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The Passive Voice,概述,被动语态在英语中的使用非常普遍,尤其以科技英语为甚。而汉语的被动结构并不常见,因为从习惯上将,汉语中的“被”、“遭”、“受”、“挨”等字眼总是给人以不那么舒服的感觉,应此在英汉翻译时,往往尽量将被动语态化为主动。英译汉被动语态的常用方法有:1. 将英语被动语态转为主动(包括保持原主语不变、转换主语、宾语位置、增添适当主语等);2. 将英语被动语态转为汉语的无主句;3. 英语被动语态保持不变;4. 英语被动语态用汉语其他手段代替。 汉语的被动结构一般有三种情况,一是带有“被”、 “遭”、“受”、“挨”等被动标签的句子;二是不带这些被动标签的汉语句子,而后者更为常见;三是原文本身是主动句,但根据句式重心或表达的需要,在翻译时需译作被动语态。,I. The Passive Voice in E-C Translation,Comparing with English, the passive voice is seldom used in Chinese. Therefore, in E-C Translation, we should try to convert the passive into various “active” patterns instead of sticking to the English patterns. And the following are usual methods of translating English sentences in the passive voice. Converting the passive Voice into the Active,(1) Keeping the original Subject unchanged The whole country was armed in a few days. 几天之内全国就武装起来了。 The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated. 他在青少年时期留下的自卑感还远远没有完全消除。 Every moment of every day, energy is being transformed from one form into another. 每时每刻,能量都在由一种形式变为另一种形式。 Since the first test of the atomic bomb the world has learnt the atom can be split and its power can be used. 自从第一颗原子弹试验以来,全世界都已知道,原子可分裂,原子能可利用。,Nuclear powers danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be summed up in one word: radiation. 核能对健康、安全, 甚至对生命本身构成的危险可以用一个词辐射来概括。 On Practice has been translated into many foreign languages. 实践论已译成许多国家的文字。 “One country, two systems” has been adopted to suit Chinas conditions and is not an expedient measure. 采取“一国两制”适合中国国情,并非权宜之计。 (2) Changing Original Object into Subject By the end of the war 800 people had been saved by the organization. 到大战结束时,这个组织拯救了800人。, A new way of displaying time has been given by electronics. 电子技术提供了一种新的显示时间的方法。 Communications satellites are used for international live transmission throughout the world. 全世界都将通信卫星用于国际间的实况转播。 If bad weather is expected, the forecaster must be able to suggest another airport within the range of the aircraft where the weather will be suitable for landing. 如果预计天气恶劣,天气预报人员必须能够在该飞机航程内提出另一个天气适合着陆的机场。 In order to do research in nuclear physics, the young teachers are required to complete a two-year graduate course. 为了能进行核物理方面的研究,要求这些青年教师读完两年研究生课程。, Much has been said about the complication of the nuclear power station reactor. 有关原子能电站反应堆的复杂性已经谈得很多了。 Here is a clear case of the course of human history being affected by the scientific and technological revolution. 这里有一个科学和技术革命影响人类历史进程的明显例子。 (3) Changing the Passive into the Predicative “是” The picture was painted by the Professor Smith. 这幅画是史密斯教授画的。 The house was built of wood in 1985. 这座房子是1985年用木头修建的。, The volume is not measured in square millimeters. It is measured in cubic millimeters. 体积不是以平方毫米计量的,而是以立方毫米计量的。 How can a series of motionless, or still, pictures be blended on a screen to produce motion pictures? 一组不动的即静止的图片是怎样在银幕上连到一起合成电影的呢? The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872. 美国的学分制是1872年在哈佛大学首先实施的。 In the old society,women were looked down upon. 在旧社会,妇女们是受歧视的。,(4) Adding a Subject to Make the Chinese Version Smooth To explore the moons surface, rockets were launched again and again. 为了探测月球的表面,人们一次又一次地发射火箭。 Salt is known to have a very strong corroding effect on metals. 大家知道,盐对金属有很强的腐蚀作用。 It is well known that smoking is harmful to the health. 众所周知,吸烟有害健康。, It must be admitted that only when we get a taste of its abuse will we feel the full meaning of cloning. 我们必须承认,只有当我们尝到克隆被滥用的恶果之后,我们才会彻底明白其价值所在。 Little Derick was found at his book in the reading room. 有人看见小德里克在阅览室看书。 During the enquiry, it was discovered that her death had not been an accident. 在调查中,人们发现她并非死于意外事故。,2. Converting the Passive Voice into a Subjectless Sentence Omission of the subject is one of the typical features of Chinese syntax. Therefore, in the practice of E-C translation, we may translate the passive voice into a subjectless sentence. The unpleasant must be immediately put to an end. 必须立即终止这种讨厌的噪声。 Attention has been paid to the new measures to prevent corrosion. 已经注意到采取防腐新措施。 Best surface finish is provided by machining methods, especially by grinding. 用机械加工方法,特别是磨削,可以获得最佳表面光洁度。, Smoking is prohibited in library. 图书馆内严禁吸烟。 You are supposed to pay right after the books are delivered. 书到后应立即付款。 Quality of products must be guaranteed first. 首先要确保产品的质量。 The goods are urgently needed. 急需此货。 Children should be taught to speak the truth. 应该教育儿童讲真话。,3. Keeping the Passive Structure Unchanged Sometimes, we may keep the passive voice unchanged, especially when it comes to something unpleasant. And the following are some typical patterns. (1) Rendering into Chinese by Using“被”or “给” If the scheme is disapproved, work on the project will stop immediately. 如果方案被否决,这项工程将立即停工。 At the end of the month he was fired for incompetence. 月底,他因不胜任工作而被解雇了。, Any minute we would surely be spotted by enemy planes flying in and out of the airfield. 我们随时都会被
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