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九年义务教育小学教科书科普版小学英语第八册,Lesson 10 Did you go boating last Sunday ? (Read),A mother koala and her baby. 考拉妈妈和她的宝宝,Read,koala /ku a:l/树袋熊(考拉),Australian /streilj/ 澳大利亚人 below /blu/ 以下,One day I was driving my car along the road in Australia. Suddenly the cars in front of me stopped. I got out of my car to have a look.,There were about ten cars in front of mine. “ What are they waiting for?” I thought.,I walked up to the first car.What did I see ? I saw a mother koala with a baby on her back . She wanted to cross the road, but she just sat down in the middle of the road.,After some time, the mother koala got up and walked off the road. Then the cars started to go again.,Koalas are rare in the world. The Australians like them very much. They do their best to protect them.,Look at the pictures below . These animals in China are rare, too. But are we all doing our best to protect them ?,* “was driving along ” 表示“正沿着驾驶 ”,1. along 意思是“沿着” 还可用:go along;come along,e.g. 他们沿着湖边走。,They walk along the lake.,You can go along the street .,你可以沿着街走。,2. before me 意思是“我前面的车”,e.g. He sat just before me .,他就坐在我面前。,3. had to stop 意思是“不得不停” “have to + 动词原形” 意为“必须或不得不做某事”,e.g. My mother is ill . I have to stay home and look after her.,我母亲病了。我得留在家里照顾她。,have to和 must 都是“必须 ”的意思,但有区别 :,* So I got out of my car to have a look . 意思是“因此我下车去看一看 。”,* got 是 get 的过去式,* get out of 意为“下车,下出租车”,e.g. I got out of a taxi . 我下了出租车。,* “have a look” 意为“看一看”,“ What are they waiting for?”,* wait for 意思是“等待,等候”,e.g. 1. We should wait for help.,我们应该等待救援。,2. Will you wait for me for a moment ?,你等我一会儿好吗?,“ I walked up .”,* walk 过去式 walked,* walk up 意思为“走上前去”,* “ I saw a koala mother with her baby on her back .” 我看见一个考拉妈妈背着一个小考拉。,* see 过去式 saw,* with a baby on her back “在她的背上”,e.g. Mary came into the classroom ,with a big smile on her face .,玛丽满面笑容地走进了教室。,When she was tired, she just sat down in the middle of the road .,* tire 过去式 tired,* sit 过去式 sat,* in the middle of “在中间”,e.g. The girl sits in the middle of the classroom . 那个女孩坐在教室中间。,“ After some time , the koala mother got up and walked off the road .”,* some time“一些时间,一段时间”,* some times “几次,数次”,* sometimes “有时,不时”,red- crowned cranes 丹顶鹤,giant pandas 大熊猫,Tibetan antelope 藏羚羊,Chinese alligator 扬子鳄,Northeast Tiger 东北虎,Do some exercises .,Choose the correct answer .,1. Who is waiting _ you ? A. on B. for C. at 2. We should do _ best to study math. A. our B. us C. me 3. I _ a film with my parents yesterday . A. see B. sees C. saw,B,A,C,1.Tigers are rare at the world. _ _ 2.Mum go shopping yesterday. _ _ 3.I saw a monkey with her baby at her back. _ _,找出下列每句中错误的地方并改正。,at,in,go,went,at,on,Answer the questions:,1. Where did the story happen(发生)? 2. What was the koala mother doing?,In Australia .,She was walking slowly across the road .,Why did the koala mother sit down in the middle of the road? 4. When did the cars start to go?,She was tired .,The koala mother got up and walked off the road.,5. Are koalas rare in the world ? 6. Where can we see koalas ?,Yes, they are .,In Australia .,driving , stopped , stop , wait,move, out, look, ten, waiting,walked, see, koala, slowly, tired, sit,got up, walked off, rare , love, protect,pictures, protect do our best,考拉图片,Protect animals ! 保护动物!,Love animals ! 爱护动物!,Animals are our friends. 动物是我们的朋友。,Ask and answer .,What did Rob do yesterday ? He went boating .,play football,wash clothes,go shopping,go boating,Lulu,Eve,Rob,Bob,Did Rob go shopping yesterday ? No,he went boating .,play football,wash some clothes,go shopping,go boating,Lulu,Eve,Rob,Bob,What did Lulu do yesterday ?,She washed clothes .,What did Rob do yesterday ? He went boating .,play football,wash clothes,go shopping,go boating,Lulu,Eve,Rob,Bob,What did Eve do yesterday ?,She went shopping .,What did Rob do yesterday ? He went boating .,play football,wash clothes,go shopping,go boating,Lulu,Eve,Rob,Bob,What did Bob do yesterday ?,He played football .,Thank you.,Good bye!,
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