntrisaid n. 乡间;农村 His family moved to the suburbs. 他全家都搬到郊区去了。13. helper help n. 帮手;助手 【词性转换】 help help n. & v. 帮助;帮忙 The teacher is always looking for helpers in the classroom. 老师总是在教室里寻找小助手。14. sofa suf n. 长沙发 【提示】sofa指的是“带有靠背和扶手的,加油坐垫的长椅”,往往是和两个人以上坐。因此,中国人所说的“单人沙发”不能叫作sofa,而应叫作armchair。15. next to 紧邻;在近旁 【近义词】 beside prep. 在旁边 I parked my car next to hers. 我把车停在她的车旁。16. set set n. 电视机 Do you have a colour TV set? 你有彩色电视机吗?17. opposite pzit prep. 与相对;在对面 He parked the car opposite the bank. 他将车停在银行的对面。18. rug rg n. 小地毯;垫子 【比较】 carpet与rug carpet是指面积较大的地毯,往往要铺满整个房间的地板;而rug则是指面积较小、往往只是在房间中的一个特定地方所铺设的小地毯,如a teatable rug(茶几毯,放置于茶几之下)19. cupboard kbd n. 小地毯;垫子I put the dishes in the cupboard. 我把菜放在碗橱里。20. armchair :mte n. 扶手椅重要句型1. Ben and I are much bigger now. 本和我都长大了很多。 much在本句中作副词,修饰形容词或副词的比较级,表示“得多”的意思。如: A dolphin is much more intelligent than a shark. 海豚要比鲨鱼聪明得多。2. Whats the matter? 怎么了啊? Whats the matter? 常用语询问他人目前的状况或询问他人发生了什么不开心或烦恼的事情,常译为“怎么了;发生什么事了啊;有什么问题吗”等。要询问某人有什么麻烦时,可使用“Whats the matter with sb.?”。如: Whats the matter with you? 你怎么了? I have a headache. 我头痛。 我们也可用Whats wrong(with sb.)?, Whats the problem (with sb.)?等代替Whats the matter (with sb.)?3. Id like a flat with three big bedrooms, a big kitchen, two bathrooms and a balcony. 我想要一套有三间大卧室、一个大厨房、两个卫生间和一个阳台的公寓。 本例中的with是“有;带有”的意思。以下简单小结一下with的常见用法: a) 有;带有。如:My English teacher is a young lady with beautiful long hair. 我的英语老师是一位留着美丽长发的年轻女士。 b) 和一起。如:Whos that girl with Sandy? 和桑迪在一起的那个女孩是谁? c) (随身携带)在身边。如:How much money do you take with you? 你身边带了多少钱? d) 用。如:Fix the chair with a hammer. 用锤子把椅子修理一下。4. The Lis have moved to their new flat in Water Bay. 李先生一家搬到了水湾的新寓所。 the Lis是指“李先生一家”或“姓李的一家”,与the Lis family意思相同。我们可以在姓氏前加定冠词the,将姓氏变复数的方式来指一家人。如: The Smiths went to France for their holiday last week. 史密斯一家上周去法国度假了。 move to some place是“搬家去某地”的意思,如: They will move to Suzhou next month. 他们下个月就要举家搬迁到苏州去。5. Where do you want the round table, Mrs Li? 李太太,这张圆桌你要放在哪里? 这句话是“Where do you want me to put the round table?”的缩略提问方式。6. Put it on the floor between the TV set and the sofa, please. 请把它放在电视机和沙发之间的地板上。 between这个介词表示“位于(两者)之间”。between A and B是“位于A和B”之间的意思,可以表示位置关系,也可以用来表示时间段。如: Please sit between Mary and me. 请坐在玛丽和我的中间。语法点讲解1. “too + 形容词”表示“太”。The boy is too little. 这个男孩太小了。I dont like the dish because its too sweet. 我不喜欢这道菜,因为它太甜了。【注意】too + 形容词 + for sb. 表示“对某人而言太了”。too还能和to构成词组搭配tooto表示“太而不能”,通常可以和sothat和notenough to作句型转换。【活学活用】按要求改写句子:This room is so small that it cant hold 50 people. (保持句意不变)This room is _ small _ hold 50 people.This room is _ big _ hold 50 people.Key: too.to, not.enough to2. need 作为实义动词时表示“需要”,后面可直接加名词。 I need some pictures to make my bedroom more beautiful. 我需要一些图画来美化我的卧室。 I am hungry and I need some food and water. 我饿了,需要一些食物和水。3. 修饰形容词比较级的常用副词有:much, even, still, far, a little, a bit等。 She is much more beautiful than before. 她比以前漂亮多了。 He looks still younger than his friends. 他看上去仍然比他的朋友们年轻。 This one is a little cheaper. 这个稍微便宜一些。 Can you read it a bit louder? 你能读得稍微响一些吗?【活学活用】选择正确的答案:1. This kind of mango is _ than the others. A. expensive B. much expensive C. much more D. much more expensive2. H
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