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电气附件修理课程涵盖的 签署项目,ELC01:飞机电源系统设备修理 ELC02:电动机修理 ELC03:蓄电池修理 ELC04:机上电器设备修理,ELC01:飞机电源系统设备修理,ELC010:电气附件修理公共部分 ELC011:发电机 (GEN)修理 ELC012:恒速传动装置 (CSD)修理 ELC013:静变流机 (STA. INV.)修理 ELC014:电源控制组件(GCU、BPCU)修理 ELC015:接触器 (GCB)修理 ELC015:变压整流器(TRU)修理 ELC016:电源控制面板 (ELC. MLD.)修理,恒速传动装置(CSD)修理,CSD概述 功用与构造 工作原理 传动方式 分组件功用 CSD维修 分解、清洗、检查、修理、测试 施工安全及防护,CSD功用,CSD功用:把变化的发动机转速,转变为恒定的转速,驱动交流发电机,从而保证发电机输出恒频交流电。,CSD安装位置(737-300),CSD基本构造,基本结构(737-300,ATA 24-11): 轴向差速器(承载轴、游星齿轮&环形齿轮) 液压组件(泵&马达) 调速器(离心飞重&控制活门) 滑油系统 保护装置,CSD基本构造轴向差速器,承载轴(黄色):传动发动机转速; 固定环形齿轮(蓝色):调节1号行星齿轮转速,后者驱动2号行星齿轮; 2号行星齿轮(条纹):驱动输出环形齿轮; 输出环形齿轮(红色):驱动输出齿轮。 速比(输出环形齿轮:承载轴)2:1,CSD基本构造液压组件,可变液压组件为9缸轴向变量柱塞泵,液压泵打油量决定了液压马达转速,高低压力油流向决定了液压马达的转向。 固定液压组件为9缸轴向定量柱塞泵,其转速和转向决定了差速器“固定环形齿轮”的转速和转向。,液压马达输出扭矩M=Cm*(Pg-Pd)*tgm,即大小决定于压差,方向决定于压力油流向,液压泵打油量Qp=Cp*np*tgp,即决定于斜盘倾角 和转速,CSD基本构造调速器,敏感CSD输出转速,通过作动筒连杆,控制液压组件可变斜盘的偏转倾角 速度上升 离心飞重拨杆的力增加 分配活门下移 大腔通回油 作动筒连杆收回 调整螺钉 调节转速(拧紧升高;拧松下降) 电调线圈 精确调节转速(频率),用于精频电子设备,或并联供电时均衡有功负载,CSD基本构造滑油系统,齿轮润滑; 散热; 液压组件传力介质,CSD基本构造保护装置,CSD故障(如超速、超温、低压)时,脱开CSD与发动机的连接。,737 CSD工作原理,CSD传动方式增速传动,输入轴欠速 可变斜盘左偏 液压组件输出轴与承载轴同向 差速器固定环形齿轮与承载轴反向 游星齿轮加速 输出轴加速,CSD传动方式减速传动,输入轴超速 可变斜盘右偏 液压组件输出轴与承载轴反向 差速器固定环形齿轮与承载轴同向 游星齿轮减速 输出轴减速,CSD传动方式总结,CSD分组件的功用,调速器:敏感CSD输出转速,控制液压组件可变斜盘的偏转倾角 液压组件: 根据可变斜盘倾角,调整“固定环形齿轮” 的转向和转速,进而调节游星齿轮转速 差速器:承载轴传递发动机转速;游星齿轮调节输出齿轮的转速 滑油系统:齿轮润滑、散热;液压组件传力介质 保护装置:CSD故障时报警,或脱离发动机,CSD分组件的功用,滑油系统全姿态油箱涡流室: 分离回油中的空气。 含气滑油旋转-滑油 沿内壁流入油箱下腔, 空气从中央导管排到 油箱上腔。,CSD分组件的功用,滑油系统压差指示器: 指示滑油滤堵塞。 堵塞时内腔油压 升高,油滤旁通。 同时磁性柱塞左移,指示按钮失去吸力而弹出。,CSD分组件的功用,保护装置脱开机构: 功用:CSD故 障时,脱开CSD与发动机的连接。 原理:驾驶舱按钮- 电磁阀柱塞缩入- 卡爪衔接输入轴- 输入轴继续旋转- 犬牙脱开-两轴分离。 复位:地面,拉出 手柄,电磁阀柱塞 伸入卡爪凹槽。,CSD的分解 (HS CMM 24-11-75),分解外部零件 CAUTION: DO NOT PULL HARNESS WIRES TO FREE CONNECTORS. CSD整体分解 NOTE: Rotate the governor adjustment screw fully clockwise (see Figure 106) before splitting the transmission to prevent interference with the housing.,CSD的分解,分解输入组件(IPL FIG1103) WARNING: COVER IS SPRING-LOADED. USE CARE WHEN REMOVING TO PREVENT PERSONAL INJURY. NOTE: Screws (26) are secured with Loctite and will require extra effort to break loose. Do not remove sight glass components (57 through 63) unless damaged or leakage is suspected. Using a torch, apply heat evenly to the housing around the perimeter of the sight glass (62), using care not to overheat the housing. Apply even heat until sight glass falls out. If necessary, use a nylon-pointed tool to aid in removal of the sight glass.,CSD的分解,分解输出组件(IPL FIG1104) CAUTION: USE CARE WHEN REMOVING CARBON JOURNAL BEARINGS (51). THE