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,Module 10 Unit 1 This is his head.,Lets sing and do. Please stand up .,This is a pen.,This is my pen.,his 他的,This is his pen.,This is a pencil.,This is my pencil.,This is his pencil.,This is a panda.,Whats this?,hand,This is his hand.,Whats this?,head,This is his head.,Whats this?,arm,This is his arm.,Whats this?,leg,This is his leg.,Whats this?,foot,This is his foot.,Can you read ?,head hand arm leg foot his,同桌合作检查读单词,看谁读的又快又准。,Game time : Listen and do.(听指令,做动作。) T: Point to your head . ( hand / arm / leg / foot ),Listen and circle the words“hand,head,arm, leg,foot“.,听音并圈出表示身体部位的单词。,同学们,加油啊!,1、看课文动画:大明首先看到了Panpan的哪个身体部位? 2、听音,跟读课文。 3、同桌合作读课文,看谁读的最大声。,head,hand,foot,arm,leg,This is a panda.This is his .,Lets chant.,Head, head, this is his head. Arm, arm, this is his arm. Hand, hand, this is his hand. Leg, leg, this is his leg. Foot, foot, this is his foot.,总结:这节课你学会了 什么?,Homework: 画一幅你喜欢的人,动物或玩具,画好之后用英语句型this is句型对图片的身体部位进行描述,向父母和同学介绍。,Have a good time !,
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