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American Culture,American Culture,Objectives of the course 1) Help learners grasp the basic knowledge of American culture 2) Improve learners English level by learning American cultural knowledge,What to learn in the course,American Geography American History The forms of Government American Literature The American Character American Education American Family life Race and Ethnic Relations,Chapter 1 American Geography,The National Anthem and the National Flag Geography,The National Anthem,The Star - Spangled Banner 星条旗永不落于1814年由Francis Scott Key作曲,Woodrow Wilson总统于1916年下令于军中场合演奏,于1931年由国会立法通过成为国歌。 国歌共包括四节,绝大多数场合只唱第一节,尤其是第三节带有反英情绪。,The Star - Spangled Banner,1 Oh, say can you see? by the dawns early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, Oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thru the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave Oer the land of the free and the home of the brave,星条旗永不落,啊!在晨曦初现时,你可看见 是什么让我们如此骄傲? 在黎明的最后一道曙光中欢呼, 是谁的旗帜在激战中始终高扬! 烈火熊熊,炮声隆隆, 我们看到要塞上那面英勇的旗帜 在黑暗过后依然耸立! 啊!你说那星条旗是否会静止, 在自由的土地上飘舞, 在勇者的家园上飞扬?,The National Flag,The American National Flag is the Star-Spangled Banner. In the top left corner there is the blue star area, it dots 50 stars within this area distributing in nine lines and in each line 5 stars and 6 stars interleaving. Outside the star area is the stripe area where 13 stripes lie in this area. The fifty stars represents the 50 states, the thirteen stripes stands for the original 13 colonies. Its generally accepted, the red symbolizes courage, the white represents freedom, and the blue color stands for loyalty and justice.,US Geography,Location and size Geographical features,Location and size,1) the names of the US 2) the location 3) the total land area,The names of US,Official name: the United States of America,Often called as the United States, the U.S., the US, the USA, or simply America, or the States in American spoken English Its nickname Yankee-land(新英格兰),American location,The United States is situated in the central part of North America with its two youngest states Alaska in the northwestern part of North America and Hawaii in the central Pacific. The country is bounded by Canada on the north and by Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico on the south with the Atlantic Ocean on the east and Pacific Ocean on the west.,The total land area,The total area of the country is more than 9.3 million square kilometers, the fourth largest country in the world, smaller than Russia, Canada and China and the total population is more than 300 million now . The whole country includes 50 states and a federal district-Washington.D.C )(华盛顿哥伦比亚特区)(D.C means District of Columbia), which is the seat of the Federal Government.,50 states and their capitals,states capitals 亚拉巴马 Alabama - AL 蒙哥马利 Montgomery 阿拉斯加 Alaska - AK 朱诺 Juneau 亚利桑那 Arizona -AZ 菲尼克斯 Phoenix 阿肯色 Arkansas - AR 小石城 Little rock 加利福尼亚 California - CA 萨克拉门托 Sacramento 科罗拉多 Colorado - CO 丹佛 Denver 康涅狄格 Connecticut - CT 哈特福德 Hartford 特拉华 Delaware - DE 多佛 Dover 佛罗里达 Florida - FL 塔拉哈西 Tallahassee 佐治亚 Georgia - GA 亚特兰大 Atlanta 夏威夷 Hawaii - HI 檀香山 Honolulu 爱达荷 Idaho - ID 博伊西 Boise 伊利诺伊 Illinois - IL 斯普林菲尔德 Springfield 印第安纳 Indiana - IN 印第安纳波利斯 Indianapolis 艾奥瓦 Iowa -IA 得梅因 Des Moines 堪萨斯 Kansas - KS 托皮卡 Topeka 肯塔基 Kentucky - KY 法兰克福 Frankfort 路易斯安那 Louisiana - LA 巴吞鲁日 Baton Rouge 缅因 Maine - ME 奥古斯塔 Augusta 马里兰 Maryland - MD 安纳波利斯 Annapolis 马萨诸塞 Massachusetts - MA 波士顿 Boston 密歇根 Michigan - MI 兰辛 Lansing 明尼苏达 Minnesota - MN 圣保罗 St. Paul,密西西比 Mississippi - MS 杰克逊 Jackson 密苏里 Missouri - MO 杰斐逊城 Jefferson City 蒙大拿 Montana - MT 海伦娜 Helena 内布拉斯加 Nebraska - NE 林肯 Lincoln 内华达 Nevada - NV 卡森城 Carson City 新罕布什尔 New hampshire - NH 康科德 Concord 新泽西 New jersey - NJ 特伦顿 Trenton 新墨西哥 New mexico - NM 圣菲 Santa Fe 纽约 New york - NY奥尔巴尼Albany (New York ,the largest city in USA, is located ) 北卡罗来 North carolina - NC 纳罗利 Raleigh 北达科他 North dakota - ND 俾斯麦 Bismarck 俄亥俄 Ohio - OH 哥伦布 Columbus 俄克拉何马 Oklahoma - OK 俄克拉何马城 Oklahoma City 俄勒冈 Oregon - OR 塞勒姆 Salem 宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania - PA 哈里斯堡 Harrisburg 罗得岛 Rhode island - RL 普罗维登斯 Providence 南卡罗来纳 South carolina - SC 哥伦比亚 Columbia 南达科他 South dakota - SD 皮尔 Pierre 田纳西 Tennessee - TN 纳什维尔 Nashville 得克萨斯 Texas - TX 奥斯汀 Austin 犹他 Utah - UT 盐湖城 Salt Lake City 佛蒙特 Vermont - VT 蒙彼利埃 Montpelier 弗吉尼亚 Virginia - VA 里士满 Richmond 华盛顿 Washington - WA 奥林匹亚 Olympia 西弗吉尼亚 West virginia - WV 查尔斯顿 Charleston 威斯康星 Wisconsin - WI 麦迪逊 Madison 怀俄明 Wyoming - WY 夏延 Cheyenne2,How many states are there in the U.S.? Which one is the largest and which one is the smallest?,In 1959 Alaska and Hawaii became the 49th and the 50th Alaska, the largest in area and Rhode Island(罗得岛州), the smallest; on the mainl
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