BEARINGS ARE BRITTLE AND CHIP OR CRACK EASILY. A DAMAGED BEARING MAY HAVE TO BE REPLACED. PROTECT BEARINGS FROM DAMAGE AFTER DISASSEMBLY.,CSD的检查,Visually check the condition of the magnetic chip detector plug (2, Figure 1101) according to Figure 302.,CSD的检查,Perform dynamic solenoid test as follows: Make visual check of solenoid (20, Figure 1103) and connector (21). Push down and release solenoid plunger several times to check return spring and plunger sleeve for free movement. Put solenoid in vee block of test fixture 6SV-92071 (see Figure 303). Add weights necessary to apply 12 pounds side load to solenoid plunger. Apply 17 volts direct current to the solenoid. An acceptable solenoid will actuate and allow the weight to fall.,CSD的检查,CSD的检查,Perform an X-ray or borescope check of the swirl chamber (14, Figure 1104) if blockage is suspected. If blockage cannot be removed, discard the swirl chamber.,CSD的修理,Repair Notes Note 51: Input stationary seal (33, Figure 1101) may be repaired according to Figure 402. Note 52: Input seal mating ring (34, Figure 1101) may be repaired according to Figure 403. Note 53: Output stationary seal (43, Figure 1101) may be repaired according to Figure 404. Note 54: Output seal mating ring (44, Figure 1101) may be repaired according to Figure 405. Note 55: Seal retainer assembly (27, Figure 1101) may be repaired according to Figure 406. Note 56: Bearing liner (44, Figure 1103) may be replaced according to Figure 407. Note 57: Disconnect solenoid electrical connector (21, Figure 1103) may be replaced according to Figure 408.,CSD的修理,Seal retainer assembly (27, Figure 1101) may be repaired according to Figure 406.,CSD组装,Output Shaft and Clutch Assembly Relationship,CSD组装,Route the governor trim lead through loop clamps (28, Figure 1104) and throughthe hole in the side of the output housing. Install screws (26 and 27). Form a loop in the excess lead and position it against the scavenge pump (refer to Figure 511A). Be sure loop clamp is positioned as shown in Figure 511A.,CSD组装,Thread connector guide 6SV-91684 onto the lead of solenoid (20) to guide the lead through its locating hole in the side of the input housing. Thread guide tool AKS-10450 into the solenoid to facilitate installation and bottom the solenoid in its cavity in the input housing (see Figure 518).,CSD组装,CAUTION: IF INFORMATION TO BE STEEL-STAMPED RATHER THAN VIBROETCHED ON THE MODIFICATION PLATE, REMOVE THE PLATE FROM THE TRANSMISSION BEFORE MARKING TO PREVENT
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