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P109六3 Pei Tsung Pu HutongJan 29th, 36Dearest Wilma and John,最亲爱的慰梅和正清:Heavens! If I would write a story with just such situations and such arguments, If I would write it badly, one would think I invented the situation, badly and so untrue to life! But here it is, take it or leave it, and of all people, should be Chung-Wen, the quiet,understanding feeling and guilty person, a novelist himself, a genius at that! And he has got himself into this scrap and is feeling just as hopeless as any young and inexperienced little boy in such matters天哪!如果是我写的一篇故事里有这样的情节和辩解,而且写的比较拙劣,别人会觉得我在杜撰,拙劣且不真实。可事实如此,无论你信或不信,从文就是这样的人,一个安静,善解人意,总是容易对别人歉疚的人,一位小说家,同时又是一位天才人物。他居然是自己陷入这种境地,像任何一个年轻青涩,未经世事的男孩子一样,对这样的事深感绝望。 and the poet in him rebelled and looked so lost and puzzled by life and its conflicts, that I thought of Shelley and also remembered Hsu chih-mo in his mad struggles against conventional sorrow, and I can t help feeling fondly amused. I can t describe to you how utterly charming he was that morning and how amusing! And how old and wise and tired I sat there talking to him, scolding him, advising him and discussing with him on life and its inconsistency, on human nature and its charm and tragedies and on idealism and reality! 他内心深处的诗人气质造就了他的反叛精神,同时也让他面对生活极其种种冲突时,困惑,茫然,不知所措。这样的他让我想到了雪莱,同时也想到了志摩及其疯狂的对抗世俗苦痛的奋斗拼搏。可我又忍不住觉得有趣。我无法向你描述那天早上的他是多么的迷人有趣。而我坐在那里跟他聊,责他、劝他、和他讨论生活及其间种种矛盾曲折,论及人性及其魅力与悲剧,包括理想和现实,自觉有几分沧桑,疲惫和睿智。 Little have I thought before that people who lived and were brought up in so different a way as Chung-Wen, will have some such feelings that I could so well understand, and have some such problems and troubled by it as I have known in other contexts. This is a new and deep experience for me, and that is why I think proletariat literature is nonsense. Good literature is good literature regardless of the ideology” of the people. From now on I am going to take afresh faith in my writing as Lao-Chin has been hoping and trying to convince me of its worth all along. Hurrah!我以前从未想到过,像从文这样的人生活及成长经历迥异于我居然有着我如此了解的情感,也会有我在别的环境下所熟知的问题并受其困扰。于我而言这是一种全新而深刻的体验,同时这也是我为什么认为所谓无产阶级文学毫无道理的缘故,无论意识形态如何,好的文学作品就是好的。从现在起我将对自己的写作重燃信心,就像老金一直寄望于我并试图让我信服其价值那样。万岁! Lots of lovePhyllis 非常爱你们。 菲丽丝 (一九)三六年一月二十九日 北总布胡同三号P113七May 7th, 36Wilma, Wilma, Wilma,慰梅,慰梅,慰梅: (I have to address the envelope to John because it is more proper for Balliot. )(我得在信封上写明给正清,因为这对白莉奥更合适。) I have been in the yelling mood ever since your last delightful letter,now that another one has come I must answer you right away. There has been a long time I didnt (or couldnt) write to you people because of a gap caused by your sending letters not via Siberia and each took over fifty days to come. (except one which came a little sooner but it must be one that was written later. ) So everything got terribly upsetting. We loved the type-written reports” of where about and what-abouts, but emotionally they are a bit unsatisfactory.自从上回收到你那封令我欣喜非常的信,我一直处于亢奋状态。现在又来了一封,我必须立刻回复。很久以来我没有(或者说没能)及时写信给你们是因为“时间差”,主要是因为你们的信不是经由西伯利亚寄来的,每封信都需要50天才能寄到(只有一封来得快一点儿,不过是后来写的。)所以感觉一切都让人异常扫兴。我们都很喜欢那些关于任何事情来龙去脉的所谓“打字报告”,但情感上他们不是那么能让我们满足。You sound worried about my ways of life, running around helping people in general, lots of worry and no exercise etc. Well,sometimes nothing can be done, it is almost fatal I should slave and waste myself on trash always, tillI mean unless circumstance itself take mercy on me and change. So far the circumstance is none too good for Phyllis the individual, though very smooth for the same person in all the capacities as a family member. The weather is glorious everybody has room re-papered, re-furnished, decorated to re-assume life in better shape. Let me give you a picture to show how it is.你信中提及担心我的生活方式-四处奔忙为他人做嫁,劳心费神又缺乏锻炼等等。是啊,有的时候是没办法。于我这几乎是种灾难,不得不困于这等琐事浪费时间,直到我是说除非命运对我大发慈悲才会有所改变。到目前为止命运对作为个体的菲丽丝不是很好,但是对于同一个人,作为一个家庭成员而言,各方面还算顺利。天气极好,我们大家一起把每间屋子重新裱糊,重新布置并装修过了,期待以后的日子更美好。我来画张图给你看现在的样子。Wilma, Wilma, is there any use my going on writing news.just look at the beds! Aren t they exciting! But the fun is when they are more or less gather in the marked public spots and when they have breakfast one after another, and tea each in his or her room in different styles! Next time you come to Peking, ask for the Liangs boarding house!慰梅,慰梅,我再写新闻给你还有什么用单看这些床就够了!它们不叫人兴奋吗!搞笑的是当它们或多或少按着标出的公用地点放到一起的时候,住在每张床上的人会一个接一个地去吃早点,还要在他们各自的房间以不同的风格喝茶!下次你再来北京的时候,可以考虑下榻梁氏客栈。 I will start another sheet. 我要开始另一页了。 At this point of course the children came back from school insisted on looking at the picture of beds” and identify their own etc etc. Bao-bao is always fussing about her dresses because the weather is getting warm. Helens shirt is a bit out” now. Chung-Chieh has the end of Dollys green dress for a pair of short knickers, very smart. 此刻孩子们放学回家了,
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